It's like an enchantment is cast on these young people. I can see the attraction in cross dressing if you can earn so much money by doing it, but to then be persuaded to make actual physical alterations to your body (it's the only one you have) is beyond sinister.
I am still in awe of how it's manifested. This quasi-religious and pseudo-scientific cult ideology has somehow convinced millions that they have a gender 'soul' or just random and mysterious 'gender' that is sadly 'trapped' in the 'wrong body'. With a lot of original 'sin' thrown in to be cast off and be saved and reborn. So if that is 'trapped' it must be released. And please can you pay us, oh and film your 'transformation' for us. Then the cult flexes and bends to justify and accept anything and no one can challenge that as no one seems to know how it has evolved.
It's absolutely horrific! These men are making the world so much more dangerous for girls, using this boy to play out their fantasies of what they want teenage girls to be like. Can you imagine the reaction if a white person played at being a black slave for some perverted race fantasy? It's no different! But because girls and women are the losers here, it doesn't matter.
I’ve left a few comments demanding where my prescription is and why haven’t they responded to my emails, just like the other comments, to gain momentum and open up the conversation.
The best way to counter a cultural movement that glamorizes transgenderism is to mock the shit out of it. Through satire and humor, we can make it abundantly clear, especially to young people, that there is nothing glamorous about trooning out at all. That the working class and middle class don’t see it as glamorous, and trying to fit in with a rich elite that hates your guts and will try to sell bug-eating and gulag-pod-living to you, is a waste of time. That trooning out isn’t edgy or rebellious, it’s something the rich and powerful openly celebrate.
Far from being stunning and brave, it is a cowardly refusal to accept reality as it is, and to actually deal with the root causes of your mental issues.
Trooning out does not turn you into a bombshell superstar, but a disgusting hag that crawled from the deepest, darkest recesses of the uncanny valley, with horrible health problems and a necrotic, nonfunctional patchwork that used to be healthy genitals.
Once it is clear to them that transgenderism is ugly, ridiculous, AND popular with the richest, most powerful people in the world, they will want nothing to do with it.
Unfortunately these deluded people want to be the richest and most popular people. Being working class is looked down upon. I think it will take a lot more than what you suggest to bring this depravity down, if it ever can be brought down. This has always lurked as a sub-culture, and is now mainstream.
OMG ,it beggars belief that the Webberleys are NOT in jail. This pair are actively trying to destroy vulnerable children and getting away with it !! Have they no morals or ethics at all ?? Also ,to see that young man self destruct for fame and money is heartbreaking and when he finally wakes up and realises what he's done to himself ,his " fans" and influencers will turn on him in the most vicious way before melting away and leaving him to cope with the damage to his body. I really hope he comes to his senses before he makes irreversible changes.🙏🙏🙏 Thanks ,Graham ❤️👏👍x
I agree Susan. He is so immature and naive that it all must seem glamorous and their attention must feel good. I can't help but wonder where his parents are in this?
So the lesson is NEVER cross dress online if you’re a teenager. I wonder what the statistics would be on this. Is the main focus teenage boys, or are there an equal number of predators looking for girls who can be persuaded to cross dress? I have a feeling it would be more boys than girls.
Mengele returns for his 'second life' but learned nothing from his previous one.
The Devil slipped up badly there, but I guess, that's what The Devil would do.
I'm now so old I'm thinking of taking on an Only Fans account, where men would pay me £THOUSANDS to keep my clothes ON! Tee hee. Looks at body in mirror....where men would pay me £MILLIONS to keep myself covered up.
Very sick, sick world. The only thing that can be said for Mr/Mrs Mengele is they are made for each other.
I went with my solicitor and Sarah Vine KC to Westminster Magistrates Court on 21st Feb. I was astonished as the 2 barristers outlined a process of a 3 hours "Case Management Hearing" on 5th June at City of London MC in front of a Stipendiary magistrate ("District Judge"), to be followed by a 3 days, 3 days! substantive hearing on October 24-26th. The interplay of criminal and civil procedure was a "lawyers' playground"!! Two days later I had a Zoom call with the solicitor and Sarah Vine, who dropped news: "Oh, and by the way I will not be doing this Pro Bono anymore, as it is so complicated". Well, thanks a bunch. I thought about this. A few days later I dismissed both of them and I chased very very hard after Grant Deg, the Assistant Director for Legal Services for Hammersmith Council for a phone conversation. After 10 days I finally got through to him. Would he agree that I can display anything that has previously been published, EXCEPT nudity and scars? He mentioned a poster saying "Gender Identity is Insane". OK, I won't display that either. I said that latest ET cases all support the fact that it is legal to express GC views, I genuinely do not understand the term "transphobic" and I need guidance so that we can agree terminology. He agreed to write me a letter. That was on 13th March. It is now 23rd March, and I have received no letter. BUT I don't mind really. This is a "wack-a-mole" situation: I can change my display and wait for them to catch up. In the meantime I am getting stickers from Sex Matters and Adult Human Female added to my door from supporters - I did mention this to Mr Deg. He was interested. The Council has better things to do than chase pensioners for ASBOs (or equivalent!) and they don't want to waste money on legal fees. Pensioner: 1 Council 0
I do need a letter from the Council sometime soon. I have a balance of £900 still left with the solicitor and need to reallocate this to similar GC cases IF, but only IF the Council and I can agree a workable set of criteria. Watch this space. Thank you for your interest.
The latest ET case is Kevin Lister (@KevsTribulations on Twitter): Please give him some money. He is fighting THREE cases: (1) with Bad Law Project he is seeking a JR against the Dept for Education about their useless "advisory" guidance on Trans in schools (2) his own unfair dismissal claim (3) challenging the vindictive removal of his DBS clearance which he needs to work as a teacher in any school. He is a very good man, like our Glinner.
Keep at it Una-Jane. I am so sorry; so you have decided to stop fighting it as the pro bono was dropped? I am not second-guessing your decision, I fully support you, and your response is very sensible, but am very sad that you can't access that process as yes, it is complicated by the nature of this field, so expertise to fight it and advocate for you is expensive. So as a result you are prevented as it's no longer pro bono. Meanwhile anonymous men remotely direct and pay children to self-abuse under their direction and influence and pay handsomely for it. And that gets a free pass.
I have not given in. Not at all: I have kept all my posters on my door! The Council seem to have no way to remove them. The legal process has ground to a halt for the time being, and it seems to be a stalemate because I started the required process, I discontinued it in order to talk directly to the Council and - I believe - they don't seem to know what they want to achieve. This happens in politics!
Of course, I'm not saying you have given in - very good to hear. I find legal processes totally bizarre as they seem to involve luck a lot of the time. Then you can pay for luck if you are...lucky I guess and it's fingers crossed the truth and justice happens. I've seen good outcomes happen from dropped cases as they've been taken up by others, or after other events but it can take a while. Glad you are calling their bluff.
Many of this is Councils or others acting outside their powers or being very heavy-handed in their often confused approach. I always hope there is a bigger authority to remind them of that :-)
Gosh Glinner, I just had a thought. I am getting on a bit now - born 1942 - but if I moved to Scotland could I change sex - oops 'gender' - and then commit a thought crime (there will be so many under impending Scots legislation) and then, on being found guilty sentenced to the women's estate, I might even get to share library or laundry duties with my heroine JKR when she's imprisoned in Scotland for her long and pervidious history of claiming there are only two sexes? It's just a thought given the services so generously offered under the counter by Webberley Inc.
I think it’s just that online predators have got kids completely worked out. They’ve got very good at manipulating them into doing exactly what they want them to do, while I guess making the child think every decision they make has been their own.
Yes. Life in recent decades used to be about learning and experimenting until maybe you settle or find yourself on a path. And grow out of stuff or learn it's not so great or healthy. And you survived to be old enough to procreate. And your brain growth allows that by your mid-20s. Now we push kids into shark-infested waters with these devices and wonder where it all went wrong. If you can't see the creepy man is older than you in real life, and neither can your caregivers, or friends, you begin to trust and rely on that nice person (maybe your age or pretending to be, so much in common, honest) who is always there at the end of your phone when you're lonely or need to talk and everyone else is ignoring you and your needs. So you are groomed for weeks or months, hour after hour and very intensely. Society moved opportunities for grooming online and gave it the 21st Century tech psychedelic boost it really didn't need.
I'm on a few forums and there are some clearly vulnerable adults on them and I want to weep in despair at what we've done in this Century. I've been caught out with a few people where things didn't add up, then they disappeared or were blocked. So many needing help for such a range of issues. Asking total strangers, or very unstable and desperate, so very good moderation is needed. The 'usual' trolling or cruel or bizarre responses. I can't say, no! Don't drink bleach it won't cure your headache/ankle pain/mystery pain/dysphoria. People, including me, can and will believe anything with enough pressure or context to and where there is an element of trust. Too many very vulnerable people are being pushed online to seek help or support. There is nothing and no one giving them any help and they pour that all out on screen. Then people they should trust like teachers, doctors and parents are unable, lone voices, or pushing this propaganda. It's a different culture and the rules change and are hidden, until you get a poor or good response, then where can you go to work out why? Why online of course. 'On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog' is a very accurate image. Woof!
We had risks to deal with but they were all out in the physical world. A much smaller pool of predators to deal with. I’ve heard a couple of men on Benjamin Boyce’s channel ( Richie and Alistair) say that the paedophiles were online as soon as it became a social phenomenon. Access to the world’s children. Or at least those parts that had internet access.
Yes, absolutely. Spatial analysis, we were literally only exposed to those who could access us with those physical locations or older forms of tech. We had perverts phoning us up or stealing underwear from washing lines and exposing themselves in the street. And local communities knew. An older lady was talking to me by chance about the local bobby who knew who the 'local pervert' and 'flasher' was. And we were taught and learnt warnings and to be wary (not that this can ever stop a determined abuser). Genderology has so many similarities to the Catholic Church and the way that too was and still is covered up. I was not allowed to be in rooms alone with some 'family priests' and it was 'managed' as best it could be. Everyone knew why, but only in my older teen years did I realise exactly why and things are still being revealed 50 years after events that happened before I was born. We have forgotten or not be bothered to learn those lessons at our peril. I cannot bear the sometimes deliberate naivety.
I am particularly interested in risk and behaviour and the application to public health in my work, so we are still trying to officially figure this out over twenty years (nearer 30) after it become so popular to move everything 'online'. I was an early adopter anyway for a few reasons and in the 90s forums when it was on the one hand geeky and an almost innocent time, but a steep learning curve, and those behaviours were there even back then. I am female and was actually taken more seriously in tech or 'male' fields, so when people then met me professionally in person for technical meetings (usually in groups of older men/men) the dynamic was quite different (what's a woman know about XYZ and I would be spoken over and credit for my work assumed to be by others). Tech and engineering has a high proportion of those who struggle with other forms of interaction and there is a lot of disturbing behaviour from successful or driven people so it was brilliant for many, but as you say, an open door with no safety measures and a heap of trust/identity checking failures that are both informal and formal that we go through in 'real' life.
When I used to chat with those who develop this online stuff, if you have kids, do your own kids use it? They were the ones saying 'no way' or 'only when they're old enough' and 'only for some things' decades ago.
The more parts of the world getting access later, which is allowing access and equality and all the good things like disease prevention and access to finance, they are also being thrown into the seedier and more damaging scam sides with fewer protections. And relatively much wealthier Western men have capitalised on that purchasing power. This is all in the hands of the few, so no wonder WPATH was full of male lawyers, business owners, surgeons, entrepreneurs, and software people.
Demon infested waters. I've heard the Vatican are still covering up for men like that, which does nothing to regain trust and respect. I happen to be just starting to look into Christianity, and am looking at the different types of churches, reading up on catechism and all that. I bet it's easier when you start as a child.
Yes. And you're right, it doesn't and many are still fighting to be heard. For me, well, it's familiar - so I think I tend to be slightly better at spotting (religious) indoctrination. It really takes your ability to flip your brain and believe (or not) the unthinkable that others are telling you isn't or can't be happening (but it is your experience, like abuse). It's in my lifetime that I had to keep quiet about my background for some jobs, or in some social groups and I wasn't really allowed to 'celebrate' Halloween or Guy Fawkes as a child. I still hear slurs now, and also about 'the Irish' within UK Government circles. Jokes about terrorism are not uncommon, or our supposed stupidity. I also get a bit annoyed when nice middle-class parents openly lie to get their kids into 'church' schools and then ask me what's going on having lied their way in. My friend's son was terrified about the crown of thorns and it was stopping him from sleeping. So much like that would terrify a small boy (and it used to me too as there were images up all around houses let alone the statues).
I was also part-in and part-out as my father was not of the same religion and then my parents divorced. I know a few who are lovely and happen to be of many other faiths, and quite a few 'lapsed' or less observant but very decent too. I do miss the better and definitely community aspects of faith and church which my grandparents and their communities relied on. I have been shown some amazing grace and kindness from some. But then from agnostics and atheists and those with no labels and beliefs too.
It sounds like being a Catholic child was not such an easy time of it. Speaking of images, I can remember twenty years back seeing life size alabaster crucifixes in church graveyards. It was quite surreal to me.
My childhood was Christian lite. A nan who made my parents get me christened in case I died and couldn't get into heaven, Hymns sung in school assembly, a mum who took us to a Methodist church because she wanted to make friends, and a grandma who believed in fairies. How does Catholicism stand on fairies I wonder.
Similar to my childhood in many respects as I was at a school where we sang hymns but it was very subtle and unforced and I sat with my Muslim friend who opted out of morning prayers and when I gave my reasoning I was allowed to sit and keep her company. My gran was apparently always sprinkling me with Holy water 'just in case' I wasn't being properly Catholic enough and shhh I was never baptised as a child and was also told I would go straight to hell by others who think that's a funny thing. My family were two sides of a sectarian divide. I have actually had these 'but what about fairies' and belief chats with nuns and priests and other fairly senior people who are much nicer, more welcoming and pragmatic. And also with hospital and other chaplains. I was in some ways protected by my mother due to her experiences, and so we weren't brought up 'in' the Church (still went to services and was confused by lots). My more Jesuitical and fairly unpleasant relative recently revealed how angry she still is at her for not letting us be 'in the fold' etc. Like we are lost sheep. My sister and I were viewed as outcasts. I feel very much for 'detransitioners' as being 'in' or 'ex' cultlike anything can be a hard route. I am not sure what I am now, I attended a church as an adult and then found it worse than Catholicism (it was Evangelical). And my great grandmother converted for love, so there we go.
A Catholic friend at Uni was shocked by my experiences and things had very much changed since - so you weren't/aren't ex-communicated for being divorced or with divorced parents and could receive blessings and be welcomed. I think I was still believing things that had actually changed - that shows how things can change despite your own little family or community holding on, especially true where you leave a country and hold the old ways dear. And a lot can change between generations.
Being in Ireland and seeing the shrines by the road taps into things we think going back Centuries - it's a mix of beliefs, spirituality and community. Very strangely I was discussing a large memorial to a relative of mine the other day - it was put up to remember someone who was much loved and that's what's supposed to be at the heart of all this.
This information prompted me to look up Helen Webberley's twitter account. Fecking hell - she's monstrous. Either she's mad or she's evil, not a word to use lightly but can't think of a more accurate one. I could not believe what I was reading and wonder how many young lives she has ruined.
It's like an enchantment is cast on these young people. I can see the attraction in cross dressing if you can earn so much money by doing it, but to then be persuaded to make actual physical alterations to your body (it's the only one you have) is beyond sinister.
I am still in awe of how it's manifested. This quasi-religious and pseudo-scientific cult ideology has somehow convinced millions that they have a gender 'soul' or just random and mysterious 'gender' that is sadly 'trapped' in the 'wrong body'. With a lot of original 'sin' thrown in to be cast off and be saved and reborn. So if that is 'trapped' it must be released. And please can you pay us, oh and film your 'transformation' for us. Then the cult flexes and bends to justify and accept anything and no one can challenge that as no one seems to know how it has evolved.
It's absolutely horrific! These men are making the world so much more dangerous for girls, using this boy to play out their fantasies of what they want teenage girls to be like. Can you imagine the reaction if a white person played at being a black slave for some perverted race fantasy? It's no different! But because girls and women are the losers here, it doesn't matter.
Things are not good at Gender GP, customers are complaining they’ve not received their prescriptions.
Oh my god! I'm shocked that after all the trouble they've been in that they have an actual page on FB. I am so naive 😞
I know, she’s got a lot of front, I lurk here a lot.
I see what you mean ... and it's soooo tempting to leave messages to try and get some sense into these idiots heads!
I’ve left a few comments demanding where my prescription is and why haven’t they responded to my emails, just like the other comments, to gain momentum and open up the conversation.
haha, yer I've left a few messages too. Couldn't help myself after reading their mind-bending crap!
The best way to counter a cultural movement that glamorizes transgenderism is to mock the shit out of it. Through satire and humor, we can make it abundantly clear, especially to young people, that there is nothing glamorous about trooning out at all. That the working class and middle class don’t see it as glamorous, and trying to fit in with a rich elite that hates your guts and will try to sell bug-eating and gulag-pod-living to you, is a waste of time. That trooning out isn’t edgy or rebellious, it’s something the rich and powerful openly celebrate.
Far from being stunning and brave, it is a cowardly refusal to accept reality as it is, and to actually deal with the root causes of your mental issues.
Trooning out does not turn you into a bombshell superstar, but a disgusting hag that crawled from the deepest, darkest recesses of the uncanny valley, with horrible health problems and a necrotic, nonfunctional patchwork that used to be healthy genitals.
Once it is clear to them that transgenderism is ugly, ridiculous, AND popular with the richest, most powerful people in the world, they will want nothing to do with it.
Unfortunately these deluded people want to be the richest and most popular people. Being working class is looked down upon. I think it will take a lot more than what you suggest to bring this depravity down, if it ever can be brought down. This has always lurked as a sub-culture, and is now mainstream.
OMG ,it beggars belief that the Webberleys are NOT in jail. This pair are actively trying to destroy vulnerable children and getting away with it !! Have they no morals or ethics at all ?? Also ,to see that young man self destruct for fame and money is heartbreaking and when he finally wakes up and realises what he's done to himself ,his " fans" and influencers will turn on him in the most vicious way before melting away and leaving him to cope with the damage to his body. I really hope he comes to his senses before he makes irreversible changes.🙏🙏🙏 Thanks ,Graham ❤️👏👍x
I agree Susan. He is so immature and naive that it all must seem glamorous and their attention must feel good. I can't help but wonder where his parents are in this?
Creepy stuff.
"You are not straight" Wow, transphobic
So the lesson is NEVER cross dress online if you’re a teenager. I wonder what the statistics would be on this. Is the main focus teenage boys, or are there an equal number of predators looking for girls who can be persuaded to cross dress? I have a feeling it would be more boys than girls.
There must be so many lawsuits coming down the line as these kids get older and wiser
Mengele returns for his 'second life' but learned nothing from his previous one.
The Devil slipped up badly there, but I guess, that's what The Devil would do.
I'm now so old I'm thinking of taking on an Only Fans account, where men would pay me £THOUSANDS to keep my clothes ON! Tee hee. Looks at body in mirror....where men would pay me £MILLIONS to keep myself covered up.
Very sick, sick world. The only thing that can be said for Mr/Mrs Mengele is they are made for each other.
Can't the Spanish police arrest her? Hasn't she committed an offence - prescribing puberty blockers which are banned in the UK?
Una , apologies if I’m wrong , but are you the lady who had posters in your window /door ?
Can you update us . I don’t do any sm so I’m not up to scratch
Again apologies if I’m wrong
Yes, Petal, I am the "(68 year old) pensioner" with posters on my door in one of the most visited tourist pathways in west London. My Crowdfunder is still up:
I went with my solicitor and Sarah Vine KC to Westminster Magistrates Court on 21st Feb. I was astonished as the 2 barristers outlined a process of a 3 hours "Case Management Hearing" on 5th June at City of London MC in front of a Stipendiary magistrate ("District Judge"), to be followed by a 3 days, 3 days! substantive hearing on October 24-26th. The interplay of criminal and civil procedure was a "lawyers' playground"!! Two days later I had a Zoom call with the solicitor and Sarah Vine, who dropped news: "Oh, and by the way I will not be doing this Pro Bono anymore, as it is so complicated". Well, thanks a bunch. I thought about this. A few days later I dismissed both of them and I chased very very hard after Grant Deg, the Assistant Director for Legal Services for Hammersmith Council for a phone conversation. After 10 days I finally got through to him. Would he agree that I can display anything that has previously been published, EXCEPT nudity and scars? He mentioned a poster saying "Gender Identity is Insane". OK, I won't display that either. I said that latest ET cases all support the fact that it is legal to express GC views, I genuinely do not understand the term "transphobic" and I need guidance so that we can agree terminology. He agreed to write me a letter. That was on 13th March. It is now 23rd March, and I have received no letter. BUT I don't mind really. This is a "wack-a-mole" situation: I can change my display and wait for them to catch up. In the meantime I am getting stickers from Sex Matters and Adult Human Female added to my door from supporters - I did mention this to Mr Deg. He was interested. The Council has better things to do than chase pensioners for ASBOs (or equivalent!) and they don't want to waste money on legal fees. Pensioner: 1 Council 0
I do need a letter from the Council sometime soon. I have a balance of £900 still left with the solicitor and need to reallocate this to similar GC cases IF, but only IF the Council and I can agree a workable set of criteria. Watch this space. Thank you for your interest.
Hi Una , I do hope you continue to fight , I’m sure most of us here will help , thank you for the update , much of this crap is very much hidden x
The latest ET case is Kevin Lister (@KevsTribulations on Twitter): Please give him some money. He is fighting THREE cases: (1) with Bad Law Project he is seeking a JR against the Dept for Education about their useless "advisory" guidance on Trans in schools (2) his own unfair dismissal claim (3) challenging the vindictive removal of his DBS clearance which he needs to work as a teacher in any school. He is a very good man, like our Glinner.
Thanks for the update Una. I know about this case too. Will donate.
Keep at it Una-Jane. I am so sorry; so you have decided to stop fighting it as the pro bono was dropped? I am not second-guessing your decision, I fully support you, and your response is very sensible, but am very sad that you can't access that process as yes, it is complicated by the nature of this field, so expertise to fight it and advocate for you is expensive. So as a result you are prevented as it's no longer pro bono. Meanwhile anonymous men remotely direct and pay children to self-abuse under their direction and influence and pay handsomely for it. And that gets a free pass.
I have not given in. Not at all: I have kept all my posters on my door! The Council seem to have no way to remove them. The legal process has ground to a halt for the time being, and it seems to be a stalemate because I started the required process, I discontinued it in order to talk directly to the Council and - I believe - they don't seem to know what they want to achieve. This happens in politics!
Of course, I'm not saying you have given in - very good to hear. I find legal processes totally bizarre as they seem to involve luck a lot of the time. Then you can pay for luck if you are...lucky I guess and it's fingers crossed the truth and justice happens. I've seen good outcomes happen from dropped cases as they've been taken up by others, or after other events but it can take a while. Glad you are calling their bluff.
Many of this is Councils or others acting outside their powers or being very heavy-handed in their often confused approach. I always hope there is a bigger authority to remind them of that :-)
I did donate and will do so again if necessary
Cold hard cash , that’s all they’re interested in , humanity and well being of children doesn’t enter into it
Monsters each and every fucking one of them
Gosh Glinner, I just had a thought. I am getting on a bit now - born 1942 - but if I moved to Scotland could I change sex - oops 'gender' - and then commit a thought crime (there will be so many under impending Scots legislation) and then, on being found guilty sentenced to the women's estate, I might even get to share library or laundry duties with my heroine JKR when she's imprisoned in Scotland for her long and pervidious history of claiming there are only two sexes? It's just a thought given the services so generously offered under the counter by Webberley Inc.
There might be lots of us fighting for library duties in the dystopian future ahead under Labour.
But does F1nn5ter have child-bearing hips? I think not, nor will he ever have.
O god shivers my timbers that youngsters think this ok and encouraged , it’s depraved and vile ,and our so called leaders think this is ok
I’ll be first in the revolution
O no wait I’m not allowed to open my gob up here
I think it’s just that online predators have got kids completely worked out. They’ve got very good at manipulating them into doing exactly what they want them to do, while I guess making the child think every decision they make has been their own.
Yes. Life in recent decades used to be about learning and experimenting until maybe you settle or find yourself on a path. And grow out of stuff or learn it's not so great or healthy. And you survived to be old enough to procreate. And your brain growth allows that by your mid-20s. Now we push kids into shark-infested waters with these devices and wonder where it all went wrong. If you can't see the creepy man is older than you in real life, and neither can your caregivers, or friends, you begin to trust and rely on that nice person (maybe your age or pretending to be, so much in common, honest) who is always there at the end of your phone when you're lonely or need to talk and everyone else is ignoring you and your needs. So you are groomed for weeks or months, hour after hour and very intensely. Society moved opportunities for grooming online and gave it the 21st Century tech psychedelic boost it really didn't need.
I'm on a few forums and there are some clearly vulnerable adults on them and I want to weep in despair at what we've done in this Century. I've been caught out with a few people where things didn't add up, then they disappeared or were blocked. So many needing help for such a range of issues. Asking total strangers, or very unstable and desperate, so very good moderation is needed. The 'usual' trolling or cruel or bizarre responses. I can't say, no! Don't drink bleach it won't cure your headache/ankle pain/mystery pain/dysphoria. People, including me, can and will believe anything with enough pressure or context to and where there is an element of trust. Too many very vulnerable people are being pushed online to seek help or support. There is nothing and no one giving them any help and they pour that all out on screen. Then people they should trust like teachers, doctors and parents are unable, lone voices, or pushing this propaganda. It's a different culture and the rules change and are hidden, until you get a poor or good response, then where can you go to work out why? Why online of course. 'On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog' is a very accurate image. Woof!
We had risks to deal with but they were all out in the physical world. A much smaller pool of predators to deal with. I’ve heard a couple of men on Benjamin Boyce’s channel ( Richie and Alistair) say that the paedophiles were online as soon as it became a social phenomenon. Access to the world’s children. Or at least those parts that had internet access.
Yes, absolutely. Spatial analysis, we were literally only exposed to those who could access us with those physical locations or older forms of tech. We had perverts phoning us up or stealing underwear from washing lines and exposing themselves in the street. And local communities knew. An older lady was talking to me by chance about the local bobby who knew who the 'local pervert' and 'flasher' was. And we were taught and learnt warnings and to be wary (not that this can ever stop a determined abuser). Genderology has so many similarities to the Catholic Church and the way that too was and still is covered up. I was not allowed to be in rooms alone with some 'family priests' and it was 'managed' as best it could be. Everyone knew why, but only in my older teen years did I realise exactly why and things are still being revealed 50 years after events that happened before I was born. We have forgotten or not be bothered to learn those lessons at our peril. I cannot bear the sometimes deliberate naivety.
I am particularly interested in risk and behaviour and the application to public health in my work, so we are still trying to officially figure this out over twenty years (nearer 30) after it become so popular to move everything 'online'. I was an early adopter anyway for a few reasons and in the 90s forums when it was on the one hand geeky and an almost innocent time, but a steep learning curve, and those behaviours were there even back then. I am female and was actually taken more seriously in tech or 'male' fields, so when people then met me professionally in person for technical meetings (usually in groups of older men/men) the dynamic was quite different (what's a woman know about XYZ and I would be spoken over and credit for my work assumed to be by others). Tech and engineering has a high proportion of those who struggle with other forms of interaction and there is a lot of disturbing behaviour from successful or driven people so it was brilliant for many, but as you say, an open door with no safety measures and a heap of trust/identity checking failures that are both informal and formal that we go through in 'real' life.
When I used to chat with those who develop this online stuff, if you have kids, do your own kids use it? They were the ones saying 'no way' or 'only when they're old enough' and 'only for some things' decades ago.
The more parts of the world getting access later, which is allowing access and equality and all the good things like disease prevention and access to finance, they are also being thrown into the seedier and more damaging scam sides with fewer protections. And relatively much wealthier Western men have capitalised on that purchasing power. This is all in the hands of the few, so no wonder WPATH was full of male lawyers, business owners, surgeons, entrepreneurs, and software people.
Demon infested waters. I've heard the Vatican are still covering up for men like that, which does nothing to regain trust and respect. I happen to be just starting to look into Christianity, and am looking at the different types of churches, reading up on catechism and all that. I bet it's easier when you start as a child.
Yes. And you're right, it doesn't and many are still fighting to be heard. For me, well, it's familiar - so I think I tend to be slightly better at spotting (religious) indoctrination. It really takes your ability to flip your brain and believe (or not) the unthinkable that others are telling you isn't or can't be happening (but it is your experience, like abuse). It's in my lifetime that I had to keep quiet about my background for some jobs, or in some social groups and I wasn't really allowed to 'celebrate' Halloween or Guy Fawkes as a child. I still hear slurs now, and also about 'the Irish' within UK Government circles. Jokes about terrorism are not uncommon, or our supposed stupidity. I also get a bit annoyed when nice middle-class parents openly lie to get their kids into 'church' schools and then ask me what's going on having lied their way in. My friend's son was terrified about the crown of thorns and it was stopping him from sleeping. So much like that would terrify a small boy (and it used to me too as there were images up all around houses let alone the statues).
I was also part-in and part-out as my father was not of the same religion and then my parents divorced. I know a few who are lovely and happen to be of many other faiths, and quite a few 'lapsed' or less observant but very decent too. I do miss the better and definitely community aspects of faith and church which my grandparents and their communities relied on. I have been shown some amazing grace and kindness from some. But then from agnostics and atheists and those with no labels and beliefs too.
It sounds like being a Catholic child was not such an easy time of it. Speaking of images, I can remember twenty years back seeing life size alabaster crucifixes in church graveyards. It was quite surreal to me.
My childhood was Christian lite. A nan who made my parents get me christened in case I died and couldn't get into heaven, Hymns sung in school assembly, a mum who took us to a Methodist church because she wanted to make friends, and a grandma who believed in fairies. How does Catholicism stand on fairies I wonder.
Sorry, I meant life size alabaster crucifixes in Ireland.
Similar to my childhood in many respects as I was at a school where we sang hymns but it was very subtle and unforced and I sat with my Muslim friend who opted out of morning prayers and when I gave my reasoning I was allowed to sit and keep her company. My gran was apparently always sprinkling me with Holy water 'just in case' I wasn't being properly Catholic enough and shhh I was never baptised as a child and was also told I would go straight to hell by others who think that's a funny thing. My family were two sides of a sectarian divide. I have actually had these 'but what about fairies' and belief chats with nuns and priests and other fairly senior people who are much nicer, more welcoming and pragmatic. And also with hospital and other chaplains. I was in some ways protected by my mother due to her experiences, and so we weren't brought up 'in' the Church (still went to services and was confused by lots). My more Jesuitical and fairly unpleasant relative recently revealed how angry she still is at her for not letting us be 'in the fold' etc. Like we are lost sheep. My sister and I were viewed as outcasts. I feel very much for 'detransitioners' as being 'in' or 'ex' cultlike anything can be a hard route. I am not sure what I am now, I attended a church as an adult and then found it worse than Catholicism (it was Evangelical). And my great grandmother converted for love, so there we go.
A Catholic friend at Uni was shocked by my experiences and things had very much changed since - so you weren't/aren't ex-communicated for being divorced or with divorced parents and could receive blessings and be welcomed. I think I was still believing things that had actually changed - that shows how things can change despite your own little family or community holding on, especially true where you leave a country and hold the old ways dear. And a lot can change between generations.
Being in Ireland and seeing the shrines by the road taps into things we think going back Centuries - it's a mix of beliefs, spirituality and community. Very strangely I was discussing a large memorial to a relative of mine the other day - it was put up to remember someone who was much loved and that's what's supposed to be at the heart of all this.
Sad just so sad and so concerned!
This information prompted me to look up Helen Webberley's twitter account. Fecking hell - she's monstrous. Either she's mad or she's evil, not a word to use lightly but can't think of a more accurate one. I could not believe what I was reading and wonder how many young lives she has ruined.