I keep thinking about those antifa thugs in Los Ángeles terrorizing the women protesting Wi Spa. They ripped up all of the women’s signs. They just used their male strength and their numbers and they trashed the women’s protest and silenced and terrified them. It’s just so awful.

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It's all a tad ironic for a group calling itself anti-fascist.

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The imposition of a dogma using violence and intimidation is the absolute epitome of fascism.

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In discussions of Feminist Current it was agreed that antifa is a fascist organization. They wear black, often hiding their faces, and they incite violence and terror. I have read some stuff about their being for hire by men such as George Soros who supports 1) prostitution, 2) transgenderism, and 3) the fascist regime in Ukraine. Kind of ironic for a Jewish man to support Ukrainians who wear swastikas, but then.

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Yes, I’m surprised not to see that mentioned here. Are they waiting to get hard facts about who was hurt, and by whom, and who the man is who was in the spa (I believe it’s a notoriously twisted autogynephile who also called for Antifa to be there, and was among the counter protestors himself).

I read that a woman got stabbed and was wearing a bullet-proof vest...I don’t know if that’s true, only that it was widely reported in real time (I didn’t watch the footage myself; I couldn’t stomach it). An Asian man was hit with a skateboard, a priest preaching against the insanity in the name of Jesus was smashed over the head and bleeding, a woman was surrounded, taunted and jeered at, threatened with a skateboard, and had her sunglasses stolen in a sick game of keep away (I did see photos/video footage of the latter two).

The woman surrounded by the gang of thugs and robbed said that she believes in trans rights but not that a person with a penis should be naked around women and girls in public nude, sex-segregated spaces. They yelled “go home transphobe” at her as they hassled her.

I’m assuming maybe they’re planning a longer article on this, or perhaps one on all the recent violence, in Spain, France, the USA, and other parts of the world?

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You're absolutely right, Morrigan - there's a special on the way. It was just too long a subject to cover here.

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I’m looking forward to it, JL!

I hope you’ll include some of the shameful media coverage of this event.

For example this absurdly one-sided, and frankly idiotic Washington Post article riddled with factual errors and poor data and sources:


Thanks for all the work you do. You always have uniformly excellent writing and reporting.

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There is a video posted yesterday by a woman who tried to protest. She was at the Wi spa a few years ago with her six year old daughter when a naked man came flanked by two naked women. She and her little daughter quickly left. She was so upset she couldn’t tell her husband for a day or two. https://youtu.be/pAkUwLqzp-M

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The sensible and proper thing for these places that want to be "inclusive" is to be upfront about it, let people decide for themselves if they want to patronise those establishments, and also work to provide fully enclosed cubicles for those who don't want any nude males when undressing. It's extremely unfair and cowardly to allow it without any warning to women.

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I understand the Wi Spa now has signs all over the entrance saying “we support transwoman”. No one has ripped down those signs.

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They also have signs, not removed, before the entrances to the sex-segregated spaces saying that *males* going inside to spy on women and girls undressing, and/or to undress themselves, will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

The problem is that this- allowing them in if they say at the front desk that they’re female- is prosecuting them to the full extent of the law now. It is the law to let any men in if he says he is a woman.

And the Wi Spa, likely to avoid losing business, has not put up any flyers to announce the change, or (like some other spas) started requiring clothing worn on bottom in the supposedly “sex-segregated” spaces.

So yes, Wi Spa is responsible for this, too, for lying by omission.

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they better cause no decent women or women with children will come there anymore. They better court the tw that's all they have left.

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I suspect that when women and girls stop using the female changing rooms there'll be a sudden drop in men identifying as women attending.

Where would be the fun for them?

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A room full of penised TW undressing in front of each other... I'm guessing that wouldn't feel very "validating" to them. And that's how we know that even TW don't think other TW are women.

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There was a story from I think, last year where a TiM bullied his work into letting him use the Ladies and then complained to HR when the women went to another floor to use the loo because they didn't want to share with him.

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Reminds me of a story I read on Reddit about a transwoman who brought home what he thought was a woman turned out to be a transwoman.

Lo and behold, there *was* a genital preference after all.

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In the photo I saw, the signs seemed to be left there by activists, not the spa. Hand made signs. I kind of hate that the spa is probably in an impossible position, but I don’t see any way out of this without calling attention to the places where this is all happening.

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I'm not very knowledgeable about US or California laws, would they have something similar to the equality act where there are exemptions to including TW in female spaces? The Spa might be legally bound to allow it or they might just be acquiescing to demands from TRAs. Be interesting to see the actual law surrounding this over there.

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California law requires it in all businesses, yes. Federal law requires it in (honoring self-ID) in schools, prisons, federally-funded shelters whether homeless, rape crisis, or DV, etc., since Biden signed an executive order to this effect on January 1st, completely bypassing the judiciary to sign self-ID into law, his very first day in office.

Republican trans woman Jennifer Pritzker paid for his campaign, just like Obama’s, so he’s beholden.

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yes it is very bruising. it's funny because I sense some 'oh crap' coming from the usual sexist MRA freaks, who of course were not there. They've spent the last decade trying to kneecap feminism and now that it appears they have, they seem to be gulping. Because the gamergaters have gotten older and some have kids...they are seeing, some of them, the consequences of what they put out into the world.

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They’ve all decided that since women “expose their genitals” to other women in that type of spa, then it’s bigoted to complain when men do it. These people are evil. They are saying a girl or a woman isn’t allowed to decide when she sees a naked man, or when a man sees her naked.

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Just had a couple of glasses of wine and I’m now having a kitchen disco. A thought struck me. Transwomen can never be me. A 51 year old woman who has birthed 3 healthy children, had one traumatic miscarriage, 3 grandchildren, 1 - I don’t see because my middle son’s wife is… well let’s leave that. I have a broken marriage behind me - after 34 years of putting him first he decided to trade me in for a 36 year old he’d met at Butlins. I have a really good international teaching job which makes me financially independent and I’m dancing on a Monday evening in my kitchen because I can. That’s what women do. We rise and we rise despite any set backs or shit thrown at us. We laugh, we cry, we embrace life. That lot of whinging wannabes will never be me or anywhere close and that’s why they are so violent and ridiculous and hateful.

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You are a warrior queen, Mel! Sending all love and solidarity to you. Enjoy your wine & dancing xxx

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Thank you 🤩

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That’s why it’s so disgusting to fetishize women the way that they do. I’m a GenX woman in California who now understands the drag performance from reading lesbian feminists. I’d always been suspicious of what they were actually doing. I’ve also come to see the mask of makeup that women wear for the ugliness that it is. Thankfully, because of the struggle and hard work of women in generations before me, I never wore that stuff or the sadistic shoes and REFUSE to label myself “gender non-conforming” or some such derogatory term. I have always been and remain a WOMAN!!! Thanks for the lovely image of you dancing in your kitchen. We women will not submit to male domination!

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The makeup wearing has definitely gotten more intense in my lifetime. I watch the women on television and I finally realized that women are supposed to look like clowns. Have you seen the women with the false eyelashes that look like they were made from black construction paper? It is so sad, but now women too do not see themselves when they look in the mirror, they see what they have been told to see.

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YES!!! The fake eyelashes and stiletto heels of the TV personalities are so totally porno-inspired! I do see it as a clown’s garb, and that women are expected to do this to signal that they approve of their second status. When I was a little kid in the ‘70’s, there were still women around who didn’t shave their armpits, and guys wearing long hair! Then the ‘80’s happened, and it was big hair and makeup lol around.

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Back in the 80s I, too, wore makeup but I never once said I wasn't a man.

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You might like this, William. I lived in the East Village in Manhattan and one day I saw a pretty, elderly lady buying produce. When I looked a second time I realized it was Quentin Crisp (in makeup, of course). This is what I like about gender criticism: Of course men can wear makeup!

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Thank you - I too, wear little make up and it’s definitely comfy shoe choice or barefoot for dancing 😍x

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Barefoot dancing is the best! Thanks again for sharing about your life and the image of you dancing (barefoot) in your kitchen with a glass of wine. It’s very empowering to other women! 🥰

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I so hope Rosa decides to take legal action against these cowards and narcs

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I feel so violated. When I went for my jab today, I watched as the nurse clicked the boxes for "white" and "female" without even consulting me!!! Did she just ASSUME I wasn't a Non-binary Korean asexual panda-loving vegan two-spirit trans-clown! How very dare she! 😭

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You should sue! Someone needs to get fired over this!

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I don’t understand how the UK prisons’ and NHS toilet policy comply with UK law under the Equality Act? I thought the law in the UK at least was still directed by biological sex, not self-declared gender identity. Am I reading it wrong?

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No, you're not. The act makes provision for female-only spaces. However, these organisations have been brainwashed by Stonewall who've fed them a steaming pile of bullshit and 'helped' to draft their policies.

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"Exception allowing single sex services to discriminate because of gender re-assignment

The third exception (Schedule 3, paragraph 28) allows providers of separate or single-sex services to provide a different service to, or to exclude, someone who has the protected characteristic of gender reassignment. This includes those who have a Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC), as well as someone who does not have a GRC but otherwise meets the definition under the Equality Act 2010.

Application of this exception must be objectively justified as a means of achieving a legitimate aim. An example given in the explanatory notes to the Act is that of a group counselling service for female victims of sexual assault where the organisers could exclude a woman with the protected characteristic of gender reassignment if they judge that clients would be unlikely to attend the session if she was there.

Schedule 23, paragraph 3 of the Equality Act 2010 also allows a service provider to exclude a person from dormitories or other shared sleeping accommodation, and to refuse services connected to providing this accommodation on grounds of sex or gender reassignment. As with paragraph 28 and other exceptions under the Equality Act, such exclusion must be a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim"

As I understand it, the NHS trust in that story can exclude trans-identified males from female toilets if it is for a legitimate reason. I believe it is legitimate to not want men in a space where women feel vulnerable. There are also possible implications for certain religious people be where they would be unable to use that space.

For all the guff they spout about inclusion and being kind, it never seems to extend to males about other males.

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Thanks Loretta, that's really comprehensive. Seems to be wildly open to interpretation. There needs to be utter clarity on this. Unfortunately I can only see the clarity going one way. Especially with Lord Herbert's influence on Government.

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It seems so many of them are afraid of the online backlash for simply supporting women's rights and using a clause they are legally entitled to do.

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“I hope I can be an inspiration to others,” said Jimin, who conceded that it can be “a little confusing for some people.”

Good grief! Someone is definitely confused at any rate . . . . This of course is going to make the trans activists uneasy though, so nothing's so uselessly absurd that it isn't good for something. I mean are they going to endorse this nonsense, and risk the wrath of half the Asian world, or are they going to try to politely decline to have anything to do with it, and risk thereby half the western world being able to spot their obvious hypocrisy in any denial of the glaringly obvious parallel between this muppet's phoniness and their own phoniness? I bet they're just holding their breath, hoping this embarassment is just going to fade away as quickly as possible. But somehow I don't think it is. He's taken the whole trans ideology hostage in bringing it to this new level of absurdity, and sooner or later some other narcissist is going to make a new attempt to upstage him too.

It's also vexing that some people just seem to have money to wipe their bums with whilst others can barely eat. Is it crowd funding or a rich uncle? Whatever $150,000 for me would have been much better spent financing proper custodial forensic psychiatric care for a Bergassi who belongs in neither a men's nor a women's prison. He's a real danger to women in particular and humanity in general, and totally out of control. His attacks are vicious, unpremeditated and without motive. He's burning inside and can't help himself. Prison isn't going to help him.

Which brings me to wonder somewhat in what degree the the most ghoulish outliers of the trans trend can be seen as a spin off of a failed psychiatry in Britain. Working in psychiatry but not in Britain I see even from a distance a tortured man with a disordered personality, almost certainly compounded by real psychotic episodes, and probably drug abuse, and just wonder why the system seems so apathetic. Are they frightened because he's "trans" or just relieved to be able to wash their hands of one who so obviously needs their care and abandon him to the prison service?

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I agree entirely. The surgeons who take money off these people rather than refer them for the psychiatric help they so obviously need should be struck off. Oli London had 16 surgeries. Bregazzi clearly has huge fake breasts. What charlatans are doing this to these very ill people?

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big pharma! why have effective minor treatments like physio been dropped from the nhs, but serious surgical interventions are still being pushed in the nhs and privately, when even if they are necessary or do 'work' the effect may only be temporary.

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establishment doctoring has created a lot of the problems that relate to women and the 'gender' argument. psychiatry needs to accept that girls / women dont necessarily want to act in a stereotypically feminine fashion - until doctors/nurses /therapists can accept that an interest in prettiness/makeup/cosmetic surgery/girly clothes and acting submissive in relationships is not really suitable for modern women, women will continue to be demonised by the mad profession. 'unfeminine' women are medicalised/drugged up, alongside middle aged disabled women still facing ect 'treatments'. all these women are struggling to finance and 'justify' their existence economically.

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It is amusing to watch trans allies tie themselves in knots about this guy. Good ol' Oli showing everyone how to be "intersectional". Throwing racism in with casual appropriation, how innovative!

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Male anatomy and entitlement are significant factors in male violence against women and to my knowledge there have been no studies to suggest that there's a reduction in rates of offending among males who identify as non-binary or transgender. We need to be able to make these statements or even to ask the question -- "Is there a difference in the rate of offending among males who identify as trans?" Even if we get shut down, we've made a valid point that sticks in someone's mind. Furthermore, accurate statistics are necessary in order to identify areas of need for all populations -- this is also a valid point we need to be allowed to make.

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what I have read is they have a high offending rate that comes down to a level of normal FOR MEN when they transition. They do not come down to a rate of offending for females, but level out a a normal offense rate, I think fair play for women had a graph on it but I don't have the link any more.

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That's interesting. I'll have to look around for that. Unfortunately, when you go to look up these statistics, what usually comes up is articles about how vulnerable trans-identified males are.

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There's this...


There's been a big push to record someone's feelings as their sex. I guess that's in a bid to stop this type of data from being available.

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What anna wrote is what I have read. In California they did an academic study of trans-identified males in the prison system. At one prison 28% of them were registered sex offenders, at another prison it was 48%. And sometimes it's necessary to remind people that one does not become a registered sex offender by prostituting oneself.

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Right, I seem to remember reading pretty high numbers as well. Pretty damning.

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Daily Mail - a paper I have never supported and yet this week they have been exposing trans violence all week. At least it gets it out there to a wider unsuspecting public. The violence and silence of those in authority to stop it is beyond contempt.

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Random question... Can someone please explain to me why transwomen are not called Margaret or Dorothy or Brenda or even Sharon? Why are their female names Paris, Chelsea, Barbie, Madisson? It really puzzles me...

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I think this is a particularly AGP (as opposed to a genuine dysphoria) thing. I see much infantilization and sexualisation in the characters they create for themselves. Same reason they never seen to wear the clothes that the women of their age would choose but go shopping at Anne Summers!

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it also a 'draggy' / lets pretend thing

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It's so rare you see TWs in jeans and jumpers. Kristina Harrison is one exception I can think of.

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because their mothers name them Phil and Bruce and Leonard and Albert. When they take female names they use sex worker/venereal disease-spreader sounding names because their fetish is their whole life and the name is a part of that.

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This was one of the first things that ever made me wonder if 'trans women are women'. I read a true life story column in a magazine by a woman with a trans-identified son, and he changed his name to Angel Paris Jordan. (For any non-Brits reading, Jordan was the name of a female topless model at the time).

Just as you say, Mandy, I wondered why he wasn't called something like Emma or Sarah...

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I know I as named for a comic... But that is because my parents had names that were shortened and decided their children would have names that can't be! But the choice of TW names, are in the main, bizarre. My TW friends are Ada (was Adrian) and Ray (was Ray) which seem okay... They just look laugh at Paris, Chelsea etc.

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The sort of names I gave to my dolls in the 90s. Very drag queenish or Playboy Bunny girl.

Also why are transmen always called Jayden, Aiden, Jake, Alex, Max, Leo, Theo, Kris, Tris? Always these rhyming mono/bi-syllabic trendy names...the three t-men I know in real life have names from the above selection...they are all walking stereotypes.

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I have been in conversation with a lesbian who is interested in living on our land. Right off I warned her I am a radical feminist and we've been discussing this nonsense. And, yes, she has a trans-identified female friend who took the name Aiden!!!!!

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A Claire I went to school with is now "Aiden". I bet she rues the day she gave herself the 90s "sperm eyebrows" because they make her so unconvincing as a "man". She's not on hormomes, either so she's basically butch lesbian pretending to be a man. Bit pathetic.

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I don't know what sperm eyebrows are! Is that thick at one end and very thin at the other? But I'm glad she is not taking hormones, they do terrible things to female bodies. She can at least grow up and realize she was being stupid.

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Today's the deadline to sign the petition to accurately record the sex of sexual offenders. I'm sure most of you did but just in case: https://petitions.parliament.scot/petitions/PE1876?fbclid=IwAR0h52tS6L2PPj4m-Gs9aQzhj1q4iMcj5dZ6MCGgj1gm5I_wmB2TOTKas64

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I’d already signed, but thanks for letting everyone know! I really hope the petition gets enough signatures to make a difference. 🤞🏻

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Sorry, JL, I must've missed the memo - when exactly did SELF-ID become lawful in the UK (eg for convicted criminals)? Silly me, thought it was still illegal 🙄🤔

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When I was a kid a bloke claiming to be a lesbian trapped in a man's body was a (very poor and tedious) joke. These days he's brave & stunning & ushered into the ladies.

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And currently onto the T wing in the female estate but how long before they're demanding to share cells, as is happening in 🇺🇲 (WoLF)? 😡😠🤬

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Finely written as always, thanks. Also handy reminder to check my non-Korean privilege!

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re the single sex prisons case. None of the comment I've seen mentions whether an appeal is planned or is legally possible. Does anyone know?

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That’s what I want to know

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Leaving all the deeply depressing and distressing info in this WitWoW aside because I just don't have the words;

What kind of medical professional performs unnecessary "transracial" surgery? Actually, is there any other kind of "transracial" surgery but unnecessary? This world is going to hell in a hand cart on so many levels.

Thank goodness for all the brave and intelligent feminists and supporters like Graham, Arty etc Al to keep us sane.

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As the Earth burns, let's spend our time parsing pronouns and having weird surgeries.

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Media Watch: BBC Pride board to vet transgender stories before broadcast



I just don't get this deference to all things trans. Like no one else has ever faced discrimination, harassment, violence, etc? Do they have a board of feminists who get to decide what gets broadcast about women being murdered, raped, abducted?

Makes you wonder what else we're not seeing or being told is going on.

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Money. Always follow the money.

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Regarding the toilets at the NHS trust... If it came to that, I personally would feel safer using the men's toilet. Any men in there would at least be sane.

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