yes it is very bruising. it's funny because I sense some 'oh crap' coming from the usual sexist MRA freaks, who of course were not there. They've spent the last decade trying to kneecap feminism and now that it appears they have, they seem to be gulping. Because the gamergaters have gotten older and some have kids...they are seeing, some…
yes it is very bruising. it's funny because I sense some 'oh crap' coming from the usual sexist MRA freaks, who of course were not there. They've spent the last decade trying to kneecap feminism and now that it appears they have, they seem to be gulping. Because the gamergaters have gotten older and some have kids...they are seeing, some of them, the consequences of what they put out into the world.
yes it is very bruising. it's funny because I sense some 'oh crap' coming from the usual sexist MRA freaks, who of course were not there. They've spent the last decade trying to kneecap feminism and now that it appears they have, they seem to be gulping. Because the gamergaters have gotten older and some have kids...they are seeing, some of them, the consequences of what they put out into the world.