Monday 28th June - These Are Not Our Crimes
THE DAILY STAR: A trans-identified male has been sentenced to 14 months imprisonment for attacking London commuters with an improvised flamethrower.
Paris Bregazzi has featured on this site before. He has convictions for over 60 offences, including assault and harassment. In 2017 he threw an off-duty police officer onto a tube track, last year he pushed a female pedestrian into the path of an oncoming car and went on to violently assault another three women in separate random attacks.
This week Bregazzi was in court again for offences committed in October 2019. He terrorised and threatened London tube passengers using a homemade flamethrower of an aerosol can and a lighter.
He yelled at passengers to stop staring at him, threatened one woman with setting her hair alight and shoulder-barged another. He then screamed racial and misogynistic abuse at two other women, spraying them in the face with the aerosol can.
He was sentenced to 14 months imprisonment.
Also Today - I Can’t Believe It’s Not Satire
THE NEW YORK POST: Internet celebrity, Oli London, has ‘come out’ as Korean.
London is a 31-year-old non-binary ‘influencer’ and wanna be pop star/model who uses they/them pronouns. Despite being white and British, he ‘identifies as Korean’ and has spent $150,000 dollars on plastic surgery to resemble his favourite K-pop star, Jimin. He’s even using his idol’s name.
In videos posted on social media and on YouTube, London said that he is ‘transracial’ now. “Hey guys. I’m finally Korean. I’ve transitioned… I’ve been trapped in the wrong body but finally I’m Korean — I can be myself”.
He also thinks that being ‘transracial’ makes him part of the LGBT community and is demanding his own flag.

Of course, London’s announcement caused outrage and many have criticised his actions. One angry commentator railed, “This is actually unbelievably degrading to Koreans like me if he asserts that simply getting surgery to make his eyes more slanted makes him Korean.”
Another Twitter user congratulated London for identifying as non-binary while berating him for “Taking a whole ethnicity and treating it like a persona”, saying “Korean isn’t a pronoun”.
Oh, the irony.
Of course eye surgery and a brow lift cannot make a white English man Korean, no more than lipstick and pronouns can change someone’s sex. But if people are going to rage over the former then fawn over the latter, they’ll need to show their workings out.
Tuesday 29th June - Are You Now Or Have You Ever Been…?
THE DAILY MAIL: A male student emailed a university professor to ‘warn’ her about her gender critical views.

Law professor, Rosa Freedman, received an email from Alex Wareham, a student at The University of Reading. Wareham told Professor Freedman that he is discussing with academic staff 'problematic areas within the university which is [sic] holding it back from equality'. He demanded that Professor Freedman justify her opinions to him and warned her 'choose your words carefully'.
Wednesday 30th June - Within These Walls
YAHOO NEWS: Women’s Liberation Front is calling out California’s appalling prisons policy which allows violent males to be accommodated with women.

We have written previously about Californian legislation which requires the state to accommodate prison inmates based not on their sex but on their self-declared gender identity. Since this law came into effect in January, authorities have been inundated with requests for transfers to the female estate by men claiming to ‘identify’ as women.
Most women in prison have suffered male violence during their lives. Now some women in Californian prisons have to cope with the trauma of sharing sleeping accommodation and bathrooms with intact males.
Feminist group, Women’s Liberation Front, have written to California governor, Gavin Newsom, accusing the state of violating the constitutional rights of incarcerated women. They are demanding a halt to new transfers and the removal of male inmates who’ve already move to women’s prisons until a safety assessment can be made.
Legal director, Lauren Adams, described the numerous complaints WoLF have received. “We are working with a woman who was punched in the face so hard by a new transfer that she couldn’t chew for three days… He was her cellmate.”

And now it looks as though the same awful fate awaits the women in New Jersey’s prison system.
Thursday 1st July - Women Aren’t Allowed Anything Of Our Own
BBC NEWS: The Women’s Institute Magazine features a trans-identified male on the cover of the July/August issue.
“I didn’t expect to be a cover girl”, said 74-year-old Petra Wenham.
He is a member of the Cake and Revolution Women’s Institute in Suffolk. His idea to join was motivated by his wife of 48 years having been the president of another WI group in the area which had to close. Wenham said, "WI members are not just accepting, but actively supportive and are welcoming me to the sisterhood.”
Wenham gives ‘trans awareness’ talks to community and WI groups. He decided to ‘come out’ in 2015 at the age of 68.
Friday 2nd July - They Said It Out Loud: Women Don’t Matter
FAIR PLAY FOR WOMEN: The High Court has ruled that trans-identified males can be accommodated in female prisons despite the harm caused to women.

This case was brought by a former prisoner over the accommodating of ‘high risk’ trans-identified male prisoners in the female estate.
Under current rules, a convicted sex offender with intact male genitalia can be accommodated in the female estate whether or not he has a gender recognition certificate. At least seven women in female prisons are known to have been sexually assaulted by trans-identified males.
The High Court ruled that the Ministry of Justice’s policies are lawful. In doing so, however, it openly acknowledged that these policies come at a price for women, putting them in danger of assault and causing then psychological harm.
In delivering the lead judgment, Lord Justice Holroyd accepted that female prisoners are often victims of male violence and likely to suffer ‘fear and anxiety’ when accommodated with ‘transwomen’ and he acknowledged that this policy puts female prisoners at risk of abuse. However, he stated that the rights of female prisoners had to be balanced against the rights of ‘transgender women’ in the prison system.
In other words, the validation of a man’s ‘gender identity’ is more important than the safety and wellbeing of women.

As James Kirkup wrote in The Spectator, “The High Court ruling has confirmed beyond doubt something that a great many women have been trying to say for several years, often meeting with aggressive rejection and accusations of bigotry. The court confirmed that in some circumstances, accommodating the interests of male-born transwomen means imposing costs and burdens on women.”
Also Today - But This Never Happens
BUCKS FREE PRESS: Parents issued a warning over a man dressed as a schoolgirl who tried to speak with female pupils outside a school in Buckinghamshire.
An adult male wearing a blazer, short skirt, ankle socks and a long blond wig was photographed approaching female pupils outside a Beaconsfield school. A number of concerned parents reported this incident to the police who are investigating.
But surely there can’t be any cause for concern, since we’re constantly told that men disguising themselves as females for nefarious purposes could never, has never and will never happen.
Saturday 3rd July - Essex Recants

Last year the University of Essex ‘disinvited’ two feminist speakers, Professors Jo Phoenix and Rosa Freedman, amid allegations of ‘transphobia’. In May the university offered both women a public apology and released the independent review that had been commissioned to report on their cancellation.
Akua Reindorf’s report was scathing about the university’s relationship with Stonewall and drew attention to policy documents which, drafted with Stonewall’s guidance, misrepresent the Equality Act 2010 and hate crime legislation.
But now it seems Essex University has caved into pressure from trans activists as Vice-Chancellor, Professor Anthony Forster, has issued an obsequious, back-peddling statement. In it he makes numerous grovelling apologies and says that the university will continue to work with Stonewall and ‘other organisations’ to ‘repair relationships’.
“As we revise our equality, diversity and inclusion policies and procedures we will continue to go beyond the minimum standards required by law, wherever we can, to ensure that we recognise, respect and protect the identities of trans and non-binary people. Listening to our trans and non-binary staff and students will be central to us understanding the changes that will have the most impact in creating a welcoming, supportive and inclusive environment.”
No mention, of course, as to how the university intends to ‘go beyond the law’ in order to ‘recognise, respect and protect’ the rights of its female staff and students.
Sunday 4th July - Women’s Spaces Are A Free-For-All At The NHS
THE DAILY MAIL: An NHS Trust is allowing male staff to use whichever bathroom or changing room they wish and women have no right to object.
The Rotherham, Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust (RDaSH) has issued guidelines which allow trans-identified staff to use whichever changing room, shower or toilet they want regardless of their stage of transition.
The Staff Trans Equality Policy states that “Trans people are entitled to use single-sex facilities in accordance with their gender” even if the individual has not undergone any physical change. Furthermore, colleagues will have no right to object; “Should there be any objections to this [entitlement], a manager will deal with the objections in a sensitive and understanding way while not denying the trans person access to facilities appropriate to their lived gender”.
In other words, intact males can use female facilities and women won’t be able to do a damn thing about it.
RDaSH became a Stonewall diversity champion in 2019. And, of course, this new ‘trans equality’ policy was drawn up under Stonewall’s supervision.
See you next week.
I keep thinking about those antifa thugs in Los Ángeles terrorizing the women protesting Wi Spa. They ripped up all of the women’s signs. They just used their male strength and their numbers and they trashed the women’s protest and silenced and terrified them. It’s just so awful.
Just had a couple of glasses of wine and I’m now having a kitchen disco. A thought struck me. Transwomen can never be me. A 51 year old woman who has birthed 3 healthy children, had one traumatic miscarriage, 3 grandchildren, 1 - I don’t see because my middle son’s wife is… well let’s leave that. I have a broken marriage behind me - after 34 years of putting him first he decided to trade me in for a 36 year old he’d met at Butlins. I have a really good international teaching job which makes me financially independent and I’m dancing on a Monday evening in my kitchen because I can. That’s what women do. We rise and we rise despite any set backs or shit thrown at us. We laugh, we cry, we embrace life. That lot of whinging wannabes will never be me or anywhere close and that’s why they are so violent and ridiculous and hateful.