Monday 7th December - The 2020 Brass Neck Award Goes To…
THE MIRROR: Trans identified males who somehow escaped a custodial sentence after beating up a teenager claim that, “Transphobic abuse is rife in Britain”.
Earlier this year Tamzin Lush and Tylah Bryan were recorded by onlookers as they attacked 19 year old Al Shabeeb in Leicester Square tube station. Apparently, Shabeeb had made a lippy remark - “You need a fanny to be a woman” - as he walked past them in the street. So they followed him into the station and beat him up.
Lush was described as having “drop kicked” Al Shabeeb to the floor and the shocking footage shows both men stamping on him as he lay face down.
Shabeeb suffered a broken eye socket and cuts to his face and had to be hospitalised. Lush and Bryan were arrested on suspicion of causing actual bodily harm, violent disorder and affray. A third trans identified male, Amarnih Lewis-Daniel, had been involved in the attack and was also arrested.
Normally this sort of violent crime would result in a custodial sentence. However, Lush and Bryan admitted to a charge of violent disorder and walked free from court with a very lenient 12-month community order.
And now they are in a national newspaper trying to excuse their brutal attack on a 19 year old by claiming it was a reaction to hearing of “Violence against transgender women”.
You’ve got to admire their balls.
Tuesday 8th December - The Bleedin’ Obvious
THE GUARDIAN: A new study has concluded that trans-identified males still retain advantages when competing against women in sport.

“A ground-breaking new study on transgender athletes has found trans women retain a 12% advantage in running tests even after taking hormones for two years to suppress their testosterone. The results, researchers suggest, indicate the current International Olympic Committee guidelines may give trans women an “unfair competitive advantage” over biological women.”
Of course, the various advantages that trans-identified males retain have been well-documented prior to this study. However, the IOC has, thus far, failed to amend its guidelines.
Wednesday 8th December - With Friends Like These…
Bill C-6 is currently before the Canadian parliament. If passed, it will create new criminal offences relating to conversion therapy. This it defines as “A practice that seeks to change an individual's sexual orientation to heterosexual… or to change an individual's gender identity to match the sex they were assigned at birth”.
This could mean that parents will commit a criminal offence if they do not validate a child’s ‘gender identity’ or if they refuse a child’s access to hormone treatment.
Canadian MP, Randall Garrison, has pushed this legislation from the outset and, even after the historic ruling in the Keira Bell case, has dismissed the testimony of detransitioners as a “False narrative”.
In the above tweet he is congratulating trans-identified male, Erika Muse, for his “Brave and honesty testimony” when speaking in favour of the bill at the Justice Committee a few days previously.
THIS Erika Muse…
Erika doesn’t seem to like women very much…
Unless they’re “Lipstick lesbian latex dress-wearing vampires”.
And Canadian legislators think this guy is an appropriate person to advise them on a bill that will impact vulnerable adolescents.
Thursday 10th December - These Are Not Women’s Crimes
THE DAILY MAIL: A trans-identified male faces prison after physically assaulting three different women.
Paris Bregazzi has convictions for over 60 offences, including assault and harassment. He’s currently facing prison for assaulting three different women in random attacks. In June he attacked two women on the same day in the London Bridge area, knocking one to the floor and throwing another off an escalator. In October he attacked a third woman at London Bridge station, slapping her head with the back of his hand.
Though this Daily Mail article makes clear that Bregazzi is trans, previous media coverage has not always referred to his true sex. An article from My London in February, for example, reported on Bregazzis ‘rampaging’ through Kensington, pushing a woman into the path of an oncoming car. It used female pronouns throughout and gave the impression that he is a woman.
Similarly, this article in The Mirror from 2018 reported on Bregazzi pushing an off-duty police officer onto a tube line but never disclosed that he is male.
Last week Bregazzi admitted two counts of assault by beating and one count of assault occasioning actual bodily harm at Highbury Corner Magistrates’ Court. He is currently on remand in Pentonville and awaits sentencing at the end of the month.
His lawyer, Moira Macfarlane, complained in court that he should have been remanded in a female prison.
Despite his being an obvious danger to women, if the gender ideologues (hello Owen, Joylon, Colm) had their way, a female prison is exactly where he'd be.
Friday 11th December - The Vote We Should Never Have Needed.
THE NATIONAL SCOT: MSPs have voted in favour of an amendment that will allow rape and sexual assault survivors to choose the sex, as opposed to the gender, of the clinician who examines them.
The original wording of the Forensic Medical Services Bill allowed that “Medical examination be carried out by a registered medical practitioner of a gender specified by the person”. The distinction is crucial because gender, unlike sex, has no clear definition in law and this wording would have allowed trans identified males to be included in the pool from which female clinicians are drawn.
However, Labour MSP, Joanna Lamont, moved an amendment to the bill to change the wording to sex. Thankfully, MSPs voted overwhelmingly in favour of it. This, of course, is excellent news. But it should never have been necessary.
The Scottish government originally ignored advice to use the word ‘sex’, dismissing its importance. (Let’s not forget that 9 MSPs actually voted against Lamont’s amendment.)
Meet Mridul Wadhwa, a trans identified male who is the manager of Forth Valley Rape Crisis Centre (a job to which he seems to have been recruited while concealing the truth about his sex).
Of course, it’s no surprise that some TRAs care more about the validation of gender identities than they do about the survivors of sexual assault. But this one actually works in the front line.
Saturday 12th December - Santa Claus Is Grooming To Town
CNN: Actor and trans-identified male, “they/them” Indya Moore, has come up with a scheme which allows total strangers to buy Christmas presents for vulnerable “trans” children and teenagers.

Moore has set up an Instagram page called Transanta. Here anonymous benefactors can read letters, many of which include photographs and details of personal lives, from dysphoric and gender confused kids and then buy them a present of their choice.
15 year old ‘Saturn’, who suffers with depression and mental health issues, would like a total stranger to buy them a phone without their parents’ knowledge.
Carter, a 15 year old who is clearly having to cope with a tragic family situation, would like a gift card with which to buy a breast-binder.
Children as young as seven are being are allowed to ask anonymous internet users to buy them toys if they say they’re transgender.
Vulnerable kids getting ‘rewarded’ for being trans… what could possibly go wrong?
Sunday 13th December - Fair Play For Women in Prison
FAIR PLAY FOR WOMEN: New information from the MoJ demonstrates very clearly that transgender women exhibit a male-type pattern of criminality.

A freedom of information request submitted to the Ministry of Justice by FPFW has shown that half of the trans-identified males serving a prison sentence in 2019 had been convicted of at least one sexual offence.
While the government recently rejected self-ID legislation, Labour, the LibDems and the Green Party are all determined to introduce it through reform of the GRA. Furthermore, many Conservative MPs still favour self-ID and the Women and Equalities Select Committee is currently conducting another inquiry into GRA reform.
“If the process to obtain a GRC became a self-declaration process it would be possible for all 129 transwomen currently held in the men’s estate (including the 76 transwomen sex offenders) to obtain a GRC on demand. The prison system would then have to treat them differently.”
See you next week.
I reported the Transanta account to Instagram but apparently asking children for their contact details and encouraging them to keep secrets from their parents does not go against Instagram's "community standards"
It's going to get to the point where nobody will want anything to do with men who identify as trans, at all. The transologists have ensured that the world will see angry, violent, controlling men when they think of TIMs, assuming the media ever stops being pandering, putrescent cowards and reports realistically on their crimes and behaviours.
Female transologists aren't so harmful, because they're women, obviously. Women who identify as trans often do so for very different reasons to men. And besides the reasons, men retain the dangerous violent proclivities of their sex. Men, as a sex, are statistically demonstrably and factually much, much more violent than women and responsible for at least 90 percent of all violent crime and somewhere around 97 percent of sexual crimes. Men who identify as trans retain the same rates of violence as men as a sex. Possibly higher rates, given their unstable personalities.
You could make an argument that women who identify as trans are likely to be more unstable than men, because they're unstable and delusional. But so far as I know, no stats show that TIFs are particularly dangerous.
I would never give one of these men a job, too dangerous. What if someone used their correct sex pronoun, or just accidentally forgot the man was larping and they were supposed to pretend they believed him? Would they be assaulted? Screamed at? Not safe for other employees, or customers.
I would NEVER date one, their fetishes and perversions are unique to say the least and their speech is so violently misogynistic, you'd be taking your life in your hands.
I would never want one as a friend, too mentally draining, ill tempered and demanding, at best.
Identifying as trans is a symptom of a number of conditions, autogynephilia, NPD, BPD, extreme misogyny, dysphoria, perhaps more. And no longer do we believe in the fairy tale of the sweet, kindly larping man who just wants to get on with his life, poor thing. Those men, if they exist at all, are not what I think of when I think of trans.
And that's not my doing, or my fault. Maybe the few harmless TIMs who exist genuinely couldn't help the aggressive misogynists from coopting them, and if so I am sorry for them. But that doesn't change the fact that these men, who all claim to be trans, are fucking dangerous.
And claiming to be trans means you ARE trans. Acceptance without exception, remember Stonewall? They are who they say they are. Every vicious, violent one of them. Pretty soon, assuming the truth starts to come out more frequently, they will be given a very wide berth by everyone. I suppose we should be grateful they've outed themselves. Before, they were hiding in plain sight.