Monday 24th October - Let Women Speak #1
Kellie-Jay Keen (aka Posie Parker) is currently on tour in the USA, bringing Let Women Speak events to locations across the country.
The scheduled event in Portland on 24th October was subject to credible threats of violence, specifically against Kellie-Jay herself, by trans activists and Antifa members. Portland Police informed Kellie-Jay that they were unable to offer any protection for those attending so, for her own safety and that of other women, Kellie-Jay decided to cancel the event.
On 21st October, The Post Millennial reported on a trans-identified male Antifa leader making public his intention to disrupt the Portland meeting with violence.
Isabel Rosa Araujo, formerly known as Philip Vincent Haskins-Delici, is a Portland-based Antifa militant in his late 30s. He has a history of extremism and two years ago was reportedly involved in pepper-spraying people at a protest in Portland.
Araujov made public his plan to attack the Standing For Women meeting in Portland and has been openly fund-raising for weaponry.
He had prepared a shopping list which involved pepper spray, a 26 inch collapsible baton and a Bowie knife.
Crowing about the cancellation of the event on social media, Araujov instructed his followers to ‘Smash On Sight’ other so-called ‘anti-trans protesters’ ie women gathering to discuss their sex-based rights.
He continued to make threats and issue instructions of violence on social media; “Have you considered other projectiles to take a TERF out? …Make TERFs afraid again”.
Despite the official event being cancelled, a few brave women did gather to speak in Portland. They were attacked by a group of hooded yobs, one of whom assaulted a young woman while she was talking about the need for female-only rape crisis centres.

Tuesday 25th October - Re-Joyce On Campus
Helen Joyce’s talk at Cambridge University went ahead, despite attempts by both staff and students to de-platform her and in the face of hostile protests.

Helen Joyce, author, journalist and director of Sex Matters, was invited to take part in a debate at Gonville and Caius college organised by professor of philosophy, Arif Ahmed. Of course, because she upholds the immutability of biological sex and speaks out for women’s sex-based rights, her invitation caused outrage from the outset. Without a trace of irony, gender zealots tried to cancel a discussion called ‘Criticising gender-identity ideology: what happens when speech is silenced’.
Student groups launched protests and college LGBT reps demanded the event be cancelled, stating they were, “Unanimously disgusted by the platforming of such views”. Laughably, tutors planned to provide a ‘safe space’ during the talk, claiming that Helen Joyce’s appearance would cause “Understandable hurt and anger for many students, staff and fellows at Caius”. (If students and teachers are ‘hurt’ and ‘angry’ and requiring a ‘safe space’ because they hear views which differ from theirs, one might venture that a university isn’t the ideal place for them.)
In an unprecedented intervention, even the master of Gonville and Caius College, Professor Pippa Rogerson, and senior tutor, Dr.Andrew Spencer, attacked the event, criticising Professor Ahmed for organising it. Writing to undergraduates by email, Professor Rogerson and Dr Spencer said they would not be attending the event and described Helen’s views as “Offensive, insulting, and hateful to members of our community”.
The event did go ahead as planned but with ‘hostile’ questions from members of the audience. Outside the venue, the Bateman Auditorium, protesters banged drums and chanted “All terfs are bastards” in an effort to prevent Helen Joyce from being heard.
An article defending the protests in student publication, Varsity, completely misrepresented Helen’s views and the principles of gender criticism. It rather suggests that those remonstrating against Helen’s appearance didn’t have a clue what they were objecting to.

After the event, Professor Arif Ahmed wrote in The Telegraph about having to ‘smuggle’ students in to the venue to hear Helen Joyce speak. These students did not, he said, necessarily fear violent protests; they were afraid of ostracism by their student peers and even by academic staff. “It’s hard to convey the reality and the extent of this fear, which stalks the halls of academia”, he said.

“To those students who say that the event should never have taken place, I say: watch the video and see for yourself. To the senior staff who have said the same, I say: contentious debate on things that matter is literally the whole point of a university education. If you can’t do it here, where, and when, can you do it? And if you can’t do it here, why do we even exist?”
Also Today - Don’t Mention The Pronouns
THE TIMES: Cambridge University’s adherence to gender identity ideology is affecting its teaching of German.

Another story featuring Cambridge University this week suggests that it is ‘abusing’ the language when teaching German in order placate gender zealots.
In German, most nouns that refer to people are either masculine or feminine with ‘neutral’ terms being very rare. Students of German at Cambridge University are being encouraged to dispense with gendered nouns and speak the language more ‘inclusively’.
The undergraduates, who are paying £9,250 a year for their course, are being urged by tutors, “To use gender- and non-binary-inclusive language when we address or refer to students and colleagues, both in writing and in speech in English and in German”. When writing, students are encouraged to make feminine nouns unisex by inserting an asterisk, referred to as a ‘gender star’, before the suffix.
Oliver Baer of the German Language Association told The Times that the Cambridge curriculum is ‘like a comedy sketch’ and that he and his colleagues believe their native language is being ‘abused’. “It’s not respected to speak like that in Germany”, he said. “Language doesn’t evolve from the top down. Maybe you can do that in North Korea, but not in our society”.
Also Today - Leave Them Kids Alone
Laura Anne Jones, Conservative Member of the Welsh Parliament for South Wales East, asked for a statement from the Education Minister regarding the Welsh Government’s position on Mermaids.

She was right to do so; Mermaids are still signposted on the NHS 111 Wales website.
Staying in Wales, Safe Schools Alliance have uncovered some deeply concerning evidence about the Relationships and Sexuality Education Code currently being taught in schools.
“Now independent research has shown that the Welsh RSE Code was influenced by elements of Queer Theory that should concern parents.”

If you have a child in a Welsh school (or know someone who does), you must read this.
Wednesday 26th October - First Do No Harm
THE TELEGRAPH: A senior Clinician at the Sandyford in Glasgow has admitted that there are some deeply concerning issues around the treatment it offers.
We have written previously on this site about the Sandyford Clinic, which treats children as well as adults, and Greater Glasgow and Clyde NHS, of which the Sandyford is a part. (It is, of course, the clinic which treated de-transitioned woman, Sinead Watson, and facilitated her double mastectomy.)
This week The Telegraph reported on a secret recording of ‘unguarded comments’ by a senior clinician. They demonstrate the extent to which the Sandyford has been captured by gender ideology.
The comments were recorded by a whistle-blower at an online NHS conference in June. A consultant clinical psychologist at the Sandyford openly admitted that there are ‘huge gaps’ in evidence around ‘trans healthcare’. She also said that patients’ mental health assessments are based almost entirely on their own self-diagnosis, insisting that it is not the role of gender clinics to scrutinise a patient’s mental health.

Another Telegraph article published this week revealed that, according to the same leaked recording, Scottish gender clinics are following advice issued by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH). Although the organisation tries to present itself as a legitimate body of medical professionals, critics believe that WPATH is nothing more than a lobby group whose intention is to validate the worst extremes of gender ideology.
In September we reported on WPATH’s horrifying new version of its ‘best practice’ guidelines. They erase child safeguarding protocols, leave children even as young as nine vulnerable to medicalisation, advocate ‘chest binding’ and ‘genital tucking’ for minors and recommend that ‘eunuch’ be recognised as a valid identity with castration being available to those who desire it.
‘Version 8’ was brilliantly dissected by James Esses in this excellent thread.

The secret recording leaked to The Telegraph features a consultant clinical psychologist at the Sandyford stating explicitly that Scottish gender clinics are already following WPATH guidelines.
Thursday 27th October - Let Women Speak #2
THE POST MILLENNIAL: There were violent attacks by trans activists against attendees at the Standing For Women event in Tacoma.

As part of her US tour, Kellie-Jay Keen held a ‘speakers corner’ event in Tacoma in Washington state. Despite credible death threats made by Antifa extremists against Kellie-Jay in Portland, Tacoma police declined to provide a presence for the event.
From the outset, protestors stood around the top of the amphitheater at which the event was being held. They waved trans pride flags and signs that read ‘crash the cis-tem’ and ‘no terfs in T town’. They tried to drown out the speakers with chants of ‘no hate here’ and ‘go home terfs’.
Many of the protestors were students from the Tacoma School of Arts located nearby. They soon outnumbered and surrounded the women in Tollefson Plaza, destroying the signs that the attendees had displayed in the area.

While Lierre Keith, founder of the Women’s Liberation Front (WoLF), was speaking at the mic, a male in a short skirt suddenly ran towards her yelling, “Get the fuck out of here!”. It seemed as if he intended to physically assault her but, absolute shero, Amy Sousa, leapt in to prevent him from doing so. (Love and big respect to you, Amy!)
Eventually, trying to avoid being drowned out by the noise, attendees moved to the opposite side of the amphitheater. However, the protestors followed them there.

Jeanna Hoch was one of the demonstrators attempting to hold the line around the women speaking, using a sign to create a physical barrier between herself and the large number of aggressive men who tried to crowd into the space. One of these men can be heard shouting “You are a Nazi” at her repeatedly.
A male trans activist who had been standing right up against her and shouting in her face, tried to spit at her. She responded by holding up her sign to protect herself. When the activist yanked her sign away, Jeanna gave him a blast of pepper spray. Two large men who had been standing close by then lunged at her in retaliation, one of them physically grabbing at her. Describing the incident on social media, Jeanna reported that one of the men had tried to spray her with pepper spray, so she sprayed him back.

Toward the end of the event, trans activists surrounded and attacked another woman, April Morrow, who is a lesbian and in middle-age.
Activists tried to wrestle April’s phone from her hand and she was badly injured during the attack.

April suffered broken fingers and her phone was damaged.
Explaining what had happened after the event, Kellie-Jay said that April’s fingers had been deliberately crushed by a man using his bare hands. “He literally got her hand in his and crushed it and broke her fingers”.

Public spaces that are unsafe for women, credible death threats from a known extremist who openly buys dangerous weapons and a woman whose bones were broken by a man deliberately crushing her hand. Is this what Graham Norton and Billy Bragg are happy to write off as ‘being accountable’?
Also Today - The Laughable Policeman
The British Transport Police in Berkshire seem to be respecting the ‘gender identity’ of a suspected sex offender. They managed to describe a suspect who exposed himself to a pair of teenage girls without mentioning his sex.

It’s clear enough from the CCTV images of the suspect that he’s a man. But, were it not obvious, British Transport Police had only confirm it with the teenage victims to whom he exposed his genitals. Instead, BTP managed to write an entire report of the incident without mentioning that the suspect is male. (Surely a suspect’s sex is a vital detail to pass on when asking for the public’s help in his apprehension?)
The man exposed himself to two young girls aged 15 and 16 who were sitting on a stationery train at Theale station. He approached the train’s window and exposed his genitals to the girls, making lewd hand gestures at them, before walking into a shelter to masturbate.
Police seek ‘person’.
Friday 28th October - Under His Aye
LBC: Women who survived male violence say that the Scottish parliament’s refusal to listen to them over GRA reform is a ‘kick in the teeth’.

On Thursday Scotland’s Gender Recognition Reform Bill passed Stage 1 of the parliamentary process by 88 votes to 33 (with 4 abstentions).

Five women survivors of male violence offered to speak to the Scottish Parliament’s Equalities Committee in a private session to discuss the government’s proposed self-ID legislation. They wanted to explain how formerly female-only spaces becoming mixed sex spaces is of particular concern to them and made them feel unable to access the help they needed after suffering the trauma of male violence.
Their request to be heard was rejected by the committee. The convenor, Joe FitzPatrick, wrote to the women seven weeks after their request was made. He told them that the committee had concluded its evidence-taking and a meeting could not be arranged. He advised them to put their concerns in writing.
These women were prepared to relive and describe their trauma in order to raise important objections to the bill and were told to ‘put it in writing’. Three of them have spoken to Gina Davidson at LBC about this ‘kick in the teeth’.
One of the women told Davidson, “It's quite devastating. When you're kind of knocked back like that, particularly from a committee that's hinging a lot on feedback, on lived experience”. She explained how her experience of being abused by a male partner meant female-only spaces were vital for her recovery. “Self-ID is putting the onus on women who are abused to make a request of services that they are single sex. And when you are leaving an abusive relationship and you're seeking help, you're not really in a position to make a request”.
Another woman said of the MSPs refusing to listen to her testimony, “They seem to disregard the fact that women are usually the victims of male violence… And this whole idea that men are not going to take advantage of this self-ID to hurt and abuse women is nonsense”.
A third woman, a rape survivor, said, “I definitely do have a need for single sex spaces. Trauma responses are really difficult to explain. I didn't ask for them. I have them”. She said she was disappointed but not surprised by the committee’s response. “I keep hearing that everybody's identity should be respected. I didn't choose this identity. And I certainly didn't choose to be one of these women. But here I am. My identity is not being respected.”
Also Today - The Clocks Were Striking 13 At Eventbrite
THE TELEGRAPH: Eventbrite has pulled ticket sales for a book launch with a gender critical theme and speakers.

Barrister Sarah Phillimore, together with help from our very own @moleatthedoor, has compiled and is publishing a book called ‘Transpositions - Personal Journeys Into Gender Criticism’. It is a collection of personal testimonies from individuals, mostly women, explaining what ‘peaked’ them and how they came to oppose gender identity ideology. (One of the many contributions was written by your humble author.)
They organised a book launch featuring various speakers, including Our Graham. Tickets were on sale via Eventbrite. However, the company’s ‘trust and safety’ team has removed the book launch from the website, claiming that the event violated its policy on ‘hateful, dangerous or violent content’.
Writing in The Critic, Sarah Phillimore comments, “There is, of course, nothing remotely ‘hateful’, ‘violent’ or ‘dangerous’ in this book. But I, all the contributors and the 85 people who bought tickets have been smeared as exactly that. There is no excuse for this… The consequences of such decisions go far beyond one small event or my hurt feelings. Contemptuous breach of the rule of the law is a direct threat to a functioning democracy and denial of material reality that should be a matter of concern to us all”.

Only a few days before bumping this book launch from their site, Eventbrite also cancelled the Standing For Women page.

Notice a pattern?
Saturday 29th October - School Gaslights Teenage Girl
DAILY MAIL: A 14-year-old girl was suspended from a school in Vermont after protesting against a male pupil using the female changing rooms.
14-year-old Blake Allen was suspended from Randolph Union High School in Vermont after she referred accurately to the sex of a trans-identified male student who was using the female locker rooms.
The male pupil has been playing on the female volleyball team since the start of the school year. It is alleged that he entered the female locker room, ‘stared’ at the girls who were getting changed there and made ‘inappropriate remarks’. Several members of the team asked the boy to leave but he refused. Speaking in a TV interview, Blake said, “I was uncomfortable and I left and I told the school and they just shut me down and said there was nothing they could do.”
When discussing this incident in class the following day, Blake referred to the male pupil who had caused her such discomfort as ‘literally a dude’ and said that he should not be permitted to use the female locker room. Blake’s comments were reported to school authorities. She was subsequently suspended from school for two days and forced to take part in a ‘restorative circle’ with the school’s ‘Equity Coordinator’. Furthermore, she was told that she had to ‘submit a reflective essay’ and would face further suspension if the essay was deemed ‘lacking in good faith’.
Meanwhile, it is claimed that the trans-identified male pupil made threats of violence against the girls on the team and against Blake specifically but he received no censure. Following the incident he announced, “I’m going to fucking kill Blake Allen!” and “I’m gonna fucking kill somebody. They’re all dickheads”. These comments were reported to the school’s athletics director but no action was taken.
Blake’s father, Travis Allen, was fired from his job as the school’s soccer coach for also referring to the student as male while defending his daughter on social media.
The Allen family are now bringing a lawsuit against the Orange Southwest School District Board, the superintendent and the two co-principals of the school. The lawsuit alleges that they violated Blake and Travis’ First Amendment rights by attempting to dictate ‘what may be said on matters of public concern’.
To me, when a school bullies young girls into giving up their privacy and dignity to any male who seeks to erase their boundaries, it’s more than just a ‘concern’, it’s an absolute disgrace and a huge red flag.
Sunday 30th October - This Never Happens #1
THE DAILY MAIL: A trans-identified male child rapist is being segregated in a male prison because he is deemed too dangerous for incarceration in the female estate.
In 2003 Mark Walker was sentenced to 13 years imprisonment for raping two little girls, one of whom was just four years old.
While he was in prison, Walker’s sentence was twice extended for making bomb threats, one against the then Home Secretary, Theresa May, and others against prison staff, including the governor.
In May 2021, despite being found in possession of indecent images of children, threating to kill prison officers and fellow inmates and assaulting a custody manager, Walker was released from prison.
In court Walker admitted two charges of making a threat to kill and one of assaulting an emergency worker plus two counts of breaching his Sexual Harm Prevention Order. Judge Ray Singh gave him consecutive three-month sentences for all offences, suspending them for two years. He expressed ‘real concerns’ over releasing Walker but said there were ‘issues’ over his continued detention in prison.
The ‘issues’ to which the judge referred involved Walker identifying as trans, calling himself Marcia and demanding ‘gender affirming care’.

Walker’s barrister told the court, “She [sic] has not been able to go to any courses as a female in a male prison but if she [sic] was sentenced in the community there are a number of courses she could attend”. (‘She’ could and should have attended the courses designed for male sex offenders because that’s exactly what ‘she’ is - male. But the legal system will insist on coddling these con-men and playing along with their dangerous charade.)
Only a few weeks after being released, Walker was, yet again, found to be in possession of indecent images of children. A search of his accommodation revealed various books containing photographs of naked children and further, mores explicit, indecent images of children secreted in his clothing. Walker admitted to breaching his Sexual Harm Prevention Order and was sentenced to 34 months in prison.
At the time, Walker was being held in a male prison, HMP High Down in Surrey. He complained about incarceration in a men’s prison and demanded a transfer to the female estate.
This week The Daily Mail has reported that Walker is being kept in solitary confinement at a category A men’s prison, HMP Frankland in County Durham, because authorities deem him ‘too dangerous’ for a women’s prison. A prison source told the paper, “She [sic] has to be treated as a woman but cannot be moved to a female prison because she [sic] poses a risk”.
Also Today - This Never Happens #2
SUNDAY WORLD: A trans-identified male convicted of possessing ‘depraved images’ of child sexual abuse has now been released from prison.
Last year we reported on a trans-identified male ‘sex worker’ who had been sentenced to three years imprisonment for possession of child sexual abuse images.
Bruno Binda De Souza , also known as Bruna Meirelles, is originally from Brazil, he moved to Ireland some years ago. In 2020 he was found to be in possession of thousands of ‘depraved images’ of child sexual abuse.
At Dublin Circuit Criminal Court last year De Souza pleaded guilty to four counts of possession of child pornography, five counts of production of child pornography and one count of distribution of child pornography. Not only were thousands of ‘depraved images’ found on his mobile phones and laptop, he was involved in online conversations discussing the abuse of children with other parties and he shared illegal images of children via WhatsApp.
De Souza seems to have served little more than a year of his three year sentence and was released from prison earlier this week. Thanks to Ireland’s self ID laws, this convicted paedophile is now free to access all the supposedly female-only spaces he likes.
Something Nicola Sturgeon continually insists never happens.

See you next week.
Gosh ,so many horrific stories , it's hard to believe this is being allowed to go unchecked by the authorities !! How can ANY government be so blinkered that they can ignore so much abuse of women by men and do NOTHING to stop it ?? Worse still ,how can ANY WOMAN support these violent ,abusive ,perverts. Men openly bullying and even attacking women in full view of everyone has to be the worst sight in the world. Shame on all Western Governments and institutions for this travesty of justice !! Beggars belief 😭🤮👎 Thanks ,JL ,for keeping us informed. Such a difficult ,soul destroying job !👍👏
This should go down in history as 21st century witch hunting, because that is what it is.