Ideological capture was starkly demonstrated by two NHS Scotland documents which came to light this week.

NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde has a 22 page “Gender Reassignment Policy”. It sets out the NHSGGC code with regard to patients “who have proposed, started or completed a process (or part of a process) for the purpose of reassigning their sex”. It was developed in consultation with “transgender service user groups”. (Which ones?) No input from any women’s groups, of course.
In the document, there is much discussion about the importance of adhering to the Equality Act 2010 and the protected characteristic of “Gender Reassignment”. But it doesn’t seem to mention the legislation which protects women’s rights as a separate sex class.

The policy talks about NHSGGC “Recognising a broad spectrum of gender diversity within society”. It also mentions babies being ‘ascribed’ a gender at birth and of non-binary individuals being “Androgyne, thirdgender and polygender people”.
Remember, this is the organisation responsible for the nation’s healthcare.
Where accommodation on hospital wards is concerned, “Patients with the protected characteristic of gender reassignment will be offered accommodation that matches the gender in which they are currently living” [their bold].

In this “Inpatient Scenario”, if a woman feels uncomfortable sharing a ward with a trans-identified male, the policy requires that the nurse, “Reiterate that the ward is indeed female only and that there are no men present”.
In other words, lie to the patient.
The policy also states that “The assumption that others in the ward will feel uncomfortable is unfounded”.
Unfounded. Here it may be necessary to remind the reader that only last month a ‘Julie Marshall’ was sentenced to nine months for accessing child abuse images from NHS wifi. Because he had a wig on, and called himself by a woman’s name, not only did this bloke probably achieve this feat in a women’s ward, he also manages to get a bizarrely compliant press to call him ‘she’ throughout the reporting,
It is, of course, perfectly reasonable to expect that some female patients will feel their safety, privacy and dignity are compromised by sharing the ward with a male, especially a male like Julie Marshall. Otherwise, why segregate wards by sex in the first place? Have wards been segregated over the last century for literally no reason and to no effect?
And the NHSGGC aren’t exactly encouraging women to speak up about their discomfort. Women who are having surgery or treatment requiring an overnight stay may already be feeling anxious and vulnerable. The last thing they need is to be forced into sharing their accommodation with a man and made to feel they have no right to object.
“Ultimately it may be the complainant who is required to be removed.” So a female patient expressing concern over having to share accommodation with a male can be lied to, manipulated and if that doesn’t work, ejected.

NHS Lanarkshire has a “Supporting Trans Staff in the Workplace’ policy. It specifies that a person’s trans status is not dependent on surgery or medical diagnosis, but only requires they have been “living in their preferred gender” for them to be treated as a member of the opposite sex.
Will female NHS staff members be expected to share changing facilities, showers and toilets with intact males and have no say in the matter? It sounds like it.

And the policy indicates that female patients will not be told if their clinician is male. Whilst it does make a cursory mention of the Equality Act 2010 exemptions, it clearly does not encourage applying them. “These exemptions can only be applied in order to achieve a legitimate operational need. All efforts should be made to enable trans employees to work in positions… consistent with the gender with which they identify.”

Last year we talked to Clare Dimyon MBE, rape survivor and LGBT rights campaigner. Genuinely female-only medical staff and clinicians are vital to her and her treatment. And, of course, she’s not alone. There are many women whose experience, trauma, faith or culture rule out their being treated by a male. Not that they should ever have to justify such boundaries.

Labour Party MSP, Jenny Marra, questioned the wording of the NHS Lanarkshire policy with regard to its assertion that “Gender is assigned at birth”.
So the Labour Party’s thought police demanded her head.

Like Rosie Duffield last week, Marra was simply questioning the use of a phrase which does not reflect scientific reality. According to the witchfinders at LGBT+ Labour Scotland, that’s promoting discrimination and fear against trans people.
The organisation charged with protecting and maintaining the nation’s health is allowing a baseless and an unscientific ideology to affect patient care.
Why aren’t more MPs asking questions?
And Graham, one of the things Joe Rogan said in his interview with Dr. Debra Soh was that he looks forward to the day when scientists CAN actually change sex by changing chromosomes in the human body. And I thought, what? I can't see any difference between that and what is happening now with the precepts of transgender ideology. This is the transhumanism bug infecting his brain! How could that possibly be helpful? Those men (and women), and I suspect it would be mostly men again just as it is now who would want to change sex, would still not have been raised female and with no empathy for the nature of female existence and the nature of the prejudices most women experience, etc., etc. (unless he is of course an exceptional man such as yourself). I was blown away by his assertion!
This is shocking, but all too common. There isn't a country on earth that does not show misogyny in its culture, traditions, and history and medical care is one area where there is ample proof of the different ways males and females are treated and people of different races are treated. Unfortunately I have never visited Scotland, but I have always read that Scotland is an extremely male-centered society historically (and what I know of its history this is very clear in their traditions) and that although that culture may be changing for the better in some respects (as other cultures in the West have changed for the better) it is nowhere near where it should be in terms of fairness and justice for both sexes and all races. Males are considered entitled around the world, in everything. But Scotland is not an outlier. Prostitution and pornography and human trafficking are extremely strong there as well all the other assumptions around maleness and femaleness. Everywhere there is a capitalist culture that magnifies these differences and influences our thinking and what is possible. Why does misogyny exist? I have believed for some time that it is the generative power of women that is the origin of misogyny, causing resentment before it was understood that women and men equally contribute to life and once known there was then the need by males to control women to enhance their status and control female sexuality especially after the triumph of patriarchy and the destruction of goddess cultures. It comes out of the nature of our sexual arrangements. Males appear to be particularly susceptible to disturbances in sexual functioning. Fetishes for example are rarely something that women engage in. Some say not at all. I suspect that that may not be true across the board. In all of our cultures, the female is fetishized by males. We are nothing more than body parts for many men. That fetishization of our bodies is apparent all over our cultural products, in advertising, film, literature, clothing, and much more. It's everywhere, even in talking about weapons systems. Goddesses always had consorts. Male gods in the Abrahamic religions now in existence do not. The Holy Spirit comes out of the goddess tradition. She is consigned to an amorphous entity within the Abrahamic religions and her femaleness is hidden and denied. She becomes one of the entities that comprise the one god, which is wholly identified as male in common belief. Even the early existence of worship of female goddesses in Abrahamic cultures is hidden; goddesses had consorts: Was the Holy Spirit a goddess with a consort? I am not an expert. There is a vast literature on these subjects that needs to be understood. The most usual story of Genesis is a complete inversion of reality: females give birth to males and females and females do not come out of the ribs of a male. Surely at the time of Genesis and other Genesis stories in Middle Eastern cultures, it was understood that both males and females contribute to life, yet the importance of the female is denied in the most common story that has come down to us. In modern cultures, the feminine and women who represent femininity are not accepted in any cultures around the world except in the extreme form of substitution goddesses, film or porn stars, as two examples, but are still subject to misogyny. Female political leaders are notoriously susceptible to stereotyping. In India female goddesses still exist and are worshipped but almost uniformly everywhere in India actual women are degraded and abused. All world cultures are at base warrior countries, even those of the Scandinavian countries which are often placed on a pedestal as ideal societies. They are not. They each show the acceptance of harmful ideas and traditions that are misogynist, yet they are perhaps the best we have and I would include Iceland in the group as well, and Iceland and perhaps Norway may be the best among them. Denmark is a disaster for women. Denmark and Germany and Austria and The Netherlands have put the brothel and patriarchy at the center of their cultures just as the other European countries. Feminists, at least the radical ones, understand that prostitution and pornography must be vanquished if women and girls are to be free, along with commercial surrogacy. Transgenderism is just the latest iteration of misogyny. It is the most pernicious yet. And it is aimed straight at the heart of feminism, stopping the women's movement in its tracks, and inculcating a new understanding of what it is to be human. And what it is to be human now means doubling and tripling down on male entitlement, whether on the part of heterosexual transvestite males (and transvestites are almost always heterosexuals) or effeminate gay males. It's seems revolutionary to so many, but it is really the institutionalization of the status quo. It means accepting the gas lighting of gender-critical women and girls and that anyone who wishes to examine this issue is a bigot and should lose their jobs and sex-based rights. Etc., etc., etc.