He's "sick of children being used for moral agendas". I bet he is.

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I'm sick of him. Period. Full stop.

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@karen_actually on Twitter posted a thread of Precious Child’s previous, which is, shall we say, questionable! It seems to be gone now(?) but it’s here in Google’s cache: https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:i-zLsP01sBwJ:https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1411331635031818240.html+&cd=13&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk

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I just moved to Oregon, and after being chased by a naked man, I looked up their flashing laws- it’s only flashing if a nude adult is actively masturbating or, oddly enough, meaning to arouse the person being flashed (which I do not think the naked old man was).

I will recount this here. Can someone tell me if I’m out of line for having a problem with this?

I don’t know if I’m just getting conservative in my old age (late thirties), or if this is a normal life stage as you get older; or if I’m more jaded, or just wiser now- I don’t know.

But for example, I just moved to Portland, and was biking to get some food from a Sri Lankan restaurant (delicious)! There was apparently a naked bike ride happening, its participants congregating in a park near the restaurant.

The first thing I noticed is that the women don’t go nude- particularly not young women. They wear bikinis or at the most they’ll go topless and paint their breasts in elaborate body paint so they don’t actually look quite topless, just as if they’re wearing skin-tight outfits (unless you focus on the nipples, and differentiate them from the rest of the design- a bit uncouth). Most of the “naked” female bike riders were wearing bikinis or bikini tops with cutoff shorts.

Why? Because can you imagine how dangerous that is for a woman, to be completely buck naked that way- much less on a bike, where all the men behind and in front can lean in trying to catch a view of her genitals? It is not remotely the same for men, as literally no one is trying to look at them (unless they are insanely hot, and then maybe a few gay men). For women it will be most of the women being ogled by nearly all of the men.

The next thing I noticed is that there is a certain kind of man who loves to get his kit off in front of women. And I saw that the men were walking everywhere naked, sans their bicycles, out of the bounds of the park and the ride. Did I see any women doing this (much less naked, which they weren’t?) No.

I was just trying to ride my bike to the Sri Lankan restaurant, and was momentarily walking my bike on the sidewalk when a fully nude man crossed the street and began walking right behind me.

He was at least in his late fifties, very tall and broad, and had an enormous penis which I couldn’t help noticing when he crossed the street and began to advance toward me.

I’m a rape survivor, and survivor of much abuse and assault by men, so I got very nervous with this naked man walking behind me at night. Do these men consider that before they bike naked around the city, and stroll naked wherever they want, because for some reason they’re allowed to? Of course not. I had no idea I’d run into this while out getting curry.

However, I’m not triggered by male bodies (though many, many women and girls are), so I ignored this festival and went on to get my curry. What DID bother me is that I had the suspicion this big, tall, naked older man with the giant schlong had crossed the street to bother me. I ignored him and he passed me (withered naked male backsides are certainly not the most appetizing, so I hummed and looked up at the sky in order to avoid being put off my curry). I wanted to pass the man, but didn’t want him behind me again, so I decided to duck out onto the street and into the bike lane and bike the rest of the way.

The minute I did so, and began to pass him, he turned and ran toward me. He said, “are you here for the naked bike ride?” (Which is basically asking me if I’m going to take all of my clothes off). I said firmly “no!,” and looked taken aback.

“But..but…” he began sputtering.

“I’m just riding my bike,” I said, and continued on. I could still hear him sputtering in astonishment. (I’m not sure I’ve ever actually heard a person sputter in astonishment before, but he definitely was).

He apparently failed to see why it might be threatening for a fully naked man, penis and testicles a-swingin’, to break off from a naked bike ride, follow a lone woman up the street on the sidewalk, pretend to not be interested and overtake her, then double back and ask her if she would soon be taking off her clothes and joining him in riding a bicycle with a crowd of other naked people (mostly men), too…

This insensitivity is the insensitivity of those who are not oppressed and hurt by male sexuality in this culture. It’s no accident the bike ride was mainly men, mainly old men, and mainly young women (the most gaslit people in our entire culture- and they still wouldn’t take their clothes off for this “naked” festival!) I look young, so it’s easy to understand the old man’s mistake in thinking it a good idea to chase after me and invite me to the naked bike ride. Maybe I would have been totally credulous and thought it freeing and wonderful, or just been suuuper accommodating (as I was in my youth), and said “sure!”

I’d like to be all cool and liberated, but frankly, at this point, it just looks gross to me. If there were more attractive young men, maybe I would have stripped down to my sports bra and skivvies- maybe! Probably not though.

As it was, the “naked bike ride” appeared to be a wrinkled sausage fest, not some carefree youthful nude free love frolicking.

I still don’t know how I am supposed to feel about this. It happened yesterday. Welcome to Portland!! Ha ha ha.

Am I being a prude? Has my sense of fun dried up? Have feminism and male violence ruined me for good? Help!

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I literally think the concept of prudishness was invented by men to mock women who wouldn't have sex with them.

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That and the word "slut" - a word coined by a man to describe a woman who would give it up to everybody else but him.

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In the early 18th century there was a lot of talk about the “prudes” versus the “flirts” - one way of setting women against each other, based entirely on their relationship with men. Dr Johnson thought they were as bad as each other.

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The Rose and the Lily, the Whore and the Virgin, and other vicious male concepts.

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You are not a prude. There is nothing empowering for those young women in taking off most of their clothes in front of those pervs.

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Nothing prudish about it. One can be happy with one's own body but NOT want to show it off in public. Nothing prudish about that.

Seems that modern society has been showing and oversharing everything to all and sundry. It feels like this concept of show everything off is now morphing into those who refuse to are "prudish". Its a way to break down all bodily and sexual boundaries. The next will be a man like that will be "allowed" to touch anyone they like and there is nothing that person can do to prevent it.

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Yep agree, your either a prude or a bigot now a days...if you say anything.

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No, no and no. You're not a prude, your sense of fun has not dried up and feminism and male violence haven't ruined you for good.

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You are absolutely right. Not a prude. That word is used to manipulate women. Many of us women think exactly the same way you do. Keep strong.

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I wish you luck living in Portland, Oregon, the state that is so woke it sends its prisoners to private prisons out-of-state where their families can't visit them. Lots of us have speculated on the water supply in the Pacific Northwest, but when I read an op-ed in the NYT about taking back Seattle (Amazon workers confronting that behemoth of evil) I realized it's the goddamn tech industry. Its creepiness seeps into everything it comes near. Though I am here, commenting on The Glinner, I truly believe the world would be better off if the internet did not exist.

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Coincidence on the Cardiff naked bike ride yesterday. A reply to my comment


Oh cover yourselves up you melts.


Reply to sianrosierose

Uncover your self you prude.

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Years ago, that prick with a stupid haircut AC Grayling was defending a poster of a prone naked Sophie Dahl being used to sell perfume and dismissing protesters as Victorian prudes. His rationale was that now that porn was mainstream, the poster had lost its power to shock. Obviously never seriously listen to women's objection to gratuitous objectification.

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Or to the fact there are still many who do not watch or agree with porn even today.

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Naked bike rides...only in the UK.

Incidentally, a place like the UK is too silly to exist. ;-)

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I think you're normal and decent, not a sex-obsessed penis-waving pervert. And male violence ruins a lot of us, and it's not our fault.

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Good luck in Oregon. I'm trying to find my way out of here, lovely as its been. Ignorant, dark money Hoovering, shitlib mobs have ruined it, along with smoke and triple digit temps.

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They cannot have it both ways. If they want to claim a dick is "just a penis" and nothing to get worked up over or offended by, then let all the penis-havers use the same space in the spa. You can't claim to feel unsafe with fellow bepenised people and also tell us that genitals are meaningless.

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This always gets me. If they 'just want to pee', why is it so important that they use the women's room? Isn't their desperation to get into women's spaces a tacit admission that women need segregated spaces?

How come 'transwomen' need protection from men, but women don't? That's literally what these people are arguing.

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My God.. that is just it!

The nail on the head.

Bathrooms can be named

‘Bepenised’ or ‘Nonpenised’


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How about pollinators and life givers? I really appreciated the man on Deep Green Resistance who pointed out that all men do is donate a bit of pollen.

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Oh like all of them that’s a silly and deeply self-involved man. Deluded about his musical capabilities and lacking any originality of expression he clearly can’t understand why he isn’t yet famous and internationally lauded for his talents and super special amazing uniqueness. So he has to be violently and relentlessly provocative or he’d be just nothing and at the moment society allows him to get away with it. It would be much funnier if he wasn’t clearly so determined to try and frighten women and children. What a complete cock.

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Charles Manson springs to mind.

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He's equally as boring as Manson.

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And potentially dangerous in his way

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I'm looking up the stockholders of every entity supporting this shizz and of course blackrock and vanguard are everywhere on all of them. The LA times is now owned by a billionaire medical doctor who owns 235 patents and stands to make a fortune off of cancer drugs, big pharma all the way, which explains their slant. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrick_Soon-Shiong

this is simply all about money and greed. I didn't understand this til the other day, I knew about Bilek's trans-specific research but I didn't understand that Blackrock/Vanguard own just about everthing lock, stock and barrel. this is just about the old order falling away to the new order.

I think the adult trans predators like this one are shaping this agenda to make it look like less of a cash grab than it really is.

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Omg - you just scrape a little of the surface and look what you find. He purposely distanced himself on that previous video. Smoke and mirrors but we see him for what he is. Yet again - good detective work

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Anyone else think the "bad driver" death threat post could easily be one of their own? Such an extreme post doesn't reflect the thoughts of peaceful protestors at Wi Spa and neither does his video description, which doesn't mention those people once, like they didn't exist - but hey let's make this conversation extremely binary and partisan. It's the oldest trick in the fed-ops playbook, and that's why I distrust the guy. He mentions violence and TRANS rights but nothing about the rights of peaceful women who intended no physical harm to anybody at the protest. No mention of violent Antifa agitation, of course. He proclaims that it was a hoax because no police report was filed and no trans person identifed, yet there was no reason for Cubana Angel to report it to the police, as most would expect, she reported it to Wi Spa staff - the relevant authority - who did nothing to investigate while she was there, thus debunking nothing. So much gaslighting it would make your head spin. But that's the aim of course. Oh and he promotes human rights but later asks "should we stand for anti-maskers?" You couldn't make it up. Graham says "under a slightly too-slow President" and that is no understatement.

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oh it's so clearly a TRA trolling

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The Democrats are totally onboard with this, except perhaps for Joe Manchin and he's abominable in other ways. Someone just noted that Maine is going to start housing men in women's areas in prison (I don't think we have an actual women's prison); I need to hear more about this, but I know our governor would go along with it. We just got rid of a corrupt horror show of a governor, and now we have a corrupt horror show of a governor with a nice Democratic gloss on her. I will not vote for her again after reading she vetoed some really good legislation.

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I figured you probably didn’t mention him due to fuzzy details, Graham- glad to hear he has outed himself.

Also, thanks for watching that video, for all of us.

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He could have stopped at "monster" instead of spending 17 minutes confirming a readily apparent fact. The knife was a nice touch. I wonder how many people that his video has peak.

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May I point people to Precious Child’s menstrual fetish music video (as I like to call it in my head):


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Again - if this doesn’t illustrate that these are not the vulnerable minority being hounded by horrible rad female I don’t know what will

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Rad fems

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Noooo!! Please don't!! He a freakazoid. It's not watchable and we're all upping his number of views. !!!!

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Ooh sorry- didn’t think of that! It’s true; sometimes shining a light on their depravity is exactly what they want. He does seem like an attention seeker!

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Shining a light is more important than worrying about his 'likes', he wonr be able to count them in prison!

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Wow, this is the very Wi guy? Hadn't realized. Perhaps porn producers should pay a mental health tax for all the padded cells and public spaces its consumers will be needing.

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As you said before Graham...the left using Trumpian tactics."Oh fake news, conspiracy,the other side did it".

The trail led to him "let him who has eyes see". Good one to bookmark.

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Politicians aside, many Republican's have been accused and lied about in the same way that these female protestors are being accused and lied about. Anyone who gets in the way of these agendas is a target.

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yes because they are as bought and sold now as the right ever was. CLEARLY the big pharma scamsters have used these wackos to build up this civil rights facade so they can maim and sterilize as many children as possible before this b.s scam dries up like oxycontin did

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Allegedly he was in a women's spa. As written by alleged journalists for an alleged newspaper

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he's essentially confirmed it on his twitter feed.

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On the other hand (and TRAs are famous for this) he is probably lying to seek attention to further his music "career".

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I have no doubt this creep will have oodles of support for his endeavours. So many of them don't give much thought to who/what they're supporting, so long as it's part of the alphabet soup militia.

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This stuff is so disgusting. I don’t even want to polite myself by watching more.

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After watching more of the guys vids, I withdraw my attempt to be compassionate towards him :S

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I never was. Compassion can be given where its genuinely deserved. Those trans people who recognise sex as default but go through drugs/operations to live their lives quietly without imposing on the rights of others, as this is the only way for them to live with themselves - they deserve compassion.

Those like this person, using the "gender ideology" as a vehicle to be publically vocal about his hate for women - does not deserve any compassion.

Kindness, like respect, is given to all.....until it is proven undeserved. Kindness, compassion, respect is not unconditional.

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Deplorable pos. he’s sick of children. It would seem not if he makes it his mission to bully and offend women and girls. Vile. I’m so sick of this utter bs and the loonies applauding it like automatons clapping and smiling like ghoulish clowns 🤡. They will rue the day. I hope that day will come soon because I am beyond impatient.

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