How dispicable. To co-opt the holocoust for their ends now too? There really is no depth too low to sink to is there? And is that article with the space age picture satire or real? It can be hard to tell... But I do not foresee a beautiful future with flying cars just becuase TRAs get their way. I see one where women become mere handmaid…
How dispicable. To co-opt the holocoust for their ends now too? There really is no depth too low to sink to is there? And is that article with the space age picture satire or real? It can be hard to tell... But I do not foresee a beautiful future with flying cars just becuase TRAs get their way. I see one where women become mere handmaidens, have few rights and the human race suffers from losing the active contribution of 50% of it's population where men taken female places. Given that increased diversity usually improves innovation, replacing actual women with men in dresses involved in ideological group-think would ensure the flying car never made it off the ground.
It was, I think just meant to be like: Without trans oppression the beautiful future we were all promised would already be here, so where's my jetpack?
Indeed if only men were allowed to wear dresses and claim womens spaces sooner! If any comparison is to be made to that period of history, I think the amount of propoganda the movement generates based on lies, misinformation and utter fantasy to try and hoodwink people, is more akin to the Nazi propaganda machine. Same tactics.
I laughed out loud at that. No doubt, that's what Tra & Co. would have us believe.
Sillyness aside, It would be interesting to see what the 6 million Jewish people who were systematically murdered might have done for the world, had they not been robbed of the opportunity.
Their piggybacking on the Holocaust is so shameless and despicable...the lows they go to are always astonishing if not surprising. You're absolutely right when you said they are revising history in a desperate attempt to rope people back onto their side who may otherwise be getting disillusioned with an unraveling, dying narrative.
How dispicable. To co-opt the holocoust for their ends now too? There really is no depth too low to sink to is there? And is that article with the space age picture satire or real? It can be hard to tell... But I do not foresee a beautiful future with flying cars just becuase TRAs get their way. I see one where women become mere handmaidens, have few rights and the human race suffers from losing the active contribution of 50% of it's population where men taken female places. Given that increased diversity usually improves innovation, replacing actual women with men in dresses involved in ideological group-think would ensure the flying car never made it off the ground.
The image is from a humorous but sincere post on a trans reddit.
Thanks for clarifying. The way many of them talk, they do seem to have sincerely bought into the "trans people are beautiful and talented" schtick.
It was, I think just meant to be like: Without trans oppression the beautiful future we were all promised would already be here, so where's my jetpack?
Indeed if only men were allowed to wear dresses and claim womens spaces sooner! If any comparison is to be made to that period of history, I think the amount of propoganda the movement generates based on lies, misinformation and utter fantasy to try and hoodwink people, is more akin to the Nazi propaganda machine. Same tactics.
I laughed out loud at that. No doubt, that's what Tra & Co. would have us believe.
Sillyness aside, It would be interesting to see what the 6 million Jewish people who were systematically murdered might have done for the world, had they not been robbed of the opportunity.
Their piggybacking on the Holocaust is so shameless and despicable...the lows they go to are always astonishing if not surprising. You're absolutely right when you said they are revising history in a desperate attempt to rope people back onto their side who may otherwise be getting disillusioned with an unraveling, dying narrative.
Loved this piece. ❤