Indeed if only men were allowed to wear dresses and claim womens spaces sooner! If any comparison is to be made to that period of history, I think the amount of propoganda the movement generates based on lies, misinformation and utter fantasy to try and hoodwink people, is more akin to the Nazi propaganda machine. Same tactics.
Indeed if only men were allowed to wear dresses and claim womens spaces sooner! If any comparison is to be made to that period of history, I think the amount of propoganda the movement generates based on lies, misinformation and utter fantasy to try and hoodwink people, is more akin to the Nazi propaganda machine. Same tactics.
Indeed if only men were allowed to wear dresses and claim womens spaces sooner! If any comparison is to be made to that period of history, I think the amount of propoganda the movement generates based on lies, misinformation and utter fantasy to try and hoodwink people, is more akin to the Nazi propaganda machine. Same tactics.