Not content with bullying his female colleagues, Owen Jones has moved on to schoolgirls. The Times ran with this shocking story today, that has surely peaked anyone who happened upon it. A young girl resisted the gender woo emanating from a visting misogynist member of the House of Lords at her (Stonewall-affiliated) school and was in turn surrounded by 60 schoolmates who “shouted, screamed and spat at her”. The traumatised girl has been forced to leave school.
“Not nearly good enough!” says the Goebbels of LGBT Inc.
Traumatised she may be, but Owen feels the young woman requires a national platform on which to be shamed and harangued out of her rights. Private Eye has had stories in two consecutive issues about Jones bullying women and Guardian staffers having to do emergency sessions with crisis hippies/support dogs. Not to diminish what women like Suzanne Moore have gone through thanks to him, but this latest wheeze is on another level. Attempting to enable a group of bullies to reconvene and resume their activities on a wider stage is so sadistic it feels like something from a Neil LaBute play.
Debbie Hayton nailed it years ago when he described men like Jones as “the bullies at school even the other bullies hated, the bullies who bully girls.” Jones seems to get more exquisite pleasure from bullying women than he does editing Wikipedia entries on whether Jewish people are a race or an ethicity. But even so, perhaps this should be it, what do you think, Owen? Bullying lone schoolgirls is so low, I don’t think you can beat it. You’ve done enough. We know who you are. That’s enough, now.
I was bullied by other adolescent girls in my teens. I actually cried when I read this story yesterday, I was so horror-struck. And Owen’s reaction is to make sure the “side” of the mob is heard? He can probably sink lower but I am not sure how.
"Speak anonymously". Course you will Owen, and you will then present anything they say as absolute fact, as long as it backs up your pathetic misogyny. This girl is supposed to be doing her A Levels, and won't need any more stress.