I was bullied by other adolescent girls in my teens. I actually cried when I read this story yesterday, I was so horror-struck. And Owen’s reaction is to make sure the “side” of the mob is heard? He can probably sink lower but I am not sure how.

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"Speak anonymously". Course you will Owen, and you will then present anything they say as absolute fact, as long as it backs up your pathetic misogyny. This girl is supposed to be doing her A Levels, and won't need any more stress.

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May 18, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

Well said. Shame on you, Owen Jones. And shame on the school leaders. Who really has no "safe space" at their school???! None so blind, etc.

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Where were the teachers, allowing this to happen? The parents?

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Dispicable and deluded! Also in the Times today (hidden in the Scotland section) is Maya Forstater with an excellent opinion piece about self ID offering a dangerous ‘invisibility cloak.’

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I'm about to contact The Guardian and point out that one of their lovely people is inviting schoolkids to contact him so he can gather "evidence" which he is presumably going to use against a teenage girl. He may not name her, of course, but it hardly going to go unnoticed by the girl and her former school mates, so how is that going to make her feel? Like most teens, she's going to be online, (and probably lives in the area), even if she has left the school.....

I'm not sure if this is the best one?


Could try this too?


Also, how do you contact Nicola Woolcock, (only via Twitter?), who wrote the article. She may like to know what LOJ has in store for the girl

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Just looked at LOJ Twitter. He's getting the usual fawning crap, of course, but a fair few people pointing out that he didn't bother to present "the other side" on a story he just wrote about a man being bullied, or even think to check up on the WI Spa incident before he denounced it as false. So it's basically, "Anything critcial of Trans is Fake" as a starting point

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I really must do some work and stop reading this!!!


If it did happen as reported and he does directly interview some of the girls involved, what are they likely to say, with their PARENTS present;

Will it be something like:

"Yes, she made some really good, well-argued points, but we all reacted like a mob of witch burners, cos we can't have anyone breaking away from the Hive mind. Saying biology is real wreaks our chances to be non-binary and special, and we can't virtue signal all over WhatApp


"She was a complete cow! Saying all trans are dirty pervs and child molesters who ought to be in jail. We tried to reason with her but she kept getting in my face and yelling. I was scared (sad face)

Hmmm....I wonder

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This is reminiscent of the Crucible!

“It was the whispered and frequent use of the terms transphobe and transphobic during that after-school activity that alerted me to the depressing fact that these girls were going along with the narrative that our heretic was, as far as they were concerned, indeed a heretic — and that she was thoroughly deserving of the roasting that she had just received before caving in and running off in a panicked and hyperventilating state.”

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Sickening. There’s nothing crueller than teenagers. Oh wait, maybe one thing. Owen Jones.

He really gets off on bullying people ill equipped to argue back. Nasty little stain he is.

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He is central to the story the Guardian have created about themselves very similar to what our First Minister has done in Scotland. They have decided that their target audience is the young and credulous and so nonsense and mythology and anything alternative is given a platform. This means being on board with people you wouldn’t normally give house room to. The SNP is now choc a bloc with sheep and the Greens have given them a further dimension of stupidity. The Guardian now has very few columnists or journalists to admire.

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That girl should have a great future, if our society still values intellectual probity and the courage to challenge those in power.

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There need to be several enquiries regarding this awful incident. The school and teachers should be named and required to explain their actions. The peer should be required to explain whybthwy are repeating unscientific and nknsense views to persuadable young people. And the Guardian, and other outlets, should seriously question why Jones is still given any sort of platform at all.

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It is remarkably similar to 'Tommy Robinson' shittyness, trying to claim that a kid being bullied was the one at fault just to suit his ideology.

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The school-in-question should be classed as a religious institution. Quite likely, in view of its anti-science stance, its teachers and senior staff would enable attacks on girls who espoused Evolution/Natural Selection.

If the school operates as a charity then its status should be changed to being a religious institution by The Charity Commissioners.

If it advertises, say for new fee-paying pupils, its adverts should include text to say it does not tolerate any deviation from the ideology it practices-and-promotes.

Its teachers and senior staff should have their DBS certificates reviewed, as the school obviously does not place the safety of pupils at the heart of its policies.

A snap/no-notice Ofsted inspection, accompanied by safeguarding experts should be visited upon the school once it is identified, to review its safeguarding and education policies.

I think the above would be a reasonable response.

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What an absolute scrote Owen Jones is.

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