Where are the statistics on how this is actually influencing people becoming trans? Been watching your youtube vids with interest. I am GC, but also been getting my rocks off to the stuff in this article for 6-7 years now. It is a fine line between protecting children/women's spaces and outright bigotry.
This is equally depressing and scary. I keep sharing this sort of critical content with my friends but with many of them it only resulted in me being labeled a bigot (and a terf, of course.) I honestly don’t know how to make this any more clear.
How many people under 18 are looking at this stuff? Anyone over 18 are allowed to watch and enjoy whatever they want to get a kick out of videos. It is a fine line between being an outright bigot and someone who actually wants to protect children and women's spaces.
I only started hearing about the trans issue 3 years ago on Facebook. I was confronted by someone with a vicious series of posts in response to my first input on someone else's post. I was so shocked at the vitriol and hatred from someone I didn't even know. Shortly after, a dear friend that I'd known for almost years who is a midwife, unfriended me for taking a gender critical position. That left me even more gobsmacked.
I believe the male human is going rogue and taking women with them. There seems to be a mass psychosis taking over men today based on the #MeToo movement, rape culture, incels and the extreme degradation of women in the media and porn.
Between gonzo porn, transgender ideology and the rollback of basic reproductive rights and the move to the right as well as the capitalist surrogacy exploitation, it's almost like women are being seen more and more as cattle that are less than human and only exist for the pleasure and services of men.
So, I'm afraid I am despairing Graham. If they have propagated trans ideology throughout all the public schools, effectively indoctrinating the youngest of children and of course, the generations moving through high school and colleges and universities and virtually all governments and institutions - including those, like Amnesty International for god's sake! - women have miniscule chance of turning this ship around.
Which doesn't mean we should stop fighting. I have a daughter and a granddaughter and I'm absolutely beside myself with grief and rage watching this unfolding. As a senior, I cannot even fathom the horror of being treated by a porn-addled man in a dress in a retirement home. It's utterly a nightmare and so extreme that I've come to the point that I can't even discuss it with family because people simply cannot absorb the sheer insanity of it all.
The average woman or man are oblivious to what's coming, but women in particular are going to be blindsided when it permeates deeply into society. For me, it's like having a gun to my head every waking moment. It's excruciating. I've always prided myself in accepting reality and adapting to its challenges. I cannot adapt to this. Few people can. We're headed over a cliff.
The only leverage that we have, and it's extremely marginal, is bombarding our politicians at every level of government. But that has to be a coordinated, concentrated and relentless barrage of protest in the form of email, letters, petitions, etc.
I've been censored myself a number of times - on Medium, Twitter and Facebook. And for quite mild statements, too. Such a surreal time to be a woman or girl. It's like the hatred men have always had for women in patriarchy is congealing into a monstrous wave of violence and dehumanization and degradation that is escalating and spreading everywhere. And of course, a large part of this is the massive transhumanism agenda with covid being the trigger.
On a final note, Graham, I'm deeply grateful for all of your work and effort. My goodness, you are such a powerful and necessary voice on this transgender juggernaut. Your daily emails are one of the first things I read (with dread mind you). It's men like you who will turn the tide, I believe. Sadly, it's because women's voices are silenced everywhere for speaking up.
FreeGoddess, I've started to feel as hopeless as you in recent months - but, take heart. Everyone here is worried about these things and I *believe* that we're going to be able to turn this around ultimately. I'm not going to pretend that it won't be grim, but these people (and some of them are truly wretched & vile) are becoming so overconfident.
They're going to do themselves in the eye, so to speak.
.....what is your actual point here? So, some people like fetish porn and then that demonstrates that porn is addictive? How about you try pulling your head out of your arse?
Thank you Genevieve for writing this detailed and extremely disturbing account of the destructive role of "sissy" porn in relarion to trans-identified males. It must be pretty disturbing researching it. Your explanation is very helpful in understanding the intensity of hatred with which women are attacked by trans activists: well beyond normal expressions of misogyny.
But it's so difficult trying to communicate the sordid open secrets of the paraphilic trans community to ordinary, uninvolved people duped by the "civil rights" pretence of TRAs.
I note that sissy porn is actually increasing the incidence of sexual offences and attacks by those addicted to it, which might help to explain some of the following stats from the UK's Office for National Statistics (ONS) for England & Wales (2019):
99% of sex offenders are male
88% of victims are female
Male pattern sex offending does not change with transition
48% of trans-identified male prisoners are convicted sex offenders.
-- the 48% figure is hugely higher than 18% of all male offenders being sex offenders.
I feel that we need such brief lists of provocative stats to give our uninformed political representatives a smack in the eye: to get them thinking there might be a problem -- so they might be interested in our telling them WHY.
Tom Perotta's novel, Little Children, from 2003 (!) had a character who developed an addiction/fixation with an internet porn mistress. It was prescient, I think.
don't despair. people are beginning to see
Where are the statistics on how this is actually influencing people becoming trans? Been watching your youtube vids with interest. I am GC, but also been getting my rocks off to the stuff in this article for 6-7 years now. It is a fine line between protecting children/women's spaces and outright bigotry.
This is equally depressing and scary. I keep sharing this sort of critical content with my friends but with many of them it only resulted in me being labeled a bigot (and a terf, of course.) I honestly don’t know how to make this any more clear.
How many people under 18 are looking at this stuff? Anyone over 18 are allowed to watch and enjoy whatever they want to get a kick out of videos. It is a fine line between being an outright bigot and someone who actually wants to protect children and women's spaces.
I only started hearing about the trans issue 3 years ago on Facebook. I was confronted by someone with a vicious series of posts in response to my first input on someone else's post. I was so shocked at the vitriol and hatred from someone I didn't even know. Shortly after, a dear friend that I'd known for almost years who is a midwife, unfriended me for taking a gender critical position. That left me even more gobsmacked.
I believe the male human is going rogue and taking women with them. There seems to be a mass psychosis taking over men today based on the #MeToo movement, rape culture, incels and the extreme degradation of women in the media and porn.
Between gonzo porn, transgender ideology and the rollback of basic reproductive rights and the move to the right as well as the capitalist surrogacy exploitation, it's almost like women are being seen more and more as cattle that are less than human and only exist for the pleasure and services of men.
So, I'm afraid I am despairing Graham. If they have propagated trans ideology throughout all the public schools, effectively indoctrinating the youngest of children and of course, the generations moving through high school and colleges and universities and virtually all governments and institutions - including those, like Amnesty International for god's sake! - women have miniscule chance of turning this ship around.
Which doesn't mean we should stop fighting. I have a daughter and a granddaughter and I'm absolutely beside myself with grief and rage watching this unfolding. As a senior, I cannot even fathom the horror of being treated by a porn-addled man in a dress in a retirement home. It's utterly a nightmare and so extreme that I've come to the point that I can't even discuss it with family because people simply cannot absorb the sheer insanity of it all.
The average woman or man are oblivious to what's coming, but women in particular are going to be blindsided when it permeates deeply into society. For me, it's like having a gun to my head every waking moment. It's excruciating. I've always prided myself in accepting reality and adapting to its challenges. I cannot adapt to this. Few people can. We're headed over a cliff.
The only leverage that we have, and it's extremely marginal, is bombarding our politicians at every level of government. But that has to be a coordinated, concentrated and relentless barrage of protest in the form of email, letters, petitions, etc.
I've been censored myself a number of times - on Medium, Twitter and Facebook. And for quite mild statements, too. Such a surreal time to be a woman or girl. It's like the hatred men have always had for women in patriarchy is congealing into a monstrous wave of violence and dehumanization and degradation that is escalating and spreading everywhere. And of course, a large part of this is the massive transhumanism agenda with covid being the trigger.
On a final note, Graham, I'm deeply grateful for all of your work and effort. My goodness, you are such a powerful and necessary voice on this transgender juggernaut. Your daily emails are one of the first things I read (with dread mind you). It's men like you who will turn the tide, I believe. Sadly, it's because women's voices are silenced everywhere for speaking up.
FreeGoddess, I've started to feel as hopeless as you in recent months - but, take heart. Everyone here is worried about these things and I *believe* that we're going to be able to turn this around ultimately. I'm not going to pretend that it won't be grim, but these people (and some of them are truly wretched & vile) are becoming so overconfident.
They're going to do themselves in the eye, so to speak.
I’m scared for my daughter.
Maybe learn how to put some blocks on her internet so she doesn't access this stuff? You sound like Mary Whitehouse.
And what's wrong with Mary Whitehouse? Maybe if we'd listened to her more, we wouldn't be in this situation now.
If anyone says that pornography is not addictive...
.....what is your actual point here? So, some people like fetish porn and then that demonstrates that porn is addictive? How about you try pulling your head out of your arse?
Thank you Genevieve for writing this detailed and extremely disturbing account of the destructive role of "sissy" porn in relarion to trans-identified males. It must be pretty disturbing researching it. Your explanation is very helpful in understanding the intensity of hatred with which women are attacked by trans activists: well beyond normal expressions of misogyny.
But it's so difficult trying to communicate the sordid open secrets of the paraphilic trans community to ordinary, uninvolved people duped by the "civil rights" pretence of TRAs.
I note that sissy porn is actually increasing the incidence of sexual offences and attacks by those addicted to it, which might help to explain some of the following stats from the UK's Office for National Statistics (ONS) for England & Wales (2019):
99% of sex offenders are male
88% of victims are female
Male pattern sex offending does not change with transition
48% of trans-identified male prisoners are convicted sex offenders.
-- the 48% figure is hugely higher than 18% of all male offenders being sex offenders.
I feel that we need such brief lists of provocative stats to give our uninformed political representatives a smack in the eye: to get them thinking there might be a problem -- so they might be interested in our telling them WHY.
Bizarre comment. I find you disturbing.
People don't know. People don't know.
Such a shame, such a shame....
Not for much longer will people not know. Shining a light in dark corners is always revealing.
This is one of the most disturbing things I've ever read.
I find your comment disturbing.
Tom Perotta's novel, Little Children, from 2003 (!) had a character who developed an addiction/fixation with an internet porn mistress. It was prescient, I think.
Bummer. No pun in intended.