Sometimes it is, it often it’s just for comfort. Gender affirming surgery can have positive outcomes for trans people, so why does everyone here consider every single instance as mutilation, especially as it’s a consenting adult making the decision?
Sometimes it is, it often it’s just for comfort. Gender affirming surgery can have positive outcomes for trans people, so why does everyone here consider every single instance as mutilation, especially as it’s a consenting adult making the decision?
A hysterectomy is a major operation that can lead to a number of medical conditions and complications. The uterus doesn't just carry a child, it's an important part of women's internal structure, and disrupting it can cause problems with in bladder and bowel function and cause back/hip pain, etc. Having this surgery can result in a lot of discomfort, well as potentially serious problems. That's not very comforting, and I'm fairly confident that unless this operation is necessary, it's one few women would seek or consent to.
OK, forget about the hysterectomy, my point is gender affirming surgery can be a positive thing for trans people, and constantly showing a picture of a transman who has consented and seems happy with the operation as though it’s inflicted mutilation is wrong
Tezzy, GTFOH. “Gender affirming” surgery is your bs propaganda terminology. Slicing off healthy penises and breasts is insane, especially when committed against children, the mentally ill and those on The Spectrum. My brother had “facial feminisation” surgery and because of that he’s now dead. Educate yourself.
You’re SORRY? Sorry?? Seriously, if you truly understand, then stop the contrarian shite. If you understand what “devastating “ feels like/is, then STOP REPEATING UR FU’ed MANTRA, “Gendr affirmng srgery cn b a positive thing for trans ppl”. Now that u know tht this abso unnecessary surgery kills, STFU. STFHU. Also, sorry for ur loss.
Gender affirming is just a name we give to these procedures, the point is it helps a lot of trans people feel better about themselves, if a surgery can help someone feel better shouldn’t we support it?
I also noticed that you write in a highly patronising style where you 'explain' to others by stating the obvious. We know what you have said, we know the new twisting of words. We know what the words gender and affirmation mean. And there is nothing 'just' about affirming any delusion. There is nothing 'just' about incontinence. There is nothing 'just' about infertility. And there is nothing 'just' about lifelong pain.
Trying to downplay and patronise by saying 'it's just a name we give' is sparklingly funny Tez!! Do you do stand up?
No, let's not 'forget' about the hysterectomy. Do you know what one is, or why? The different types of intervention? You are showing your ignorance again Tezzbot! How do you do it?!
And that photo is of a botched job - the fact that it's botched seems to go unnoticed by you?
It comforts some people to drink and take too many drugs, to numb trauma. It comforts some people to abuse others. But that's ok if it's 'comforting' to them? People do stupid things in some attempt to relieve the conflict, confusion or distress they are in. Doesn't make it right. And if they've been told that it's the cure to all their problems that's even worse. It's body dysphoria, not solved by thousands of pounds worth of surgery from obliging business owners. Do you think people who think they are cats should all go and spend thousands making themselves 'look' like cats?
Yes, providing they're adults who've been given the opportunity to decide it's the right thing for them. It's not appropriate for children and young people whose feelings about themselves and their sense of identity haven't been explored. That's irresponsible and abusive.
I personally think that surgery should wait until they’re older, though I can’t speak for all trans people. I think in most countries you have to wait until you’re 18 to get gender affirming surgery
Perhaps no surgical intervention has taken place, but children are being prescribed puberty blockers and started on a process that could or will eventually lead to surgery. As I said, it's irresponsible and abusive.
Being prescribed puberty blockers doesn’t mean someone will choose to undergo surgery, the uptake just means that when they reach the end of their time on blockers they still want the surgery. The high uptake indicates that it was right to put them on blockers because when they reached 18 they still wanted to go ahead with gender affirming surgery.
Blockers don’t = surgery, why would it, if they reach 18 and still have dysphoria (think about how long that time period is of feeling you’re the wrong gender) then making the decision to have surgery makes sense to some
Some people don’t want surgery, they’re OK with just hormones, but then they’re demonised for going into bathrooms and changing rooms whilst still having male genitals, they can’t win.
What are they trying to win? The 'right' to use women's facilities on the strength of a feeling and a prescription for oestrogen? They might be okay with just taking hormones, if it improves their life, good, but I don't want my life or the lives of any other women devalued in order to keep them happy.
They are ok, oh ok, what about anyone else around them? It's what they also do with those male genitals Tezzy. You have male genitals = you are a man. Please do some more reading and try to learn to observe reality. Did you have your puberty blocked?
We’ll obviously what people do with they’re genitals matters. I didn’t have my puberty blocked, I’m a gay man. I don’t believe I’m defending the indefensible, I’m going off of what the research says, which I don’t feel GCs do
You “don’t believe you are defending the indefensible “??! FFS. Yeah, mate, u are.
Are you high or something. WTF? You say you’re a gay man advocating “trans” surgeries. Phhht, get forked. I don’t believe a word u type. Not 👏. One 👏. Word👏. Go elsewhere & peddle ur b.s. I think I know who u r and u are DEFINITELY NOT who u say u are. Kindly FO. You will come to a gate which reads “Fork off”. Pass thru this gate and walk down the path to the meadow. You will see a sign which reads “Fork off yet more”. Please heed this sign and continue forking off, continue down the path until you come to a lake. You’ll see a foot bridge with a sign that says “Continue forking off”. Heed this sign and continue…. OR, (and I’m not telling u what to do here- your choice) you do have the option of just jumping in the’s completely up to you. Either way, continue the forking until u r so far away u cannot hear our voices. BYeeeeee! 👋
P.S. If u’d actually had possession of any valid research, u’d have presented multiple links to it by now. TROLL, BE GONE! Phhhhht. {{{{spraying}}}} SSSSSSSSssssssst!
You keep saying this, these 'studies' and this 'research'. I am a researcher, so tell me, what research?
Isn't it a bit odd that all 'your' mystery meat studies all show you to be correct, and all 'our' research is somehow not the 'right' type of research for you. Is that because it doesn't back up your 'feelings'?
You defend the indefensible, then deny you do this. Ok.
Again, you don't 'feel' GCs do. So again, can you show how? How do we or have we not done this?
There is no “Research” supporting their Bullshite claims. It’s a troll. Get out ur Troll Spray & rid our lovely community of the contrarian /propaganda BS artist . Thank you for your cooperation! 👍😁🤡
These aren’t related to the above example but OK, to address the articles.
The first one is interesting. She links to a study to show that minors are getting chest surgery but the study actually concludes that surgery should be based on need rather than age, as quoted below:-
“Youth should be referred for chest surgery based on their individual needs, rather than their age or time spent taking medication.“
This study has actually made me more inclined to support surgery for trans kids than I did before
The article author then goes on to peddle ROGD, which is an unproven theory that isn’t endorsed by any medical body. So I’m not inclined to pay her much heed.
The second story is obviously very sad, but I think this is more an example of the need for better services for children with gender dysphoria rather than just blanket saying no trans kids should ever have it.
Sometimes it is, it often it’s just for comfort. Gender affirming surgery can have positive outcomes for trans people, so why does everyone here consider every single instance as mutilation, especially as it’s a consenting adult making the decision?
A hysterectomy is a major operation that can lead to a number of medical conditions and complications. The uterus doesn't just carry a child, it's an important part of women's internal structure, and disrupting it can cause problems with in bladder and bowel function and cause back/hip pain, etc. Having this surgery can result in a lot of discomfort, well as potentially serious problems. That's not very comforting, and I'm fairly confident that unless this operation is necessary, it's one few women would seek or consent to.
OK, forget about the hysterectomy, my point is gender affirming surgery can be a positive thing for trans people, and constantly showing a picture of a transman who has consented and seems happy with the operation as though it’s inflicted mutilation is wrong
Tezzy, GTFOH. “Gender affirming” surgery is your bs propaganda terminology. Slicing off healthy penises and breasts is insane, especially when committed against children, the mentally ill and those on The Spectrum. My brother had “facial feminisation” surgery and because of that he’s now dead. Educate yourself.
I’m sorry to hear about your brother, I lost a brother too so I know how devastating that feels
You’re SORRY? Sorry?? Seriously, if you truly understand, then stop the contrarian shite. If you understand what “devastating “ feels like/is, then STOP REPEATING UR FU’ed MANTRA, “Gendr affirmng srgery cn b a positive thing for trans ppl”. Now that u know tht this abso unnecessary surgery kills, STFU. STFHU. Also, sorry for ur loss.
It's not gender affirming it's sex denying!
Gender affirming is just a name we give to these procedures, the point is it helps a lot of trans people feel better about themselves, if a surgery can help someone feel better shouldn’t we support it?
I also noticed that you write in a highly patronising style where you 'explain' to others by stating the obvious. We know what you have said, we know the new twisting of words. We know what the words gender and affirmation mean. And there is nothing 'just' about affirming any delusion. There is nothing 'just' about incontinence. There is nothing 'just' about infertility. And there is nothing 'just' about lifelong pain.
Trying to downplay and patronise by saying 'it's just a name we give' is sparklingly funny Tez!! Do you do stand up?
Comforting a delusion is delusional in itself. And you know that.
No, let's not 'forget' about the hysterectomy. Do you know what one is, or why? The different types of intervention? You are showing your ignorance again Tezzbot! How do you do it?!
And that photo is of a botched job - the fact that it's botched seems to go unnoticed by you?
It comforts some people to drink and take too many drugs, to numb trauma. It comforts some people to abuse others. But that's ok if it's 'comforting' to them? People do stupid things in some attempt to relieve the conflict, confusion or distress they are in. Doesn't make it right. And if they've been told that it's the cure to all their problems that's even worse. It's body dysphoria, not solved by thousands of pounds worth of surgery from obliging business owners. Do you think people who think they are cats should all go and spend thousands making themselves 'look' like cats?
Yes, providing they're adults who've been given the opportunity to decide it's the right thing for them. It's not appropriate for children and young people whose feelings about themselves and their sense of identity haven't been explored. That's irresponsible and abusive.
I personally think that surgery should wait until they’re older, though I can’t speak for all trans people. I think in most countries you have to wait until you’re 18 to get gender affirming surgery
Perhaps no surgical intervention has taken place, but children are being prescribed puberty blockers and started on a process that could or will eventually lead to surgery. As I said, it's irresponsible and abusive.
Being prescribed puberty blockers doesn’t mean someone will choose to undergo surgery, the uptake just means that when they reach the end of their time on blockers they still want the surgery. The high uptake indicates that it was right to put them on blockers because when they reached 18 they still wanted to go ahead with gender affirming surgery.
Blockers don’t = surgery, why would it, if they reach 18 and still have dysphoria (think about how long that time period is of feeling you’re the wrong gender) then making the decision to have surgery makes sense to some
Some people don’t want surgery, they’re OK with just hormones, but then they’re demonised for going into bathrooms and changing rooms whilst still having male genitals, they can’t win.
What are they trying to win? The 'right' to use women's facilities on the strength of a feeling and a prescription for oestrogen? They might be okay with just taking hormones, if it improves their life, good, but I don't want my life or the lives of any other women devalued in order to keep them happy.
They are ok, oh ok, what about anyone else around them? It's what they also do with those male genitals Tezzy. You have male genitals = you are a man. Please do some more reading and try to learn to observe reality. Did you have your puberty blocked?
You defend the indefensible.
We’ll obviously what people do with they’re genitals matters. I didn’t have my puberty blocked, I’m a gay man. I don’t believe I’m defending the indefensible, I’m going off of what the research says, which I don’t feel GCs do
You “don’t believe you are defending the indefensible “??! FFS. Yeah, mate, u are.
Are you high or something. WTF? You say you’re a gay man advocating “trans” surgeries. Phhht, get forked. I don’t believe a word u type. Not 👏. One 👏. Word👏. Go elsewhere & peddle ur b.s. I think I know who u r and u are DEFINITELY NOT who u say u are. Kindly FO. You will come to a gate which reads “Fork off”. Pass thru this gate and walk down the path to the meadow. You will see a sign which reads “Fork off yet more”. Please heed this sign and continue forking off, continue down the path until you come to a lake. You’ll see a foot bridge with a sign that says “Continue forking off”. Heed this sign and continue…. OR, (and I’m not telling u what to do here- your choice) you do have the option of just jumping in the’s completely up to you. Either way, continue the forking until u r so far away u cannot hear our voices. BYeeeeee! 👋
P.S. If u’d actually had possession of any valid research, u’d have presented multiple links to it by now. TROLL, BE GONE! Phhhhht. {{{{spraying}}}} SSSSSSSSssssssst!
What research?
You keep saying this, these 'studies' and this 'research'. I am a researcher, so tell me, what research?
Isn't it a bit odd that all 'your' mystery meat studies all show you to be correct, and all 'our' research is somehow not the 'right' type of research for you. Is that because it doesn't back up your 'feelings'?
You defend the indefensible, then deny you do this. Ok.
Again, you don't 'feel' GCs do. So again, can you show how? How do we or have we not done this?
There is no “Research” supporting their Bullshite claims. It’s a troll. Get out ur Troll Spray & rid our lovely community of the contrarian /propaganda BS artist . Thank you for your cooperation! 👍😁🤡
Do you think the person pictured is an adult?
I have no reason to believe they’re not, don’t you? I don’t know of instances gender affirming surgeries are performed on minors
These aren’t related to the above example but OK, to address the articles.
The first one is interesting. She links to a study to show that minors are getting chest surgery but the study actually concludes that surgery should be based on need rather than age, as quoted below:-
“Youth should be referred for chest surgery based on their individual needs, rather than their age or time spent taking medication.“
This study has actually made me more inclined to support surgery for trans kids than I did before
The article author then goes on to peddle ROGD, which is an unproven theory that isn’t endorsed by any medical body. So I’m not inclined to pay her much heed.
The second story is obviously very sad, but I think this is more an example of the need for better services for children with gender dysphoria rather than just blanket saying no trans kids should ever have it.