You can literally see self harm scars all over her stomach and arms.

This is the mutilation of a mentally ill person.

As TT Exulansic says it's a placebo mastectomy.

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Why does self-harming mean he can’t make a decision about his future? I disagree it’s mutilation, it seems like he’s happy with his decision and it might lead to a happier life

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This saddens me greatly.

Modern medicine, when done well, is *amazing*. People live longer, healthier lives today than ever before in history. All kinds of horrible conditions can now be treated. (Even AIDS doesn't have to kill you anymore!!)

So I certainly don't agree with Ivan Illich's assessment, quoted above, that "Modern medicine is a negation of health … It makes more people sick than it heals." That's bollocks and quackery.


Modern medicine has been hijacked. It's been hijacked by a terrible, toxic ideology.

And we should be seeking to get it back, not abandon it!

We must wrestle the absolute wonder that is modern medicine back from these ideologues that want to use it as a tool to promote their misogynistic homophobic vision of the world.

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Sorry, Gregory, I totally agree with Ivan Illich's assessment. Read, for example, Greer's book Whole Woman to see how male doctors have inserted themselves into women's reproductive processes. It has not served women nor their babies well. In the late eighteen century, Martha Ballard a midwife lost ZERO patients in an outlying colony in what became Maine. Now look at maternal and child death statistics for the United States.

I have been butchered by two surgeons and my primary physician didn't have the bloody sense to recommend physical therapy before my knee was butchered. Anyone with chronic health problems who wants to be healthier has learned that allopathic physicians have few skills to help chronic health problems; they don't even know how to treat diabetes (type 2 is perfectly curable) without drugs.

Dr Cathcart treated AIDS patients without drugs in San Francisco, but the conventional QUACKS still don't follow his protocol. I can go on and on and on, but I think Dr Munchhausen is the perfect way to describe most physicians and not just as regards transgenderism.

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The fanatics are against therapy, right?

Just fast-track to this?


And the lack of dignity, actually doing this for whoops and kudos?

I just can't see the other side in this one.

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they disparage talking therapy as "conversion therapy", which is an absolute travesty. In gender clinics believing in or suggesting therapy is more appropriate is literally outlawed. Such blasphemers will be sacked on the spot for denying the gender cant.

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Or as I like to call it - transhausen by proxy.

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This bit convinces me that this theory is correct: "They have now convinced kids that if you're uncomfortable in puberty, it means you're trans. They push kids through the gender factory. The kids announce they are the other sex, medically alter their bodies, and live happily ever after. And, they get to be part of an exclusive “authentic “ and “brave” trans club— and so do their doctors."....And don't forget all that lovely made for the pharmaceutical industry too - all those new clients, captured as kids who will need either years of hormone therapy and surgery, and then potentially reverse surgery (where possible), and other chemical therapy and tablets for depression too. Ker-ching!

I've also long thought that there are some parents who have Munchausen's by proxy too - by having a trans kid they get to feel all special and brave too. I feel for those parents who don't jump on the crazy train and want to protect their kids from all of this. The cards are so stacked against them with schools and medical institutions operating behind their back and without their consent and even treating them as if theya re criminals. The whole affair disgusts me.

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That surgery was botched. The surgeon should be sued. I've had a double mastectomy b/c of a cancer diagnosis: my scars are incredibly neat and almost invisible.

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Jacqueline Chneour, Right? I thought so , too. That surgeon should be sued to the max! Thank you very much for your input. I am very, very sorry that you had to endure a double mastectomy because of cancer. 😔 I’m SO glad your scars are neat (minimal ?) and almost invisible! 🙌 Yes, I was going to say that the surgery depicted appears horribly botched…almost like the surgeon DGAF about their work nor the patient. VERY unprofessional, very sad and shocking to see. I hope this finds you well and healthy! 🌸🥰

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Thank you very much for your kind words. I hope you're well too.

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Both parents and doctors feeding off each other.

"attention-seeking parents, craving attention and accolades on social media, long for and eventually create a “special” child, to make themselves feel special."

"Some doctors want such success so badly that they’ll stoop to any level to provide evidence to support their theories, no matter how outlandish. Sadly, gender medicine attracts the most controversial and unethical of the profession, who consider it appropriate to medicalize identity formation and puberty in children, teens, and young adults."

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That top picture is shocking

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How can anyone look at that and think it's something worth celebrating? It is, in its own right away from gender ideology, an horrific, stomach-churning image

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The "Indigo" children and thalidomide scandal of our times.

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Tezzy still lonely and taking up a lot of oxygen below.

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"Some doctors want such success so badly that they'll stoop to any level to provide evidence to support their theories, no matter how outlandish"

I am strongly reminded of Henry Cotton:


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Ok, firstly, why do you keep reposting that picture of the trans man who has had chest surgery? You’re implying that this person has mutilated themselves when it seems he’s happy with his procedure, so I don’t think it’s right to imply that image is a sign of a mistake.

As for the ideas of Muchausen’s syndrome afflicting doctors and parents, that’s up there with ROGD in terms of throwing around medical terms to give unscientific nonsense a solid sounding base. GCs tend to glut themselves on medical jargon in order to co-opt the medical establishment to their cause, often ignoring scientific research that undermines their arguments.

Also, of course there’s been an increase in trans-identifying children, that trend applies to all LGBTQ groups. As society becomes more accepting of different people we see those groups living more openly.

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"You’re implying that this person has mutilated themselves when it seems he’s happy with his procedure"

You get that someone happily self harming doesn't stop it being harm, right? We don't ask anorexics if they're fine and leave them to it if they say yes.

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Firstly, being anorexic isn’t compatible with being trans. Also, it isn’t self harm, having top surgery is a medical procedure with clear outcome, by your logic having a hysterectomy would could as self harm.

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Bullshit! A hysterectomy is a life saving and necessary procedure.

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Sometimes it is, it often it’s just for comfort. Gender affirming surgery can have positive outcomes for trans people, so why does everyone here consider every single instance as mutilation, especially as it’s a consenting adult making the decision?

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A hysterectomy is a major operation that can lead to a number of medical conditions and complications. The uterus doesn't just carry a child, it's an important part of women's internal structure, and disrupting it can cause problems with in bladder and bowel function and cause back/hip pain, etc. Having this surgery can result in a lot of discomfort, well as potentially serious problems. That's not very comforting, and I'm fairly confident that unless this operation is necessary, it's one few women would seek or consent to.

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OK, forget about the hysterectomy, my point is gender affirming surgery can be a positive thing for trans people, and constantly showing a picture of a transman who has consented and seems happy with the operation as though it’s inflicted mutilation is wrong

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Isn't compatible, or isn't comparable? The comparisons are striking. People suffering psychological distress often struggle to make sense of and express their distress. They reach into what American proffessor of psychiatry and social historian Edward Shorter calls 'the symptom pool'. Their distress is real and the condition they discover becomes very real as they act it out, but it doesn't necessarily follow that clinicians defining such conditions accurately describe the causes, or that such distress would manifest itself in the same way in any culture if only it were just discovered.


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You mean Transhausen's By Proxy.

And this is a woman.

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Tezzy, you have overdosed on the kool-aid to such a degree you’ve have lost touch with reality. As an adherent of the Church of Trans you are so thoroughly imbued in the cult you have lost the ability to be rational or understand how normal humans live their lives. I have been in a cult and know how they operate. The cult I was in also objectified children and through various rituals and spells inducted adults into beliefs that justified crossing boundaries and sexualising children.

Klaxons and neon flashing lights have been going off in my brain since coming across the Church of Trans.

The cult I was in survived more than 20 years and was very wealthy. Most of the followers were upper middle class and well educated. But in the end sanity prevailed and the ringleaders went to jail. The crazy delusion fell to bits mainly through the testimony of the children and young adults who survived the experiment who sought justice for their damaged and traumatised lives.

You can’t fool all of the people all the time.

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I’ve never understood why views supporting trans people are seen as cultish. I try to base my views on science, research and humanism. The studies I’ve read say affirming gender identity leads to good outcomes for trans people. They also say there is no statistical increase in sexual assaults as a result of bathroom use by trans people. There’s also the human element, that trans people are trying to live there best life and we need to help them do that in any way we can. If you can explain to me what aspect of what I’ve just said is cult like I’d be interested to hear

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You seem happy to keep not understanding despite others trying to help you. Those 'studies' you keep quoting? You base your views on your own views, that's clear and it's a little circular? We don't allow some people to 'live their best life' by encroaching on the rights, bodies and spaces of others. Their life has to accommodate the reality of sharing the world with others. I don't believe you are interested, I believe you use this as a tactic to troll here.

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We’ll firstly I don’t believe I am trolling. I haven’t attacked anyone or thrown insults, I’m just presenting my POV and debating, because I don’t agree with the majority doesn’t mean I’m trolling.

I actually agree with one thing you said, accomodating the reality of sharing the world with others, and I feel we all have do that. This means accomodating trans people, though I’d like to think we can move beyond accomodating into something more humanising. I’m not speaking for the studies I’ve read, I’m only presenting them, if you want to ignore them then that’s up to you but they’ll still be legitimate either way.

If the studies I’ve read backed up your POV I’d be on your side in an instant. I’m not disagreeing for the sake of it, I’m disagreeing because what I’ve read supports my argument.

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You need to look up what trolling means. Look back at the dismissive words you've used, and the instantaneous way you dismiss those who try to engage with you. And your circular arguments where a point of yours is refuted, so you disappear or change the goal posts, then state others do this in an attempt at deflection. You do attack others. You waste people's time. That's bad faith.

You can present your POV and we can show how riddled with empty ignorance it is. And have done. You may be in the minority because your arguments are poor and you seem to have a slim grasp of facts and you constantly change tack.

You have not 'presented' any 'study' you've just said you've 'read some'. Not exactly robust. Yeah, I've read some stuff too. How can I ignore 'stuff you've read' and 'some studies'. Easily.

Care to share what these studies are? You seem remarkably inured to facts, logic and science. Or proper debate. And you are reliably crass towards people here who have personal experience of how damaging this ideology is. I find that cruel and offensive. You are the very definition of a troll.

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Which things have I said are dismissive? I’ve disagreed, but that isn’t the same as being dismissive. I haven’t changed the goal posts, I’m sticking to the debate we’re having, show me where I’ve changed the goal posts. Also I’m not deflecting, I’m engaging with anyone who takes the time to respond to me.

I’m happy to post studies, but I’ve found when I’ve done so in the past nobody reads them and debates the points made in them. I’m happy to post them again as long as people act in good faith and read and engage with them.

I don’t think I’m being cruel or offensive. I’ve been through some of the things brought up on this forum. I’ve been sexually assaulted, so I don’t take the issue lightly.

I’m happy to post studies again, as long as you engage with them, otherwise it’s just a waste of my time. If you will, I’ll go ahead and repost them.

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Hi Tezzy, the cult I lived in has had studies done on it, you can look it up on Wikipedia - Centrepoint Community in New Zealand. The guru was Bert Potter.

A cult belief is one that is based on faith and accepting ideas that have little or no evidence in reality.

Trans Identity ideology is not based on science. It relentlessly obfuscates the difference between sex and gender. Humans are a dimorphic species, evolved over millennia to have male and female types that fuse the separate kinds of gametes each expresses (sperm and ovum) when reproducing the young of our species. The male and female types develop by different biological blueprints, having different bodies, different hormones and only the female has the organ necessary to gestate and birth an infant. I'm sure you're very familiar with all those biological facts. Its not possible to trans-mute a male into a female or vice versa, regardless of dosing with opposite sex hormones or altering with surgery. Sex is an immutable physical fact.

Gender is a sociological construct societies use to invent rules they try to impose on the sexes so that everybody has similar expectations of each other in the hope of making communities run more smoothly. Women are expected to do certain things and so are men. Gender roles are tacitly accepted and acted out by most people otherwise it tends to lead to chaos and dysfunction when nobody knows who is going to stay home, cook dinner, scrub the toilet and raise the kids and who is going to chop down trees, mill timber and build the houses.

Gender as a way of displaying male or female social expectations is very flexible and constantly changing over time. There are always some people in society who are non conforming and choose to act outside the mores. Some societies are fairly accepting, others not. Most societies have particular rules for those people so that not too much of the smooth functioning of the larger community is disturbed.

Presently most modern western societies are pretty easy going in affirming gender identities which are outside of the norms. However trans identity ideology is problematic on several levels, the main ones are 1) Girls and boys identifying as trans believe they can change sex, which they cannot. 2) Gender dysphoria is a mental illness and the best evidence we have is that time and therapy are the optimal treatments leading to best long term outcomes. There is no evidence that surgical alterations to the body alleviate mental illness, 3) The drugs and surgical alterations given to create the illusion of physical similarity to the opposite sex are hugely experimental and most evidence accumulated so far implies they actually have very detrimental effects on overall health as the person matures, 4) To give legal recognition to the false premise that its possible to change sex would grossly damage the human rights of women, girls and same sex attracted people 5) Trans Identity ideology harbors a great number of predatory males with complex paraphilia and autogynephilia. Experience to date shows that the tiny number of genuine transsexuals have been incompetent to separate themselves and their issues from this component of bad actors, who are a real danger to the safety and dignity of females.

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Shouldn't it depend on what is needed for a group of people to 'live their best life'? You seem to be suggesting that there be no limit on what other people are asked or told to do or give in order for that to be achieved, regardless that it might compromise or damage them. For example, lesbians being told they're transphobic vagina fetishists if they don't want to sleep with someone with a penis, it's immaterial that the person with the penis considers themself a woman. The women they're seeking as sexual partners, don't. What about giving lesbians the opportunity of living their best lives by ensuring they aren't subjected to harassment and bullying from transwomen who don't respect their boundaries? Obviously, not all transwomen behave this way, in the same way that not all heterosexual men try to bully women into sex, but the ones who do represent a serious problem.

In both instances, this kind of behaviour in intolerable, it's predatory and misogynistic, and in some cases, criminal.

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Medical schools run classes on maximizing one's profits as a doctor. They get more "education" in that than they do in nutrition. Which is why they tend to know zero about nutrition.

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We've all been groomed into conflating submission and cowardice with "being nice". It really isn't, though. This girl is not now a man. It isn't nice to either gay men or heterosexual women to have to pretend that anyone who is sexually attracted to men would be attracted to this poor, injured girl. That isn't how sexuality works. I can't even comprehend a parent praising a doctor for doing this to their own child.

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Absolutely and worst still - "congratulations, you've allowed a butcher to mutilate your daughter, but you're too busy patting yourself on the back and encouraging others to notice the harm you are participating in." How special you all are! [puke].

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A lot parents of children who're in the process of medical and surgical transition seem to be lost in their own reverie about what a wonderful thing they're enabling. As though their child has been reborn through them. There's very little curiosity about how the child got to the stage where he or she felt unable to inhabit their own body without modifications. For some, not liking the 'right' colours, toys or games appear to be enough. It's not care, it's narcissistic conceit or an unwillingness or inability to think about what might be happening to the child, and what they're trying to tell them. The decision to embark on gender transition is an adult one. For these kids, no adults are present.

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