These aren’t related to the above example but OK, to address the articles.
The first one is interesting. She links to a study to show that minors are getting chest surgery but the study actually concludes that surgery should be based on need rather than age, as quoted below:-
“Youth should be referred for chest surgery based on their individual needs, rather than their age or time spent taking medication.“
This study has actually made me more inclined to support surgery for trans kids than I did before
The article author then goes on to peddle ROGD, which is an unproven theory that isn’t endorsed by any medical body. So I’m not inclined to pay her much heed.
The second story is obviously very sad, but I think this is more an example of the need for better services for children with gender dysphoria rather than just blanket saying no trans kids should ever have it.
I have no reason to believe they’re not, don’t you? I don’t know of instances gender affirming surgeries are performed on minors
These aren’t related to the above example but OK, to address the articles.
The first one is interesting. She links to a study to show that minors are getting chest surgery but the study actually concludes that surgery should be based on need rather than age, as quoted below:-
“Youth should be referred for chest surgery based on their individual needs, rather than their age or time spent taking medication.“
This study has actually made me more inclined to support surgery for trans kids than I did before
The article author then goes on to peddle ROGD, which is an unproven theory that isn’t endorsed by any medical body. So I’m not inclined to pay her much heed.
The second story is obviously very sad, but I think this is more an example of the need for better services for children with gender dysphoria rather than just blanket saying no trans kids should ever have it.