Not encourage HER delusions?
‘Aoife’ is talking about Iseult White here.
This chap had his Mussolini-style mug projected on Dublin barracks on International Women’s Day! Iseult is the grandaughter of Sean MacBride and the great-grandaughter of fucking MAUD GONNE.
Sit the fuck down, pal. Women are talking.

Keep this psycho away from children
Get a load of this thread. I love that they’re so unbalanced you can just post their words without comment. Luckily, three judges agreed with me this week that people like Aiden need to be kept the fuck away from kids.

Liberty and Amnesty release strong statement in support of sterilisation of autistic, gay and gender-nonconforming children
It’s not enough that Colm O’Gorman lies about vandalism in order to stir up hatred against women, that Amnesty propose to silence women who stand up for their rights and that fucking Liberty ALIGNS WITH THEM ON THAT, now those captured organisations have released a statement calling for the sterilisation of autistic, gay and gender non-conforming children.
Just read it. it’s mind-boggling.
(Also: Note the use of the ‘trans colours invading and destroying the LGB rainbow’ flag. How appropriate!)
Tara Flynn: ‘We’re not women anymore everyone! We’re ‘people’
It’s ok, women! Tara is giving away your word on your behalf. It’s ‘none of your business’ if men want that word, if they want to access vulnerable women in prisons and rape crisis centres, if they want to join breastfeeding classes for fetishistic reasons. It’s a GOOD thing that women are moving aside for men because as we all know, every woman is as privileged as Tara Flynn, and because she doesn’t have a problem with men walking all over her, no-one else should.
This is actually a very useful record of the kind of broken, submissive thinking that powers liberal feminism. Tara, I knew from the moment you first used the word ‘terf’ that you were a gross person, and the fact that arch-misogynist Colm O’Gorman warmly retweeted your anti-intellectual, anti-woman bullshit says everything that needs to be said. Keira Bell just sent you to the dustbin of history along with the women who used to help force-feed the suffragettes. You won’t erase women, but you’ll go very quiet yourself when you look back at this time.
Thanks for the thoughts on children’s health, guy who sticks things up his arse online for $$$.
Our new regular spot!
A new regular feature in which we test your ability to distinguish the sex of human beings. Because millions of years of evolution have provided us with this skill, I must warn you that an inability to answer the following questions means that you are probably Jon Ronson.
What sex is Mia?
How about ‘Dez’?
One of the people in this photo is male and the other is female? Can you tell which is which?
Janice Turner nukes Mermaids
Get a load of this. Janice Turner on Susie Green, the woman who sneezed and gave the whole country Munchausens.
“To disavow this treatment now would be to admit a grave mistake.” Wow.
They’re going to make movies about Susie Green.
She’s not going to come out well.
My Speccie Diary
In newsagents now!
And finally…
I know. I’m sorry. it’s Jiminy again, but I have honestly never seen this kind of consistency. It’s all gold, everything Jiminy on YouTube is solid gold.
"We either believe that a 13-year-old who gets pregnant, or a 13-year-old trans kid, should be able to access the healthcare they need, have control over their own bodies, or we don't"
Twist it any way you like, you lousy piece of shite, it's not the same. Women know it's not the same. Birth control is not the same as cutting off healthy body parts. Birth control is not the same as completely destroying your endocrine system. An early abortion (through accidental pregnancy or whatever) is not the same as destroying your actual body, to the point that you have to access healthcare permanently. This makes me so cross, can't you tell?
Haven't read the rest yet - I may need to do it in stages..... ;)
Loved the Graham Diary. It's perfect. I have read through your writing for the first time (not counting your daily posts and captions / Gender ideology criticism). It's shocking that people need to explain themselves so much. Are we going to see more of Glinner's Diary ?
Also Janice Turner had spot on response to that tweet. Suzie's sneeze did infect a lot like Covid pandemic, however Mermaid will fall now. Only stonewall seems to be in denial along with the Misogynist pricks Aiden and Colm, seriously what will it take to shut their faces up ? Aiden is a relentless douche bag. Someone needs to slap him flat across his face, more good if it is a Woman doing the honours.