When John Amaechi was battling off feminists who didn’t agree with his “women are an idea in men’s heads’ stance, Nicolas Papaconstantinou, a guy I used to follow on Twitter, stepped in to give him some advice on Not Answering Questions From Pesky Women.
![Twitter avatar for @nixsight](https://substackcdn.com/image/twitter_name/w_96/nixsight.jpg)
Nicolas (a dude) advised John (another dude) to use a piece of software designed to silence feminists. Shinigami Eyes is a Chrome add-on which “highlights transphobic and trans-friendly social network pages and users” on Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Tumblr, Medium, YouTube, Wikipedia, and websites using Disqus comments, marking “anti-trans” individuals and companies red and the “trans-friendly” green.
For example, here is how it works on Wikipedia.
It certainly doesn’t recommend sites populated by women who are concerned about safeguarding.
Two of the most abusive male trans rights activists swear by it.
![Twitter avatar for @joss_prior](https://substackcdn.com/image/twitter_name/w_96/joss_prior.jpg)
Well, guess who made it?
I recently got a somewhat pompous email from a person I would categorise as being on the ‘Chamberlain in Munich’ side of this debate. I’ve been the victim of these appeasers more than once. There’s the Atlantic journalist who deletes terfy tweets her bosses at the Atlantic might see, the lesbian podcaster who ignores the Cotton Ceiling because she’s in a relationship and it doesn’t really affect her, or the academic pursuing an unrequited love affair with an AGP pornsick creep who abuses his girlfriend.
The Munich delegation would have you believe that it’s ‘cruel’ to post a photograph such as the one of our prom queen above. They want us to observe a taboo that’s de riguer in the captured halls of academia and corridors of journalism.
Well, let’s take a look at this guy whose feelings these women are so desperate to protect.
“Aside from a long pattern of making violent threats and posing with weapons on social media, Mr Bailey has been accused by no fewer than five individuals, primarily members of the transgender community who self-identify as women, of having raped or molested them. When the accusations of sexual violence surfaced in 2015, Mr Bailey was further alienated from online transgender communities. Prior friction existed after Mr Bailey doxxed or ratted out various friends in these communities following a series of falling-outs – including his outing of TERF Tracker co-contributor Alison Woolbert as a convicted child rapist – and turned federal informant during the WikiLeaks investigation.”
And not only is he an abuser, he created a Chrome extension that makes it a little bit harder to discover that he’s an abuser, by marking websites in bright red DANGER colours, much in the same way that journalists like Helen Lewis and James Ball line up to do to mine whenever they’re forced to cover Substack.
These ruthless careerists often describe me as ‘cruel’ but fail to identify where the cruelty resides. It appears that they consider it a failing on my part that I am unable to pretend that vicious, misogynistic incels are the same sex as my Mum. I would argue that the opposite is true. For me, the cruelty lies in helping these men billow out a smokescreen of etiquette behind which they can continue their abuse and silencing of women.
To me, the cruelty doled out to women on daily basis holds a piquancy that just isn’t summoned up when I see some guy taking the piss out of lesbians, or flashing children in a spa, or stealing a woman’s place on a podium. I’m astonished, in fact, that anyone can bear the insult to which women are being subjected in the name of this nonsense. I will never use the word ‘cis’ as there is no stable definition of ‘trans’ to which ‘cis’ can provide the antithesis, but more importantly, because I think anyone who uses it is waving a white flag to some of the worst men on earth.
The only ‘cis women’ are those who would debase themselves by using such a term. I find them pathetic but I despise abusive bullies like Wesley Bailey who hide behind a confused understanding of ‘trans rights’. I hate the celebrities and journalists who enable and empower them, by refusing to challenge the orthodoxies they try to impose.
To be absolutely clear: The person in the photo above is a man.
It’s important to say that he’s a man.
It protects women and children that we are able to freely do so.
Those political players, those careerists, are trying to position themselves because while everyone knows this ideology is failing, they still want to be seen as the kind ones, the reasonable ones, the ones who aren’t like that terrible Posie woman, or those terrible TERFS, or me, or whoever they deem beyond the bounds of polite society.
But enough of them. Let’s get back to the real villains of the piece: the men.
Shinigami Eyes was created by an abusive male. And now it’s being recommended by his fellow males on Twitter to other males on Twitter.
Does this give them any pause at all?
Nicolas, as I say, I used to follow you on Twitter. But now I see you’re recommending a Chrome add-on coded by an alleged rapist to silence feminists.
Are you absolutely sure you’ve called this one right?
Do you not want to think about it just a little bit longer?
And if you’re so terribly wrong on something as significant as this, in what other ways might you be wrong?
Just another abusive perv, wearing some cheap red negligee does not a woman make! 🖕🏼
It tells us that they're not prepared to engage any critical thinking skills by having an add-on that decides for them who is worth reading or listening to. A tool for the intellectually bankrupt, afraid of disrupting their fantasy world where up is down and left is right and words mean whatever they want them to mean.