Just another abusive perv, wearing some cheap red negligee does not a woman make! 🖕🏼

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We are all living in one of Thomas Harris‘s nightmares.

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It tells us that they're not prepared to engage any critical thinking skills by having an add-on that decides for them who is worth reading or listening to. A tool for the intellectually bankrupt, afraid of disrupting their fantasy world where up is down and left is right and words mean whatever they want them to mean.

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Yep summed up well.

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"I’m astonished, in fact, that anyone can bear the insult to which women are being subjected in the name of this nonsense."

Do you know I actually thank God every day for your voice in this debacle? You help everyone SEE, and because you are a man, they cannot ignore you. You are like one of those Old Testament prophets, forcing people to see what they are really doing so they can't live in blissful denial. (I wonder if that's why all the Bible prophets are men? So they couldn't be ignored? Stoned, yes; ignored, no . . . )

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naked and screaming in the desert, that's certainly how I feel sometimes...

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You are making a mighty contribution . . . please stay strong and please take care of yourself! Many positive vibes being sent your way . . .

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I second this - Graham you give so much of yourself to this cause - make sure you get some headspace for yourself

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Thank you Graham!

You are a national treasure - of two nations, at that.

Does anyone know if Shinigami Eyes is in accord with the Data Protection Act? Seems open to misuse...

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God. It’s just so depressing.

Onwards and upwards though, thanks for making me aware of this 👍

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My Facebook account has been disabled and I can’t get back in. Luckily I had an old account in my married name that I have revived. I’m sure my account being locked is linked to the amount of GC material I’ve been sharing recently. I may be paranoid but it feels very strange that I’ve been running that account for 4 years with no problems until I’ve spoken out…

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Facebook is a horror show. For years they've been permitting violent hate speech directed toward women, but women cannot post private pictures of themselves breastfeeding. I wish all these dirtbags would fly into space and blow up so we can rid ourselves of some of the alpha baboons (alpha baboons who were very violent toward females and lesser males took all the poisoned meat for themselves, died, and baboon society rearranged itself).

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"Colorado father is found guilty of killing his 13-year-old son Dylan Redwine in a fit of rage after the boy found photos of him wearing a red bra and eating feces from a diaper"


Doesn't say why father was doing it.

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Note that the son's visit was court-ordered. This is what judges do, order visitation to men that the women involved know are abusive.

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it must be v strange to be a judge, and to have the power to *enable* abusive men to enact their entitlement to access the children they cant and dont know how to care about - because these men's consumption of porn and subsaquent acting out of desirebased/sexualfantasy/arousalbehaviours is a kind of 'dirtiness' to them. a dirtiness that evokes shame in the men when exposed. and the shame that the men feel provokes as an anger in them that is so overwhelming that the man found out, must destroy the witness (the son) as the son has exposed his dirtiness. when this full story is told and the narrative made public, why do no judges break ranks and speak out about how the laws should be changed, or stand up and refuse to enable abusers to have the opportunity to abuse? why do so few establishment figures have the guts to stand up for what's right, when its their moral due, and when they claim to be 'good' christains? religious male leaders need give up their wordtrickery/sermonising /biblebashing and admit that men need to change their behaviour and their porn consumption and sort themselves out, before they can be proper dads.

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Because judges and their fellows are pillars of patriarchy and patriarchy has "benefited" them. They don't have to engage in menial tasks, they too are probably consuming pornography and buying women's (and children's) bodies, and they despise, hate, and envy women.

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after watching all the nasty porn that is out there, these men probably hate themselves too -and they cant admit that their anger is about the way they feel about themselves - so they lash out at anybody who gets in their way.

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It’s much easier to continue to blame women for every vicious thing men secretly do. It is like a disease of the mind of patriarchy that these abusers must be protected and women, the easy targets exploited, blamed for EVERYTHING. A complete nonsense as women as a class have no power. It’s a pathology and institutionalised and must be related to repression and shame somehow. They cannot allow men to take responsibility for the damage they cause. It may also just come down to money it’s cheaper to let women and children suffer and die or simply kill them than pay adequately for them and despite money being a invention these people are nothing if not cheap. The money has to go to their interests, their toys, their guns and not to support their women and children. Flat out sadistic greed. It’s very strange indeed and many many women and children are hurt by it. I fear there is so much being hidden and literally “buried” that if it’s all exposed men as a class could never be trusted in leadership ever again. There is a sick rationality to covering up for one another and enabling things to get so out of control. They need their male privilege to remain including claiming to be women or the same as women. Each of them is actually wholly dependent on women and cannot be respectful to and about women and admit it. The word is “needy” no matter how they use their strength, size, money, power or privilege against us women need to comprehend that is what men and institutions will do, have done and continue to do and it is all illegal. But male institutions are too gutless to enforce law. That’s the deal they’ve made with the devil and now here we see the results in the news in technicolour. If I’m right and hiding the facts about mis allocation of all our sovereign resources being siphoned to support the interests of men rather than provide adequate services for all particularly women and children is being hidden by hiding and erasing records of women by calling anyone women is the second biggest pile of bs humanity is faced with along with the power of money creation fantasies we are fed. Scuse the pun. These perverts have no idea what they’re messing with and who they’re working for.

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I think it's very hard for women to "see" the misogyny of society, because it's so rampant it's naturalized- rendered invisible by its ubiquity- and because to really realize how much men hate us, as Andrea Dworkin said, is demoralizing in the extreme.

I don't think the majority of men hate us. I do think the majority of men grow up with some extremely harmful messages about men and women, and about "gender," "masculinity" and "femininity." Women do too- women are internalizing the misogyny; men are externalizing it. To what extent either men or women are able to resist it has to do with the luck and personal moral compass of the person in question.

I do think what we need is a mass of women to fight back. And the way in which we should fight back should be to have sovereign power over our own institutions.

For example, feminists created all the early rape crisis shelters and centers, and domestic violence shelters. The funding and administration of those should never have been outsourced to a patriarchal government. Instead, women of means should donate all the resources they can to helping other women who are struggling.

I think we need to create our own political party again, and we need to create our own websites, journals, social media sites, even physical internet infrastructure if necessary- we need to politically and financially and socially create a separatist movement for women, to consolidate our power, so we can actually have some influence in society. In 1975 in Iceland, all women all over that tiny country went on strike for one day- no cooking, childcare, or work- in order to demonstrate their indispensability to the economy and society.

Everything totally fell apart- in one day! Thus ushering in the most feminist government the world has ever seen.

We need to unite women some way, and that means decolonizing our collective mind. We need to create separatist spaces for women- real women- in society, until men step up to do something about their culture of femicide, rape, and the trampling of women's rights and humanity.

It is absolutely imperative that we gain political and financial power, and pool our resources.

The problem is that women are so incredibly indoctrinated. The system of patriarchy is so entrenched, and it's so painful to wake up and realize that, and so exhausting and demoralizing to fight, that most women choose to remain blissfully asleep, or even to participate in their own degradation.

Thanks to Graham for being a man fighting for us. It would be much easier if we had many more male allies to show women what a good man actually looks like.

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Yes we own and pay for Government as well particularly the Treasury and Reserve Bank so I don’t see a problem with demanding 52 percent of the budget goes to support women at all. Then there’s children....too much money goes to what men want and never gets to the women. Plenty of layers of men for women to have to get past before they get the resources they’re entitled to let alone be able to pass any on to other women. Women do need to demand equity in all budgets including Governments...gasp! Almost unthinkable isn’t it and yet so obvious.

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I would like to see women-only villages such as the ones in Africa. But, yes, it would take women coming together and pooling whatever resources they have. We would like to leave our house and 44 acres to someone, but the first woman who has inquired -- we are having a discussion -- has bought into the entire trans nonsense despise her second partner being a woman who decided she was male and who then became abusive.

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unfortunately there will be more unpleasant images in a similar vein everywhere today, because the essex based online megaPorn hub 'Only fans' is trending on twitter (uk) - for those who dont know only fans is an agency raking off commission from amateur porn commissioned by porn consumers from individuals who think they might make some money in creating videos for sale. fufiling the fantasies of warped imaginations isnt going to make much if anything for workers, but the only fans brand makes its money by selling the idea to the workers that their is money to be made if they rent/buy a space on the only fans website and create content. its not unlike artists paying to show their paintings in a gallery in the hope they might sell (with further comissions) or paying the nightclub owner to dance/strip/sell sexual services in their club.

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Pretty good odds that he'll discover he is trans before the sentencing later this year.

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Insightful as always. Not a lot surprises me anymore.

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"I am unable to pretend that vicious, misogynistic incels are the same sex as my Mum."

Thank you, Graham, for being rational. There's far too little of it in the world.

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"And not only is he an abuser, he created a Chrome extension that makes it a little bit harder to discover that he’s an abuser, by marking websites in bright red DANGER colours, much in the same way that journalists like Helen Lewis and James Ball line up to do to mine whenever they’re forced to cover Substack."

Meaning people who don't think will not bother reading articles flagged up.

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All of the worst movements in history have relied heavily on censorship, blacklists, public humiliation and ostracization, and controlling the flow of information to the people. The historical parallels are glaring. Perhaps Bailey and the like need to be asked, "What other movements in history relied on the sanitization of information and blacklisting of people who didn't get with the program?"

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The lengths they go to when making an analogy to us being Nazis is so full of projection it would make Odeon jealous.

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All cults rely on shunning. You're either with the program or you are dead.

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who controls the means of information distribution, and why?

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I think that's a good question and one we need to continually be asking ourselves. My guess is people who benefit from men having access to women's spaces and women not being able to use words like "male", "female", "lesbian", "mother" to describe their oppression.

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The ruling class; you can see this most clearly in the U.S. on CBS, and I call it the CIA Broadcasting System (and the CIA does own publishing companies). But they all peddle gross propaganda and the public swallows it. Demonstration for transgender rights erupts in violence said the crawl this morning on ABC. Not what it should have read: Demonstration for males' right to expose themselves ...

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Shinimagi brown eye! Full of shit.

I thought that sort of spyware was being challenged in court.

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Guy in niqab and hijab (says horney and sissy).!

Oh is this going to end well?

Just when you think you've seen it all..


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This is why I do not support total face coverings in public. A great way for males to find their way into spaces to harm women.

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He should tell his wife this is grounds for a divorce.

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With those colours, I'm going with Super-ma'am.

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in the seventies/eighties eco - feminists (and fellow cranks) understood how the forced separation of people from the land/(what would now be classed as environmental concerns, and 'caring for the planet'), because of the demands of industrial patriarchal. Both capitalist and communist economies worldwide were obsessed with the competition of who could make the most product to sell. the production of commodities (and later 'services'), meant that the markets would be ever expanding because of their belief in 'growth economics'.

the critiques of 'growth' economics are environmentalist, both left and right wing, but we are all cranks to suggest that their might be another way, to not produce so much waste, and to consider what we might do to the waste rather than just dump it in someone else's back yard. and climate change has happened because of the direct effects of the pollution epidemic created by the factory-system and our ongoing industrial revolutions.

us cranks were right to be concerned and to speak out and the public do now listen, because the change is evident. the change is all around us. what is more important than winning the argument over the long term, is leading the practical change to instill damage limitation practices.

why do the transCorp cultists call out women as cranks for speaking out, without knowing the history of the word's usage and its reclaim by environmentalists in the seventies and the eighties, as an example, Cranks was a popular cafe chain in the london/uk for vegetarians and vegans, and they produced a number of influential cookery books (that may still be available from second hand dealers). the recipes are both traditional and contemporary in feel, mixing the old with what seems new.

so what is the definition of a cranky person?: meriam webster - (below) the 'gi' name-caller was probably alluding to the 'childish' usage of crank, as meaning a cross, or having strange ideas, woman, rather than the more academic - annoying eccentric person.(must be a woman).

crank noun

\ ˈkraŋk \

Definition of crank (Entry 1 of 5)

1: a bent part of an axle or shaft or an arm keyed at right angles to the end of a shaft by which circular motion is imparted to or received from the shaft or by which reciprocating motion is changed into circular motion or vice versa

2aarchaic : BEND

b: a twist or turn of speech : CONCEIT —used especially in the phrase quips and cranks


(2): an annoyingly eccentric person

also : one who is overly enthusiastic about a particular subject or activity

d: a bad-tempered person : GROUCH


specifically : an impure form of crystal meth

crank verb

cranked; cranking; cranks

Definition of crank (Entry 2 of 5)

intransitive verb

1: to move with a winding course : ZIGZAG

2a: to turn a crank

b: to get started by or as if by the turning of a crank

c: to gain speed, momentum, or intensity —usually used with up

the campaign is cranking up

transitive verb

1: to move or operate by or as if by a crank

crank the window down

2a: to cause to start

crank an automobile

b: to rotate the shaft (such as a crankshaft) of especially with a starter

crank over an engine

c: to use in trying to start an engine

crank the starter

3a: to start as if by use of a crank —usually used with up

she cranked up the air conditioner

b: TURN UP sense 2 —usually used with up

crank up the volume

crank adjective (1)

Definition of crank (Entry 3 of 5)

: of, relating to, or being a bad-tempered or annoyingly eccentric person

also : made or sent by such a person or by someone intending to be an annoyance or to cause harm

crank calls

a crank letter

crank adjective (2)

Definition of crank (Entry 4 of 5)

1chiefly dialectal : MERRY, HIGH-SPIRITED

2chiefly dialectal : COCKY, CONFIDENT

crank adjective (3)

Definition of crank (Entry 5 of 5)

of a boat

: easily tipped : TENDER entry 1 sense 4

crankish \ ˈkraŋ-​kish \ adjective

Synonyms & Antonyms for crank

Synonyms: Noun

character, codger, crack, crackbrain, crackpot, eccentric, flake, fruitcake, head case, kook, nut, nutcase, nutter [British slang], oddball, oddity, original, quiz, screwball, weirdo, zany

Synonyms: Verb

activate, actuate, drive, move, run, set off, spark, start, touch off, trigger, turn on

Synonyms: Adjective (2)

cock-a-hoop, crowing, exultant, exulting, glorying, jubilant, prideful, proud, rejoicing, triumphant

Antonyms: Verb

cut, cut out, deactivate, kill, shut off, turn offVisit the Thesaurus for More

Examples of crank in a Sentence


To open the car window, turn the crank on the door.

He was dismissed as a crank until his article was published.

See More

First Known Use of crank


13th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1


1592, in the meaning defined at intransitive sense 1

Adjective (1)

1924, in the meaning defined above

Adjective (2)

15th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1

Adjective (3)

circa 1649, in the meaning defined above

History and Etymology for crank


Middle English cranke, from Old English cranc- (as in crancstæf, a weaving instrument); probably akin to Middle High German krank weak, sick — more at CRINGE

Adjective (2)

Middle English cranke

Adjective (3)

short for crank-sided easily tipped

The first known use of crank was in the 13th century

“Crank.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/crank. Accessed 17 Jul. 2021.

More Definitions for crank

crank noun

English Language Learners Definition of crank (Entry 1 of 2)

: a machine part with a handle that can be turned in a circular motion to move something

: a person who has strange ideas or thinks too much about one thing

US : a person who is often angry or easily annoyed

crank verb

English Language Learners Definition of crank (Entry 2 of 2)

: to move (something) by turning a crank

informal : to increase (something) especially by a large amount

: to start or try to start (an engine) by using a crank or some other method to get it moving

See the full definition for crank in the English Language Learners Dictionary

crank noun

\ ˈkraŋk \

Kids Definition of crank (Entry 1 of 2)

1: a bent part with a handle that is turned to start or run machinery

2: a person with strange ideas

3: a cross or irritable person

crank verb

cranked; cranking

Kids Definition of crank (Entry 2 of 2)

1: to start or run by or as if by turning a part with a handle

2: to make or become greater in speed or intensity

crank the volume

crank out

: to produce quickly and often carelessly

You can't just crank out a good book.

crank noun

\ ˈkraŋk \

Medical Definition of crank


specifically : an impure form of crystal meth

More from Merriam-Webster on crank

definitions of words matter if anyone is to communicate clearly and not cross unacceptable boundaries. transactivists have a problem with definitions, and setting reasonable boundaries. seeking some kind of freedom and always pushing at existing boundaries. maybe its 'puberty' enacted as 'activism'. if so their behaviour and demands have nothing to do with biological sex (or identifying as some kind of unspecifiable 'gendered being') but growing up, and attempting to mature in a world which has no place for them unless they change themselves to fit in. through surgeries? the industrialists sold us commodities, then services and now 'changes'. self-changes.

and what does 'trans' actually mean? literally it means 'across', 'beyond', 'through,' from the latin. as in 'translate'.

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Fuck sake don’t use the dictionary that is hate speech! 😂

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Psychopaths/abusers are compelled to shut down antpything and anyone who doesn’t conform to their “script”

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“Human beings aren’t 🤡🐟”

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