"....I have endless reserves of energy for the fight. " OMG me too!
Peaking has knocked bloody years off me! I'm fit and strong, working my way through kick-boxing belts, my mind razor sharp and absorbing loads (autogynphilia being my specialist subject).
Feminist Fury has really energised me physically and mentally (every cloud an' all that), and I'm straining at the leash and spoiling for the fights!
I have joked about that! That there'll be a load specialising in "The Terf War Years", but mine'd be AGPs! Lol e.g. "What infamous AGP let his mask slip and shouted at an elderly actress on Big Brother?" etc. etc.. Although it is actually the psychology - the narcissistic compulsion and how far it takes them - that I'm seriously interested in. I have purchased (at great expense!) and read Anne Lawrence's Men Trapped In Men's Bodies - I was intrigued having seen some excerpts quoted online. In fact it was my tweeting Anne Lawrence's essay on narcissistic rage that got me my permanent suspension! How nuts is that? AGPs reported me for reporting on an AGP's report! They don't like that some of us know them better than they know themselves (because they mostly live in denial).
I've read a lot about narcissism in the last few years (was in a bad relationship with one).
Let me guess, the AGPs are mostly covert narcs? Or the new way of saying it, that I don't approve of, vulnerable narcissists? Think a lot of themselves, and they're better than everyone else, but boy are they the victims. *eye rolls*
I feel the same - peaking has sharpened me right up. Wish I could say I was kick-boxing, too - lol! - but happy to be a bad ol' battleaxe, regardless :-)
Am hoping the above works. It's about the founder of a rape crisis centre in Edinburgh, Nicola Murray, who had a visit from the police early in November 2020 about some of her Tweets. It seems her stating her refuge's position that they are female-only and not interested in their clients' political views, sexuality etc etc brought the police to her door. They actually said they wanted to check her thinking behind the Tweets. WTF???
Thank you for the link, the article illustrates very clearly that there is a desire not only to prevent women from creating and maintaining women only spaces, but also from articulating this objective and the thinking that leads to it. The thinking is explicit, so what else do their thoughts reveal? Transphobic hatered and an opportunity to express it? Forget about a commitment to providing help and support to vulnerable, traumatised women. Along with the recognition that their ability to do this would be hugely compromised if they admitted people who are biologically male.
If transwomen and men who claim to identify as women feel they have a need for this kind of service, let them organise and create their own facilities the way women did. There is no discussion to be had on this that doesn't involve women to have to make adjustments at our expense.
It's why a formal definition of 'transphobia' would be useful. At the moment mentioning or stating that women exist is termed as 'transphobic'. Stating views or facts about women and girls, or men and boys, or putting any focus on anything other than someone who identifies as something else is. Anything is. That this has gripped the entire world defies explanation. Refusing to indulge this is also 'transphobic'. Commenting that this is happening is 'transphobic'. Asking if this is happening is 'transphobic'.
The very word 'woman' is being decried as bigoted and hateful. It's viewed as targeted harassment. Being or mentioning, or writing it. That women (or men) may wish to have sex-segregated spaces, services or activities or choice is automatically deemed to be exclusionary, and termed as offensive and 'against' or attacking diversity. It's declaring motivations that aren't present. Some women and men are 'identifying out' of describing themselves as women or men, and instead are 'queer' 'enby' or a range of terms to reject how they wished to be viewed. To state that is also declared 'transphobic'. That the police are attempting to enforce such a waffly concept leaves me baffled.
It's like saying the word 'green' and red activists outraged and reporting to the police en masse that this is bigoted and hateful against the colour 'red'. To have conflated 'trans' with sensitive subjects like mental health is another way that those conflated areas like mental health treatment and public debate over it are being undermined yet again.
I don't think the madness defies explanation at all. Joe Biden on his first day in office changed the wording from sex to gender identity in federal policy, reinstating Obama's obscenity. I think it's quite clear what's going on, it's just that we cannot see all the particulars of the shenanigans that occur behind the curtain. This nonsense is serving certain people's interests and I think the money to be made is only the frosting on the cake.
Sure I get that and watched that in horror. I support those fighting this in the US but Joe Biden is not my President and I live in the UK. The UK police are fudging and delaying and coming up with excuses as to what their response will be after being called out again and again. They are dragging women and those who disagree with what is happening through quasi-official processes and creating an atmosphere of fear.
You do understand that the U.S. controls Western Europe, don't you? Why else does it go along with wars started by the U.S. and you all end up with the refugees from said wars? We were spying on Merkel, she found out, was upset for some reason, and then all the upset evaporated. I think it's a lot like what Caitlin Johnstone said about Australia: the Australians agreed to buy nuclear submarines from the U.S. not because they're scared of China but because they're scared of the U.S. It's the only explanation I can figure out for Europe's utter abject stance toward the U.S.
Yes I am aware of UK, European and wider geopolitics. I think it's a stretch that NATO manoeuvres are behind Gwent police incompetence. Or who buys which nuclear parts or tech from whom which is a farce, but again, it's a stretch to link that to Gwent police. I also don't believe TPP is pulling Gwent police strings but open to being wrong.
State-sponsored cultism with the power of the U.S. behind it. No, some particular organization isn't telling the Gwent police what to do, but they know to do what their government desires. I mean why in all that is sane did your police departments contribute to Stonewall? Our police departments may contribute to a fundraiser at Christmas for food and toys, and even that would be individual contributions, but they're certainly not giving hefty contributions to private charities. ?????
A hypothetical question. If I called Paisley a piece of shit and he took me to court for libel, would it not be for him to demonstrate that he's not a piece of shit, and how would he be able to demonstrate that?
If the statement is a subjective opinion, it's almost always fine. If you consider him a bad actor or even a bad person, you're usually free to say so as it's a personal view and we're allowed to have opinions. If you said he was a PoS because he had behaved in an unprofessional manner, then it becomes more interesting as you've made a statement that may harm him professionally which you could be asked to prove.
Not a lawyer, just enough knowledge from past work to be safe.
What is your law/policy in the U.K.? Public figures in the U.S. can be called anything under the sun, that's part of what you take on when you choose to be a public figure.
I am not a lawyer. Bear in mind Scots law is different from the law in E&W, so where would such a case be heard (assuming you are E&W and Paisley in Scotland)? My 'knowledge' comes from the excellent film 'Denial' with Rachel Weiss and Tom Wilkinson, he playing Daved Irvine and she an American academic. He sued her for defamation of some kind but, iirc, it was for her to prove she hadn't done that. So guilty till proved innocent. This was in English courts.
And remember any boundary, whether that's personal or societal is open to being destroyed. To make those comments on social media near Holocaust Memorial day was a perfect example of how there are no depths to this. They have and will keep pushing. Any response, any outrage, any hurt will be flipped straight back as an example to 'prove' their case. As a cue to keep pushing and stamping on that weak spot. That it shows exactly the reverse and that they are in the wrong is a blind spot for them and those that indulge this.
It is incredibly hard to keep having empathy for those activists who continue to do this and refuse any accountability for their own actions. That is the basic lesson from the generations that have been treated so badly and dehumanised. I am trying very hard but it's relentless and that they persist in reframing themselves as somehow vulnerable. There are elderly people still telling their tales about the worst of horrors and how it took them many decades to even begin to talk and heal.
Posting this again - the video and links are worth visiting.
They will take anything because their own case is so flimsy. They have been the name callers, aggressors and abusers too many times for it to be any other way. They are far from being a voiceless, poorly represented, impoverished group whose very survival depends on the whims of a tyrannical regime and the mercy of the larger society.
Yep, purse is open. As it was and is for Jenni Swayne who got £25,000 in less than one day. If Paisley is reading here, I can only repeat what Fair Cop told Gwent Police - start your crowdfunder 'cos you're gonna need it.
Who's that TW in the article? Never heard of him before. And all that rubbish about representation of trans on TV - there was a TW on Only Connect last week, doing the weird stuff they do on there and then, bugger me if there isn't another a few hours later on an American counselling prog. Having relationship problems, just like the rest of us.
Disproportionately represented, I'd say, but at least doing normal stuff like arguing and solving puzzles. Not being poked fun at.
It would be a strange turn of events if your legal costs for this end covered by Hayden. And then a claim for costs against Paisley can pay for whoever comes next. Or more likely, whoever is helping Paisley.
BTW, unpin some stories, new posts are appearing half way down your substack's front page!
Not this guy again. Eurgh boke. Purse is open Graham unlucky for him it’ll be payday so … so sorry your family targeted yet again by these freakazoids hope everything is ok.
Watched Kate Clanchy’s interview with Freddie Sayers on UnHerd’s YouTube channel. What an impressive woman. She’s been suffering through a woke witch burning, but will come out of the fires, refined, and formidable. Think that her life’s decisions have led her to this exact moment of destiny. I predict she’ll write a knock-out wake-up book educating all of us on the absurdities and cruelty of woke. Woke — the movement that destroys everything it touches.
Macron does not understand difference between sex & "gender".
Like Ireland France is a Catholic country with "barely born" French gender-critical feminists. There seem to be just two: @Margueritestern @doramoutot do understand.
Thank you for mentioning Marguerite Stern. The international dimension of "gender" is only just coming to the surface in France.
Please give them your support.
The next Herculean task is to open the eyes of male feminists in France to the difference between sex and "gender".
Some feminist issues have resonated: #MeToo (sexual assault at work) and some lesbian demos have been fairly well covered in French media, but separate GC movement is only nascent. Hence no opposition to the Ban.
I can't access Twitter but just seen Marguerite's post and the replies, mainly in English, with plenty of support. Macron's a prick and I'll get on to his representatives here in Bulgaria, whom I know personally, to make my feelings known.
Hi, no, I'm afraid not. Conroy is my married name and my husband was called Martin (I've been widowed for some time). Still, it's always worth checking. All the best.
We have seen in the past mistakes by psychiatrists (or quacks!) which turned into fashions and were widely adopted. When the harms were finally evident the original perpetrators were identified and shamed. I am thinking of lobotomies, "repressed and recovered memories" and "satanic ritual abuse" scandals of fairly recent times. "Transgenderism" is in the same category: https://thefederalist.com/2016/11/17/psychiatry-professor-transgenderism-mass-hysteria-similar-1980s-era-junk-science/.
In every case leaders who should have known better have failed to use any critical thinking. WE keep on pointing out the obvious: "trans" is utter nonsense and a dangerous delusion for the patient, for women and girls, for all societies.
Once again, I can't click on like. ?? I think our leaders (such as they are, no leadership whatsoever, just the promotion of evil and greed) are the ones pushing this gender nonsense for the interests of those who OWN them. I have yet to see a "leader" capable of critical thinking or genuinely caring about the welfare of ordinary people.
Maybe he was suffering from a lack of attention. I don't know how his career has been going, but he must have a lot of time on his hands if he can harass people in the name of being a good trans ally. Also, I don't get the sense that Paisley likes non-male women very much, he tends to deliberately misunderstand them in an attempt to make them seem aggressive, which are likely to be his own projections. I don't think he's unhinged, just a regular misogynist with a big mouth and a platform.
Have you seen this? 26 yr old “trans woman” is being transferred to a juvenile unit for molesting a child. Soros-owned George Gascon, DA of Los Angeles, decided those who commit crimes as a juvenile should serve their time as a juvenile. And since this child molester only recently decided to become a woman, “her” life is in danger in an adult facility. https://thehill.com/changing-america/respect/equality/591902-adult-charged-with-sexual-assault-of-a-child-sentenced-to
The mentality behind it is sickening. Gascon thinks a 26 year old child sex offender should avoid a men’s prison? We do not know this person will be in isolation but we know he’s being protected.
He needs to get himself a hobby, or a job. Maybe something empowering. Then he won't have the time for vexatious litigation. He's a horrible little bully.
"....I have endless reserves of energy for the fight. " OMG me too!
Peaking has knocked bloody years off me! I'm fit and strong, working my way through kick-boxing belts, my mind razor sharp and absorbing loads (autogynphilia being my specialist subject).
Feminist Fury has really energised me physically and mentally (every cloud an' all that), and I'm straining at the leash and spoiling for the fights!
Bring on the demos!
Give 'em hell, Tess!
Defend our cubs as mother wolf!
Defend our selves like strongest stone!
Defend our rights with fierce word craft!
Defend again! We're women born!
(Wollstonecraft - 18th century feminist)
Not sure about fierce - pure, bold, brave, wise, smart, true? Hmm
Hey, embrace the ferocity! You can be all. Be proud to be fierce. Fierce loyal, fierce loving, fierce in standing up for those who can't themselves.
Think you should go on master mind with your specialist subject 😀
I have joked about that! That there'll be a load specialising in "The Terf War Years", but mine'd be AGPs! Lol e.g. "What infamous AGP let his mask slip and shouted at an elderly actress on Big Brother?" etc. etc.. Although it is actually the psychology - the narcissistic compulsion and how far it takes them - that I'm seriously interested in. I have purchased (at great expense!) and read Anne Lawrence's Men Trapped In Men's Bodies - I was intrigued having seen some excerpts quoted online. In fact it was my tweeting Anne Lawrence's essay on narcissistic rage that got me my permanent suspension! How nuts is that? AGPs reported me for reporting on an AGP's report! They don't like that some of us know them better than they know themselves (because they mostly live in denial).
I’d like to read that. Thinking Helen Joyce’s book is very good value - check out Jenni Swayne’s book confiscated by police - it is over £60!
I've read a lot about narcissism in the last few years (was in a bad relationship with one).
Let me guess, the AGPs are mostly covert narcs? Or the new way of saying it, that I don't approve of, vulnerable narcissists? Think a lot of themselves, and they're better than everyone else, but boy are they the victims. *eye rolls*
I feel the same - peaking has sharpened me right up. Wish I could say I was kick-boxing, too - lol! - but happy to be a bad ol' battleaxe, regardless :-)
I love that word "Battleaxe"! I described myself as such recently! :-)
Bring 'em on! Yah!!
Good luck to the Gwent protestors for Monday. With you in spirit! And #IstandwithJenni and hope she gets a lot more donations!
Am hoping the above works. It's about the founder of a rape crisis centre in Edinburgh, Nicola Murray, who had a visit from the police early in November 2020 about some of her Tweets. It seems her stating her refuge's position that they are female-only and not interested in their clients' political views, sexuality etc etc brought the police to her door. They actually said they wanted to check her thinking behind the Tweets. WTF???
Thank you for the link, the article illustrates very clearly that there is a desire not only to prevent women from creating and maintaining women only spaces, but also from articulating this objective and the thinking that leads to it. The thinking is explicit, so what else do their thoughts reveal? Transphobic hatered and an opportunity to express it? Forget about a commitment to providing help and support to vulnerable, traumatised women. Along with the recognition that their ability to do this would be hugely compromised if they admitted people who are biologically male.
If transwomen and men who claim to identify as women feel they have a need for this kind of service, let them organise and create their own facilities the way women did. There is no discussion to be had on this that doesn't involve women to have to make adjustments at our expense.
It's why a formal definition of 'transphobia' would be useful. At the moment mentioning or stating that women exist is termed as 'transphobic'. Stating views or facts about women and girls, or men and boys, or putting any focus on anything other than someone who identifies as something else is. Anything is. That this has gripped the entire world defies explanation. Refusing to indulge this is also 'transphobic'. Commenting that this is happening is 'transphobic'. Asking if this is happening is 'transphobic'.
The very word 'woman' is being decried as bigoted and hateful. It's viewed as targeted harassment. Being or mentioning, or writing it. That women (or men) may wish to have sex-segregated spaces, services or activities or choice is automatically deemed to be exclusionary, and termed as offensive and 'against' or attacking diversity. It's declaring motivations that aren't present. Some women and men are 'identifying out' of describing themselves as women or men, and instead are 'queer' 'enby' or a range of terms to reject how they wished to be viewed. To state that is also declared 'transphobic'. That the police are attempting to enforce such a waffly concept leaves me baffled.
It's like saying the word 'green' and red activists outraged and reporting to the police en masse that this is bigoted and hateful against the colour 'red'. To have conflated 'trans' with sensitive subjects like mental health is another way that those conflated areas like mental health treatment and public debate over it are being undermined yet again.
I don't think the madness defies explanation at all. Joe Biden on his first day in office changed the wording from sex to gender identity in federal policy, reinstating Obama's obscenity. I think it's quite clear what's going on, it's just that we cannot see all the particulars of the shenanigans that occur behind the curtain. This nonsense is serving certain people's interests and I think the money to be made is only the frosting on the cake.
Sure I get that and watched that in horror. I support those fighting this in the US but Joe Biden is not my President and I live in the UK. The UK police are fudging and delaying and coming up with excuses as to what their response will be after being called out again and again. They are dragging women and those who disagree with what is happening through quasi-official processes and creating an atmosphere of fear.
You do understand that the U.S. controls Western Europe, don't you? Why else does it go along with wars started by the U.S. and you all end up with the refugees from said wars? We were spying on Merkel, she found out, was upset for some reason, and then all the upset evaporated. I think it's a lot like what Caitlin Johnstone said about Australia: the Australians agreed to buy nuclear submarines from the U.S. not because they're scared of China but because they're scared of the U.S. It's the only explanation I can figure out for Europe's utter abject stance toward the U.S.
Yes I am aware of UK, European and wider geopolitics. I think it's a stretch that NATO manoeuvres are behind Gwent police incompetence. Or who buys which nuclear parts or tech from whom which is a farce, but again, it's a stretch to link that to Gwent police. I also don't believe TPP is pulling Gwent police strings but open to being wrong.
I'm not talking about NATO, though it is the epitome of evil. What I am talking about is this:
State-sponsored cultism with the power of the U.S. behind it. No, some particular organization isn't telling the Gwent police what to do, but they know to do what their government desires. I mean why in all that is sane did your police departments contribute to Stonewall? Our police departments may contribute to a fundraiser at Christmas for food and toys, and even that would be individual contributions, but they're certainly not giving hefty contributions to private charities. ?????
I think it was Nov 2021 (as in a few months back). That's good as it's only taken the best part of three months to be covered in The Times...
Paisley has lost the fucking plot.
Paisley never had the plot to lose it. No wonder some people have a low opinion of his acting abilities.
A hypothetical question. If I called Paisley a piece of shit and he took me to court for libel, would it not be for him to demonstrate that he's not a piece of shit, and how would he be able to demonstrate that?
If the statement is a subjective opinion, it's almost always fine. If you consider him a bad actor or even a bad person, you're usually free to say so as it's a personal view and we're allowed to have opinions. If you said he was a PoS because he had behaved in an unprofessional manner, then it becomes more interesting as you've made a statement that may harm him professionally which you could be asked to prove.
Not a lawyer, just enough knowledge from past work to be safe.
What is your law/policy in the U.K.? Public figures in the U.S. can be called anything under the sun, that's part of what you take on when you choose to be a public figure.
I am not a lawyer. Bear in mind Scots law is different from the law in E&W, so where would such a case be heard (assuming you are E&W and Paisley in Scotland)? My 'knowledge' comes from the excellent film 'Denial' with Rachel Weiss and Tom Wilkinson, he playing Daved Irvine and she an American academic. He sued her for defamation of some kind but, iirc, it was for her to prove she hadn't done that. So guilty till proved innocent. This was in English courts.
Lawyers, please correct me as needed on this.
And OF COURSE they're now co-opting the Holocaust too. Everything, literally everything is about them.
No original thoughts in their empty pink and blue brains except the catechism's of gender woo.
You aren’t wrong about that, very tiresome
And remember any boundary, whether that's personal or societal is open to being destroyed. To make those comments on social media near Holocaust Memorial day was a perfect example of how there are no depths to this. They have and will keep pushing. Any response, any outrage, any hurt will be flipped straight back as an example to 'prove' their case. As a cue to keep pushing and stamping on that weak spot. That it shows exactly the reverse and that they are in the wrong is a blind spot for them and those that indulge this.
It is incredibly hard to keep having empathy for those activists who continue to do this and refuse any accountability for their own actions. That is the basic lesson from the generations that have been treated so badly and dehumanised. I am trying very hard but it's relentless and that they persist in reframing themselves as somehow vulnerable. There are elderly people still telling their tales about the worst of horrors and how it took them many decades to even begin to talk and heal.
Posting this again - the video and links are worth visiting.
We must keep talking as it's how we might begin to heal.
They will take anything because their own case is so flimsy. They have been the name callers, aggressors and abusers too many times for it to be any other way. They are far from being a voiceless, poorly represented, impoverished group whose very survival depends on the whims of a tyrannical regime and the mercy of the larger society.
Yep, purse is open. As it was and is for Jenni Swayne who got £25,000 in less than one day. If Paisley is reading here, I can only repeat what Fair Cop told Gwent Police - start your crowdfunder 'cos you're gonna need it.
Who's that TW in the article? Never heard of him before. And all that rubbish about representation of trans on TV - there was a TW on Only Connect last week, doing the weird stuff they do on there and then, bugger me if there isn't another a few hours later on an American counselling prog. Having relationship problems, just like the rest of us.
Disproportionately represented, I'd say, but at least doing normal stuff like arguing and solving puzzles. Not being poked fun at.
It would be a strange turn of events if your legal costs for this end covered by Hayden. And then a claim for costs against Paisley can pay for whoever comes next. Or more likely, whoever is helping Paisley.
BTW, unpin some stories, new posts are appearing half way down your substack's front page!
I’m glad you says this. My phone just did a software update and I couldn’t work out why I wasn’t seeing new posts!
I've been wondering that myself
I sincerely hope this person can be charged with stalking and harrassing, both you and your family. Stay strong...
Not this guy again. Eurgh boke. Purse is open Graham unlucky for him it’ll be payday so … so sorry your family targeted yet again by these freakazoids hope everything is ok.
Watched Kate Clanchy’s interview with Freddie Sayers on UnHerd’s YouTube channel. What an impressive woman. She’s been suffering through a woke witch burning, but will come out of the fires, refined, and formidable. Think that her life’s decisions have led her to this exact moment of destiny. I predict she’ll write a knock-out wake-up book educating all of us on the absurdities and cruelty of woke. Woke — the movement that destroys everything it touches.
Excellent last sentence, excellent.
I was hoping to make it to Newport on Monday, but I don't think it's going to be possible :(
Those who can get there: give them hell.
The French Parliament has thoughtlessly and unanimously passed a law "Banning Conversion Therapy" which covers both sexual orientation and "gender identity": https://www.francebleu.fr/infos/societe/le-parlement-vote-la-creation-d-un-nouveau-delit-contre-les-therapies-de-conversion-1643131424#xtor=CS4-4
Macron does not understand difference between sex & "gender".
Like Ireland France is a Catholic country with "barely born" French gender-critical feminists. There seem to be just two: @Margueritestern @doramoutot do understand.
Thank you for mentioning Marguerite Stern. The international dimension of "gender" is only just coming to the surface in France.
Please give them your support.
The next Herculean task is to open the eyes of male feminists in France to the difference between sex and "gender".
Some feminist issues have resonated: #MeToo (sexual assault at work) and some lesbian demos have been fairly well covered in French media, but separate GC movement is only nascent. Hence no opposition to the Ban.
I can't access Twitter but just seen Marguerite's post and the replies, mainly in English, with plenty of support. Macron's a prick and I'll get on to his representatives here in Bulgaria, whom I know personally, to make my feelings known.
You’re no relation to David Ray Conroy are you? I was friends with him at uni - a great artist.
Hi, no, I'm afraid not. Conroy is my married name and my husband was called Martin (I've been widowed for some time). Still, it's always worth checking. All the best.
See also: @RebellesDuGenre
Macron is just another U.S. lapdog representing the interests of predatory capitalism. How can anyone be surprised he's an idiot?
We have seen in the past mistakes by psychiatrists (or quacks!) which turned into fashions and were widely adopted. When the harms were finally evident the original perpetrators were identified and shamed. I am thinking of lobotomies, "repressed and recovered memories" and "satanic ritual abuse" scandals of fairly recent times. "Transgenderism" is in the same category: https://thefederalist.com/2016/11/17/psychiatry-professor-transgenderism-mass-hysteria-similar-1980s-era-junk-science/.
In every case leaders who should have known better have failed to use any critical thinking. WE keep on pointing out the obvious: "trans" is utter nonsense and a dangerous delusion for the patient, for women and girls, for all societies.
Once again, I can't click on like. ?? I think our leaders (such as they are, no leadership whatsoever, just the promotion of evil and greed) are the ones pushing this gender nonsense for the interests of those who OWN them. I have yet to see a "leader" capable of critical thinking or genuinely caring about the welfare of ordinary people.
D Paisley is not even trans so what is his problem? He is unhinged.
He's just a hairy misogynist
Maybe he was suffering from a lack of attention. I don't know how his career has been going, but he must have a lot of time on his hands if he can harass people in the name of being a good trans ally. Also, I don't get the sense that Paisley likes non-male women very much, he tends to deliberately misunderstand them in an attempt to make them seem aggressive, which are likely to be his own projections. I don't think he's unhinged, just a regular misogynist with a big mouth and a platform.
Tremendous article in The Times on the EHRC - https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/at-last-theres-a-champion-for-womens-rights-mlt5s95pk hope you can all access it
Have you seen this? 26 yr old “trans woman” is being transferred to a juvenile unit for molesting a child. Soros-owned George Gascon, DA of Los Angeles, decided those who commit crimes as a juvenile should serve their time as a juvenile. And since this child molester only recently decided to become a woman, “her” life is in danger in an adult facility. https://thehill.com/changing-america/respect/equality/591902-adult-charged-with-sexual-assault-of-a-child-sentenced-to
It will be in isolation, but this situation is still sickening.
The mentality behind it is sickening. Gascon thinks a 26 year old child sex offender should avoid a men’s prison? We do not know this person will be in isolation but we know he’s being protected.
The article, which referred to the creep as 'she', does mention he will be put in isolation. I'm presuming they've not gone completely doolally
Me suspects Gascon is also a molester because molesters tend to think they and other molesters are actually the age of the children they molest.
Most Soros funded DA’s and politicians seem to be a little on the pro pedo side.
Once again, can't click like. Soros supports the total decriminalization of pimping and brothels which tells us everything we need to know.
He needs to get himself a hobby, or a job. Maybe something empowering. Then he won't have the time for vexatious litigation. He's a horrible little bully.