Just got a call from ‘Mark’, who visited my ex-wife and my kids in their home and asked for me. Then he phoned me and said he had some papers from David Paisley. I told him I had no interest in receiving them. Paisley is obviously trying to sue me for something or other but here’s my question. How did this guy know my old address?
After literally just seeing off the fragrant Stephanie Hayden, now I have to deal with this lunatic. Sorry, David, now you can’t hurt my family anymore, except by bothering them at home on a Saturday morning, I have endless reserves of energy for the fight. Once your man finds me, I’ll use the case to bring as much attention as possible to you and men like you.
I’ll also be asking the police how you knew my family’s address. Have you been coordinating with Hayden?
Another one
A mini-Paisley in the making. Multi-tweet thread (replies turned off) from a white beardbro listing the ways Kate Clanchy has sinned. Cancel culture really is the revenge of the mediocre and it’s to Picador’s shame that they capitulated to these kinds of bitter nobodies.

But answer came there none
Thanks to Laurie Penny for making this possible
The reviews for their new book are uniformly terrible!
‘Jen’ Ives is a liar
Didn’t go to any of the talks, hung around waiting for a chance to demand to be let into the women’s toilets, tried to talk to me but ran away as soon as he realised I had his number, then shuffled off and called everyone a bigot. Also, only a comedian in the same sense that Alan Driscoll and Aiden Comerford are comedians, as any exposure to his material will prove.
Five to eleven

Eliza nails it
On Holocaust Remembrance day, don’t forget the fashion victims of 2022
Men threatening women with violence
..supported by other men, like Stewart Lee and Jon Ronson.

Don’t forget Rachel Meade
I realise there are so many crowdfunders at the moment, with Jenni Swayne’s the latest and certainly most important, but please don’t forget Rachel Meade. Social Work England has been completely captured and Rachel’s case could draw a lot of attention to the problem. One of the craziest things about the affair is that when I threatened legal action for being named in a public-facing document as transphobic, they dropped that aspect of the charges against her, but continued the action.
You can donate here. Everything helps!
"....I have endless reserves of energy for the fight. " OMG me too!
Peaking has knocked bloody years off me! I'm fit and strong, working my way through kick-boxing belts, my mind razor sharp and absorbing loads (autogynphilia being my specialist subject).
Feminist Fury has really energised me physically and mentally (every cloud an' all that), and I'm straining at the leash and spoiling for the fights!
Bring on the demos!
Good luck to the Gwent protestors for Monday. With you in spirit! And #IstandwithJenni and hope she gets a lot more donations!