They will take anything because their own case is so flimsy. They have been the name callers, aggressors and abusers too many times for it to be any other way. They are far from being a voiceless, poorly represented, impoverished group whose very survival depends on the whims of a tyrannical regime and the mercy of the larger society.
They will take anything because their own case is so flimsy. They have been the name callers, aggressors and abusers too many times for it to be any other way. They are far from being a voiceless, poorly represented, impoverished group whose very survival depends on the whims of a tyrannical regime and the mercy of the larger society.
They will take anything because their own case is so flimsy. They have been the name callers, aggressors and abusers too many times for it to be any other way. They are far from being a voiceless, poorly represented, impoverished group whose very survival depends on the whims of a tyrannical regime and the mercy of the larger society.