It "was really cute and awesome that I was treated as male" but entirely the medics' fault they were missing crucial information and wasted valuable time and resources on me and I nearly died. (I'm paraphrasing the second bit.)
It "was really cute and awesome that I was treated as male" but entirely the medics' fault they were missing crucial information and wasted valuable time and resources on me and I nearly died. (I'm paraphrasing the second bit.)
I read through this BBC article. It is full of misinformation and draws no clear conclusions.
It appears that Whitley, born female but has taken testosterone (wrong sex hormone) for 15 years didn’t think to mention this fact to medical staff. Yet, the medical profession is being blamed for not knowing this. Their time was wasted due Whitley’s patient records having the sex marker as Male instead of Female.
Whitley’s life was in danger “But he’s registered as a man on his medical records, and this meant his doctors used the male eGFR level. He wasn’t put on the list until he reached it – a decision that ultimately delayed the surgery by over a year, and very nearly cost him his life.”
This person is an “assistant professor of sociology at Western Washington University”. So there’s no excuse for not taking personal responsibility for one’s own health.
It seems to me that those who consider themselves transgender not only want to obfuscate language but expect the entire medical profession to be up to speed with their fluid personal needs.
I wonder has any research been done on the effects of Testosterone consumption on the female body? How does Whitley know that injecting T for 15 years didn’t cause renal failure?
Whitley is married to a woman. In my book that makes them a lesbian couple. Why would you put your life in danger just so you could grow a beard and pretend you’re a man??
One of those moments when I can't click on like. I doubt any research has been done on females taking testosterone. We used to hear news reports in the U.S. about violent males having taken it prior to murdering someone or being shot by the cops, but those seem to have disappeared. A man pointed out that testosterone is essentially toxic -- which is why men die younger, look more aged, etc -- so renal failure would make a lot of sense.
That's something I dread thinking about. Babies are already exposed in utero to all sorts of toxins, and then for a pregnant woman to take in more toxins is inexcusable. I need to be clear, I am not blaming women who are drug users who have no access to care / recovery when they get pregnant.
You've made me recall this case
It "was really cute and awesome that I was treated as male" but entirely the medics' fault they were missing crucial information and wasted valuable time and resources on me and I nearly died. (I'm paraphrasing the second bit.)
I read through this BBC article. It is full of misinformation and draws no clear conclusions.
It appears that Whitley, born female but has taken testosterone (wrong sex hormone) for 15 years didn’t think to mention this fact to medical staff. Yet, the medical profession is being blamed for not knowing this. Their time was wasted due Whitley’s patient records having the sex marker as Male instead of Female.
Whitley’s life was in danger “But he’s registered as a man on his medical records, and this meant his doctors used the male eGFR level. He wasn’t put on the list until he reached it – a decision that ultimately delayed the surgery by over a year, and very nearly cost him his life.”
This person is an “assistant professor of sociology at Western Washington University”. So there’s no excuse for not taking personal responsibility for one’s own health.
It seems to me that those who consider themselves transgender not only want to obfuscate language but expect the entire medical profession to be up to speed with their fluid personal needs.
I wonder has any research been done on the effects of Testosterone consumption on the female body? How does Whitley know that injecting T for 15 years didn’t cause renal failure?
Whitley is married to a woman. In my book that makes them a lesbian couple. Why would you put your life in danger just so you could grow a beard and pretend you’re a man??
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
It's staggering isn't it. Withold essential medical information despite getting sinker and sicker and then blame everyone else.
One of those moments when I can't click on like. I doubt any research has been done on females taking testosterone. We used to hear news reports in the U.S. about violent males having taken it prior to murdering someone or being shot by the cops, but those seem to have disappeared. A man pointed out that testosterone is essentially toxic -- which is why men die younger, look more aged, etc -- so renal failure would make a lot of sense.
Yes and they have no idea what effects exogenous testosterone taken by a pregnant woman has on the baby , especially on a female baby .
That's something I dread thinking about. Babies are already exposed in utero to all sorts of toxins, and then for a pregnant woman to take in more toxins is inexcusable. I need to be clear, I am not blaming women who are drug users who have no access to care / recovery when they get pregnant.