One of those moments when I can't click on like. I doubt any research has been done on females taking testosterone. We used to hear news reports in the U.S. about violent males having taken it prior to murdering someone or being shot by the cops, but those seem to have disappeared. A man pointed out that testosterone is essentially toxic…
One of those moments when I can't click on like. I doubt any research has been done on females taking testosterone. We used to hear news reports in the U.S. about violent males having taken it prior to murdering someone or being shot by the cops, but those seem to have disappeared. A man pointed out that testosterone is essentially toxic -- which is why men die younger, look more aged, etc -- so renal failure would make a lot of sense.
That's something I dread thinking about. Babies are already exposed in utero to all sorts of toxins, and then for a pregnant woman to take in more toxins is inexcusable. I need to be clear, I am not blaming women who are drug users who have no access to care / recovery when they get pregnant.
One of those moments when I can't click on like. I doubt any research has been done on females taking testosterone. We used to hear news reports in the U.S. about violent males having taken it prior to murdering someone or being shot by the cops, but those seem to have disappeared. A man pointed out that testosterone is essentially toxic -- which is why men die younger, look more aged, etc -- so renal failure would make a lot of sense.
Yes and they have no idea what effects exogenous testosterone taken by a pregnant woman has on the baby , especially on a female baby .
That's something I dread thinking about. Babies are already exposed in utero to all sorts of toxins, and then for a pregnant woman to take in more toxins is inexcusable. I need to be clear, I am not blaming women who are drug users who have no access to care / recovery when they get pregnant.