This is a SBARD (SITUATION/BACKGROUND/ASSESSMENT/ RECOMMENDATION/DECISION) I just received from a mental health ward nurse. Another scandal in plain sight. Her comments follow the document.
“I’ve attached a picture of the SBARD that all staff in an NHS trust have had to read and accept.
I’m beyond angry about this, how can I possibly keep vulnerable women safe when I would ‘have to’ admit men on to the ward? This whole situation is wrong on so many levels!
This ridiculous gender ideology seems to have infiltrated many organisations; women's prisons, women's physical/ mental health wards/ even women's toilets/ changing rooms in shops. It is so wrong.
Some of the women on Mental Health wards are known to have been sexually/ physically abused by men. How are they supposed to feel safe? And what about when this gender ideology reaches women's refuges? If it hasn’t already. (Editor’s note: it has). I’ve had enough of being ‘told’ what I should think/ feel.
I’m all for inclusion of trans men and women but sex segregated spaces are essential for safeguarding. What is going on?”
This nurse is all for the acceptance of 'trans' men and women, as long as we're able to keep single sex spaces. That's how I used to be. But after immersing myself in this movement, I'm way beyond that. There is no such thing as 'trans'. No one can 'transcend' their biological sex. They can only express their personality through the 'gender' stereotypes they are inclined to adopt.
So in a mental health ward, spaces that have always included the best and worst of people, a woman may have to share a room or ward with a maniac male acting as if he’s a woman. But let’s be politically correct so as not to hurt a potential monsters feelings? This is the upside down.