In 2013, Kristoffer Johansson was sentenced to 10 years in prison for the killing and dismemberment of his ex-girlfriend, Vatchareeya Bangsuan. It is also alleged that he killed and dismembered his dog. The sentence handed to him was initially murder, however, this was changed to manslaughter upon appeal.
On the 11th of November, 2019, he was moved to Hinseberg women's prison, under a so-called female identity and the adopted new name of Kim Marie Johansson. While there, he received a number of warnings for threatening behaviour, including threatening to snap the neck of a rabbit that was a pet in the prison if he was not moved to another ward.
When questioned, he is said to have claimed it was "better to do something against the rabbit than against a fellow inmate", and that he didn't have any "emotional problems with killing small furry creatures". Johansson (now wishing to be known as Magdala), who has been described as a "weapons enthusiast", while presumably having either completed his sentence, or released on parole, is now active on social media to raise awareness of his belief that radical feminists are attempting to "ban transgender people from existing" as he says in this Facebook post.
He has described himself as a "TERF hunter" and has made references on Instagram to the activity this title implies, including posting a photograph of himself holding a large bullet. He is seen here in a since-removed Facebook profile image, brandishing an automatic/semi-automatic firearm.
You may be wondering why the headline mentions Alex Sobel, the shadow minister for arts, heritage and tourism.
It’s because men like Sobel think men like Johansson are women, and should have access to all female spaces. When women protest, men like Sobel call them bigots. So women are afraid to speak up, and as a result, less safe.
Without men like Johansson, Sobel wouldn’t be as dangerous.
Without men like Sobel, Johansson wouldn’t be as emboldened.
Together, these two men—at completely opposite ends of society— are a crisis for women.
Another couple of thoughts on this for what it's worth. I watched Graham's fascinating interview with Skylar the other day and she said something that I've been thinking a lot about recently, and which Arty also mentioned in a recent episode of "The Mess We're In". And it's that many and indeed possibly most people have little or no idea that something as dystopian and hideous as this - a brutal mysognist who has killed a woman, is imprisoned in a men's jail but then transitions and manages to get themselves transferred to a women's prison - actually happened. This partly comes down to under-reporting (partly due to the woke agenda) I imagine, but the main thing in my view is that it stems from that disconnect we probably all feel between what we imagine couldn't possibly be allowed to happen in a liberal western democracy (in this case Sweden) and the sickening reality. In other words, if you don't read the whole piece you might just think "Nah, that can't possibly have happened, can it? Sweden would never do that." And then you move on with your life and try and forget about it.
So here's the other thing - a question. In this context I thought Graham's piece and his thoroughly appropriate linking of it to Alex Sobel MP's rejection of single-sex refuges and prisons should be read by a wider audience. So I used the sharing tools and tweeted it. I'm still pretty new to this group so I'm just checking this is OK. It won't have much impact as I'm not very active on Twitter (on the fairly rare occasions I do tweet it's mainly about football), I only have 79 followers and am not really looking for more. Anyhow, just checking it really was OK to share via the sharing tool (that upward arrow on the right).
Fantastic piece, this one, really hits the nail on the head