Monday 24th January - This Never Happens
REDUXX: A trans-identified male who sexually assaulted a three-year old child is now a much-platformed and lauded trans activist.
In November 1994 Jeffrey Willsea pleaded guilty to first-degree sexual abuse and aggravated second-degree sexual abuse, eleven counts in total, of a 3-year-old girl. A local newspaper report from April 1994 suggests that he initially tried to deny the charges before eventually entering a guilty plea. He was sentenced to 59 years imprisonment. He now identifies as a woman and calls himself Xena Grandichelli.
Since his release from prison, Willsea has re-invented himself as a social justice campaigner, advocating for the rights of transgender prisoners. He has been given platforms at leading US universities and LGBT organisations. He volunteered for AVP, the ‘largest anti-LGBTQ violence organization in the country’ which appears to have presented him with a community hero award.
Some sources suggest that Willsea was raised by Sylvia Rivera, the New York drag queen and LGBT activist who is often credited with involvement in the Stonewall riots. Willsea certainly took part in a documentary about Marsha P Johnson, one of Rivera’s closest friends, in 2017. Willsea now works at the Sylvia Rivera Law Project, an organisation which “Works to guarantee that all people are free to self-determine gender identity and expression”.
When registered as a sex offender, Willsea was categorized as a risk level 3, which denotes the highest likelihood of re-offending and risk to public safety. As with all level 3 sex offenders he is legally prohibited from being within 1,000 feet of a school. Nevertheless, he didn’t seem to have any qualms about posting photographs and videos of young children to his social media.
Tuesday 25th January - Leave Them Kids Alone
NEW YORK POST: A mother in California is suing the ‘predatory’ and ‘disgusting’ teachers who, she alleges, persuaded her vulnerable daughter to ‘change gender’.

Last month we reported on a sinister phenomenon in US schools known as ‘teacher activism’. Educators, Lori Caldeira and Kelly Baraki, ran an LGBTQ ‘equality club’ at Buena Vista Middle School. They were recorded at a conference explaining how they ‘recruited’ pupils to the club and kept their membership a secret from their parents.
Their school was then accused of grooming a 12-year-old girl into ‘changing gender’ without the knowledge of her parents. The girl’s mother, Jessica Konen, has alleged that Caldeira and Baraki encouraged her daughter to join their ‘equality Club’ and coaxed the child into believing that she is transgender. She says that the school changed her daughter’s name on official records, changed her email address and used male pronouns with which to refer to her.
Konen is now taking legal action against Caldiera and Baraki and the Spreckels Union School District. She is suing for infliction of emotional distress, negligence, civil conspiracy and violating her federal and constitutional statutory rights to direct her daughter’s upbringing.
In an interview with Fox News, Konen told Laura Ingraham that her daughter deserves justice. “My family’s already gone through so much and nobody else needs to go through this… You wouldn’t expect a teacher to be predatorial towards a child… they’re supposed to be trusted.”
Wednesday 26th January - Lies, Damn Lies & Statistics
THE TIMES: A trans activist group has been given permission to intervene in legal action over the Scottish census ‘sex question’.
Last week Fair Play For Women announced that it will be forcing the Scottish Government into court to defend its allowing the self-definition of ‘sex’ in the forthcoming census.
Now lobby group, Scottish Trans, has been given permission to act as a third-party intervener in the case, allowing it to submit arguments in favour of the guidance.
Scottish Trans is part of Equality Network, an LGBTI charity which is wholly funded by the Scottish government.
The organisation which was funded by the Scottish government to lobby for the self-declaration of sex will advocate for the Scottish government’s policy allowing for the self-declaration of sex in court. And all financed by the tax-payer.
Thursday 27th January - A scandal in plain sight
THE DAILY MAIL: One of Lia Thomas’ teammates has spoken out about his disturbing locker room behaviour and its effect on the team.
In an exclusive interview, one of the UPenn women’s swimming team has described how trans-identified male, Lia Thomas, makes his teammates feel uncomfortable in the locker room. She told the paper that Thomas engages in ‘a decent amount of nudity’ and often doesn’t bother to conceal his genitalia. “It's definitely awkward because Lia still has male body parts and is still attracted to women”.
She stated that multiple team members have raised their concerns with their coach but to no avail. “The 35 of us are just supposed to accept being uncomfortable in our own space and locker room for, like, the feelings of one.”
The swimmer went on to say that the vast majority of team members have issues with Lia’s inclusion but are frightened of protesting, especially as the school has forbade students from speaking to the media.
A group of young women are being forced to share a changing room with a man who exposes his penis to them and they’re barred from protesting.
Also Today - I Can’t Believe It’s Not Satire
THE DAILY MAIL: The University of Chester has added a trigger warning to one of its modules which includes the first Harry Potter book.
The university's English Department teaches ‘young adult fiction’ texts on its Approaches to Literature module one of which is JK Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.
Consequently, this module now comes with a trigger warning: “Although we are studying a selection of Young Adult texts on this Module, the nature of the theories we apply to them can lead to some difficult conversations about gender, race, sexuality, class, and identity… If anyone has any issues with the content, please get in touch with the Module Leader to make them aware.'
The module leader is Dr Richard Leahy who has already made his personal feelings towards JK Rowling abundantly clear.
Friday 28th January - Get Out Of Jail Free Card
FOX NEWS: A 26-year-old trans-identified male who sexually assaulted a child when he was 17 is to serve just two years and in a juvenile facility.
Last week we reported on sex offender, James Tubbs. In December 2014 he was just a fortnight shy of his eighteenth birthday when he sexually assaulted a 10-year-old girl in the bathroom of a California fast-food restaurant. He followed her into the toilet, grabbed her by the throat and forced her into a cubicle where he sexually assaulted her. When another customer appeared, he fled the scene.
Tubbs was arrested in Idaho on suspicion of battery in 2019 and his DNA linked him to the sexual assault five years earlier. In 2020 he was charged with sexually assaulting the 10-year-old girl and pleaded guilty to the crime. He has previously been arrested for battery, drug possession and probation violations and was also accused of sexually assaulting a minor in a separate incident in Kern County.
Since his arrest, 26-year-old Tubbs has begun ‘identifying as a woman’ and now calls himself Hannah.
Tubbs has just been sentenced to two years in a juvenile facility by a judge whose ‘hands were tied’. Judge Mario Barrera criticized LA’s DA, George Gascón, for refusing to file a motion that would have transferred Tubbs to an adult criminal court.
At a hearing in December, Tubbs’ victim provided a written statement which was read out in court. She said the experience has left her feeling worthless, powerless and suicidal. “I live in fear most of the time… I chose not to come into court because I couldn’t stand the thought of having to see my attackers’ face again. And I hope, after all of this comes to an end, my attacker gets the punishment he deserves for attacking a child”.
Saturday 29th January - The Thought Police
THE TIMES: Police in Scotland interviewed the founder of a women’s domestic violence charity to ‘ascertain her thinking’.
Nicola Murray lost three babies in three separate miscarriages due to the horrendous abuse she suffered from her violent ex-partner. When she finally sought help from Perthshire Women’s Aid, she was traumatised, grieving and suffering with PTSD.
In 2018 she set up Brodie’s Trust, named after one of the children that she lost. The organisation provides support for women who, like Nicola, have suffered pregnancy loss as a result of domestic violence or forced termination. It refers survivors to the local services that can best care for and help them.
In September, Nicola posted a statement from Brodie’s Trust to her social media account. “Due to deeply concerning comments made by the current CEO of ERCC we have taken the decision to no longer signpost to this service… We are a women-only service run by women for women and will not be intimidated into changing our stance on this matter.”
The tweet refers the horrifying comments made by Mridul Wadhwa, the male CEO of Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre who said that ‘bigoted’ victims of sexual violence (ie women requesting female-only services) will be “Challenged on their prejudices” at ERCC. Not surprisingly, Brodie’s Trust felt it could not, in all good conscience, direct traumatised women to such a facility.
In November, two detectives from Edinburgh police arrived at Nicola’s door. They told her that some of her tweets had been brought to their attention and showed her screengrabs of the statement regarding Brodies’s Trust and ERCC.
They continued, “We just have to speak to you. You’ve not said anything hateful, there isn’t a crime here”. When Nicola asked why they were there, they answered, “Because we need to speak to you to ascertain what your thinking was behind making your statement”.
No crime had been committed but the police needed to ascertain her ‘thinking’?
Sunday 30th January - Leave Them Kids Alone #2
THE DAILY MAIL: Florida parents are suing their school district claiming their daughter was groomed into accepting a male identity during ‘secret meetings’.
Wendell and Maria Perez have a 12-year-old daughter who was a pupil at Paterson Elementary School in Florida. They are bringing legal action against the school district after discovering their daughter had attempted suicide following ongoing and secret attempts to orchestrate her ‘gender transition’.
The couple alleges that a school counsellor had secret weekly meetings with their daughter to address her supposed ‘gender identity crisis’. They also claim that school leaders gave the child a male name, encouraged her peers to refer to her as a boy and developed a ‘gender transition’ plan for her. And all without their knowledge or consent. Wendell Perez said, “They basically created a double life for my daughter”.
This ‘double life’ was only discovered when Perez’s daughter tried to hang herself twice in two days on school property. The family say the girl had not exhibited any mental health problems or gender-related issues prior to her secret meetings with the school counsellor.
They have now filed a federal lawsuit naming several members of the Clay County School district. The suit alleges that the changes to the girl's ‘gender identity’ increased bullying at school resulting in a level of distress that escalated to the point of her attempting suicide.
Wendell Perez told The Daily Mail, “If we allow this to happen, we are admitting that the sex offenders - the models operating of the sex offenders - is correct, because that is actually what they do. They take advantage of a child, they try to keep things in secret and make them do things that they are not supposed to do. There should be no secrets. That’s a red flag”.
See you next week.
"A group of young women are being forced to share a changing room with a man who exposes his penis to them and they’re barred from protesting". This used to be a crime. I still do not understand how people can tolerate it because it comes with the magic trans label: Not trans then you're a man and it's a crime. Trans - you're a woman and it's ok? It's a penis in a girls locker room. How cna some people not see this? How is this ok? The coach, and all those teachers grooming impressionable kids need putting away.
As for the police checking thinking. This is not an isolated case as we know. They took a book from Jenni's house too (in Newport) which appears to be checking her thinking. Orwell fortold this kind of thing but even he never could have imagined this level of craziness.
Attention, students of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. Beware. Brace yourselves. This book, written by the “brightest witch of our age” might trigger empathy, joy, compassion. Careful now, you just might learn some ethical lessons along the way.