Activist Teachers: The Jesuits of the Gender Cult
Teachers are grooming children against the wishes of their parents
“Give me a child until he is seven years old and I will show you the man”, goes the old maxim of the Jesuits. They certainly knew how to indoctrinate an impressionable young mind into a wholehearted belief in dogma. And so, too, do gender zealots.

Last month Abigail Shrier wrote about a disturbing phenomenon within gender ideology; ‘teacher activism’.
Shrier had been provided with documentation and audio files from a recent conference held by The California Teachers Association (CTA), the largest and most powerful teachers' union in the state with over 300,000 members. That leaked information was subsequently verified by three conference attendees.
This conference was called “The 2021 LGBTQ+ Issues Conference, Beyond the Binary: Identity & Imagining Possibilities”. Workshops were held detailing methods with which teachers can undermine parents and ‘conservative communities’ on issues of gender identity and sexual orientation. One suggestion was the setting up of LGBTQ groups, also known as Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) clubs.
Lori Caldeira, a teacher at Buena Vista Middle School in Salinas, is a leader of one such LGBTQ club. Together with colleague, Kelly Baraki, Caldeira held a workshop at the conference called “How We Run a GSA in Conservative Communities”. In the audio sent to Abigail Shrier, the pair can be heard describing how they recruit club members by stalking pupils’ internet searches and online activity and listening in on their conversations in school. That way they can target likely candidates and approach them individually to encourage them to join the group.
Caldiera also advocated keeping pupils’ attendance at these clubs secret from their parents. “Because we are not official—we have no club rosters, we keep no records”, she said. “In fact, sometimes we don’t really want to keep records because if parents get upset that their kids are coming, we’re like, ‘Yeah, I don’t know. Maybe they came?’”
Last week, a school in California was accused of grooming a vulnerable 12-year-old girl into ‘changing gender’ without the knowledge or consent of her parents. The school in question is the Buena Vista Middle School in Salinas where Lori Caldeira and Kelly Baraki both teach and Caldeira runs the LGBTQ ‘Equality Club’.
The girl’s mother, Jessica Konen, has alleged that school staff encouraged her daughter to join this 'Equality Club’ and then coaxed the child into believing that she is transgender. She says that they changed her daughter’s name on official records, changed her email address and used male pronouns with which to refer to her.

Konen had spoken with her daughter about being bisexual, however, there had never been any previous indication that the girl had issues with gender dysphoria. The first Konen knew about her daughter’s new ‘gender identity’ was a meeting with the school principal at which she was informed that her daughter is ‘trans fluid’ and subsequently accused of not being ‘emotionally supportive’.
Shortly after this meeting, Konen had a visit from the local police who told her that a complaint had been lodged with Child Protective Services (CPS). The police questioned her children, asking them if they wished to be removed from the family home. Konen complied with instructions and visited the CPS which took no action and subsequently dropped the complaint.

Last week, Jessica Konen addressed a meeting of the school board (see above), making an impassioned speech about the harm caused to her daughter. She received a rapturous round of applause and a standing ovation.
“You took away my ability to parent my child… Your job was to educate my child in math, science, English etc. You do your job. Let me do mine…
They downgraded me in front of my child, and allowed me to question myself as a mother. You sat there and told me how my child was going to be. And then you wrapped your hands around her while I sat across the table and cried because you thought you could be there better than I.”
Of course, this isn’t just happening in California; there are examples of impressionable school children being persuaded into the gender cult by ‘teacher activists’ from around the US.

Writing in The Critic, Sarah Philmore commented, “If ‘teacher activism’ is not checked, it will be adopted in the UK. There are certainly worrying indications from various attempts to provide ‘guidance’ to schools and social workers that the UK would find fertile soil for such campaigning teachers.”
Meet the new priests, same as the old priests.
Everything goes as long as Trans, including keeping secrets from
parents and child grooming. The new trans supremacy.
Got further confirmation last night that one of the TRA's biggest advantages has been the proportion of the public that simply didn't/doesn't know all this is going on. Had an opening while chatting to a friend, took the plunge and explained as succinctly as I could about JKR, Dr Stock, Maya, the issues re bathrooms/rape crisis centres/sports etc. She was horrified and said she simply had no idea of the extent of it all. Made me realise again how important it is to reach out to people. And I didn't even have time to go into the threat trans ideology poses to children.