Shock, horror, the CofE is a bunch of hypocrites. Who’d have guessed?!

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They are not even Christian any more.

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Why when Govt agencies are pulling out of Stonewalls influence is the Ministry of Justice still forging ahead? someone has told them what to do and i bet its still Stonewall or an offshoot

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That is truly awful news that they are going to place children in care according to their "preferred gender". Unfortunately boys in care have a tendency to sexually assault other children in care, usually a consequence of having been abused themselves, and it's critical to keep them away from younger kids and girls.

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I need the Good News Supplement, sharpish.

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It's on the way! x

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When biological males, other than little boys with their female relatives, are able to encroach on women's spaces, all women are affected. I'm a Muslim woman, and the separation of men and women is very important, and no one needs to be removing a single item if clothing. That doesn't mean it's more important that Muslim women have spaces where biological males aren't permitted than it is for women as a whole. If they're there without awareness and the consent of women, it's abusive and wholly unacceptable. I don't think it's helpful to make distinctions between different groups of women, we are all women and objection to the inclusion of biological men in our spaces needs no other justification.

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Yes. This caused real consternation in a few hospital wards I've been in and was handled very poorly. There were a few occasions when 'family' members were on a ward and ignored visiting times and stood openly staring at women in states of undress. Very ill, sometimes dying women (and then their relatives) started to get very anxious, wouldn't leave bed in nightgowns and pulled curtains round, as no one would address the issue. We were of all religions and none - and it was a place there was a lot of camaraderie and kindness. It was a few ward staff one time who eventually realised women were upset and refusing to change for bed (or get up or use the bathroom) until the guests had left. All ward timings went and there was a very strange tense atmosphere. Then there were language barriers. It got very racist and unpleasant and made me (and a few others) weep. I couldn't understand how divisive that got and so quickly. People can be astonishingly selfish. I thought it was universal that this was respected and crossed all religions and cultures.

I still don't understand it but I suppose it's partly people who have no contact with anyone outside their own lives, community or experience and suddenly having to realise there are other people and mutual respect must be negotiated.

It galls me that the NHS of all places, and hospitals didn't realise there were really vital reasons why women have their own spaces of safety and sanctuary in hospitals or in community care.

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I wish I lived in England because I would then make it my business to picket the LibDem conference - what a crowd of spanners and muppets they are. With their history of accepting toe rags, perverts and freaks to represent them you would think they would watch their step. Remember they knew about ‘Sir’ Cyril Smith’s crimes against vulnerable boys for years :https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2013/feb/26/liberals-cyril-smith-abuse-allegations

Finally enjoy the good weather Graham. Don’t forget your hat and sun block.

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Tbf to the CoE, they say there is no definition because until very recently this was ‘self evident’. So, like everyone else, they knew who was a man and who was a woman. The problem is that they have decided to follow the narrative that it is ‘complicated’. Again, definitions. Why they want to get caught up in feelings and imagination, could be something to do with what religion is all about, and their ever diminishing congregations. I think we can safely ignore them.

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I think the CoE should borrow a dictionary. It's right in there in black and white. As ever, isn't it funny that it's not complicated when it comes to what a man is. Just women. We all know why because ultimately it's because they are trying to include men in a subset of humans that men are not part of. It's simple unless you are pandering.

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I guarantee you they’re coming for the dictionaries next.

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I'm surprised they haven't already.

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My understanding is that Merriam-Webster is already rewriting the definition of woman. (I might have the wrong company, forgive me.)

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This left me screaming in frustration and anger at the 4 walls again !! This cult is the very epitome of EVIL ,and if ,God forbid ,they ever get to be in charge ,then the damage to women and children will be so monumental and destructive it could even dwarf the Holocaust !!. Communism killed many millions throughout the 20th century

,and probably still does, and THIS is

what the ideologues in the west want ??? Really ??? Beyond Demonic !!🤬😭🤮💔Thanks ,JL. Hope there's some good news heading our way soon.👍👏♥️

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Oh yes - there's a Good News Supplement on the way!

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And how many millions do you think the West killed during the twentieth century?

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Your point ??

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It seems very popular for Westerners to talk about communism murdering millions while ignoring the endless wars of the Western world which have murdered millions. This is why I liken the West to the alcoholics I have known: always looking over others' shoulders while ignoring the damage they do to themselves, their families and friends, and their societies.

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Are you advocating communism or fascism ,indeed any kind of totalitarianism ? Democratic government is the best system we have at present ,imperfect as it is. All other systems are much worse.

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I'm not advocating anything, and I have never seen a democratic government in my life. I cannot judge other systems because I have not lived under them. It's rather like not knowing someone until you live with her/him. I can only seriously criticize what I live with, day in and day out, and it is extremely authoritarian. The authoritarianism is masked by a cloak of what one professor calls liberal fascism where one is seemingly permitted to be free to have marginalized views. However, if anyone seriously challenges the power structure -- the puny efforts of Occupy come to mind; Congress passed legislation to set up concentration camps for Occupy members -- you will then see just how authoritarian your society is.

And one important element of this authoritarian society (the U.S.) is to have people constantly bragging about how it's the best system that ever was, is, or will be. Meanwhile, children go hungry and homeless, and the oligarchs get richer and richer.

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JL - I appreciate that you expose all the dreadful things that are going on in the war on women but I look forward to the day when you have nothing to report. The government must get a grip and stop all public bodies accepting self-ID as if it is the same as a GRC.

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Honestly, Stroppy, I didn't think that day would ever come but now I see the light at the end of the tunnel. I have noticed a definite shift this year - the Good News Supplement seems to be getting longer and the War on Women seems to be getting shorter. Things are turning around!

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"Women were born to be whores. I love it!"

You do you, dude.

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What I wrote on Spinster is that some men apparently really do like being prostitutes -- lots of sex with lots of men and getting paid to boot -- and they have no comprehension that very, very few women enjoy prostitution. Everything the creep did reeked of MALENESS.

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I could smell it from here.

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So, once more this little round-up leaves me banging my head against the desk. I really want to shake some people - particularly journalists who should be reporting facts instead of inclusivity nonscense which centres a paedophiles feeling over those of his victims.

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Odd that Allison Pearson supports Penny Mordaunt for PM, when she is the candidate on record as supporting "trans hype". Trying to backtrack now, but sounds like she's not being honest about it:


Think Allison should have a rethink?


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Sara, some of these columnists are told to write a column about someone - they are really guns for hire.

Take the case of Kevin Myers in the Irish edition of the Sunday Times. He wanted to write about something else but was basically instructed to write about the pay gap between women and men. The piece was passed by the Sunday Times deputy-editor and editor in Dublin and at least one senior sub-editor / editor in London before being printed. When the shit hit the fan Kevin Myers got fired NOT them.

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I assume it's her own opinion though? I don't think the Telegraph is endorsing any particular candidate?

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That could be a reason for the paper to get its columnists to write articles about the main contenders - a spread of opinion pieces gives a ‘balance’ for marketing purposes. One clue will be if the other high profile writers in its employ write about each of the other main personalities.

I don’t know how else to explain Allison Pearson writing in support of a know supporter of the Trans cause.

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Another victim of the Trans cult/hormone blocker industry :


Could someone send the link to Penny Dormant and the LibDems?

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Oh Lordy … no good news this week??? 😩

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Hang in there, Noo. There's a Good News Supplement on the way! x

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Good news indeed 🥳

That’s put a spring in me step. Thank you :) x

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Good! x

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The whole thing looks to me like a thoroughly artificial massively funded plague of mental illness.

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Can't see the new mantra catching on. Cuts a bit too close to the bone...

"Trans women are women, they are whores… they love it!”

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