Monday 4th July - Leave Them Kids Alone
WOMEN’S RIGHTS NETWORK: Vulnerable girls in the state’s care could be forced to share accommodation with teenage boys if they claim to ‘identify as female’.
The Ministry of Justice Youth Custody Service (YCS) will allow the children and young people in secure children’s homes and training centres to ‘self declare’ their own gender. They will consequently be placed in a unit appropriate to their ‘acquired gender’ rather than their biological sex.
The policy, which will be implemented by the autumn, could allow boys aged 16 or 17 to ‘identify as female’ and, therefore, be accommodated in the same units as girls as young as thirteen.
“Girls entering the children and young people’s secure estate already tend to have multiple and complex difficulties, including high levels of mental health difficulties (generally resulting from prolonged and/or pervasive experiences of sexual abuse/adversity), significant self-harm risks and many are neuro-diverse.”
Also Today - ‘Inclusivity’ Excludes Muslim Women
5 PILLARS: Catherine Heseltine wrote about the adverse effect of gender identity ideology on Muslim women’s lives and faith.

As an example, Heseltine highlighted the issue of performing Wudu. “‘We just need to pray’ may not sound as catchy and universal as the popular slogan in support of trans-inclusive mixed-sex toilets, ‘we just need to pee’, but it is a very real problem for Muslim women”. One of the pillars of Islam is to pray five times daily. Before prayer comes a purification ritual called Wudu which requires the washing of faces, hands, arms, and feet. This can pose a huge problem for Muslim women if they do not have a guaranteed female-only space in which to wash.
“With Islam’s strict rules on modesty and segregation of the sexes, single-sex spaces matter to Muslims even more than most… And the implications for Muslim women who will increasingly be forced to self-exclude from sports and exercise and even domestic violence shelters are far reaching.”
We’ve already seen examples of gender ideology affecting the lives of women of different faiths. In 2019 Hampstead Ladies Pond effectively became mixed-sex when it opened its gates to ‘self-identified women’.

This made it almost impossible for Orthodox Jewish women to swim at the pond. Jewish law allows women to undress or be partially clothed in front of other women, but it is strictly forbidden when males are present. There is a large community of Jewish women living in and around the Hampstead area but many are now forced to self-exclude from the pond, a public facility originally intended solely for female use. And all in the name of ‘inclusivity’.
Tuesday 5th July - These Are Not Our Crimes
SOUTH WALES ARGUS: A trans-identified male paedophile is back in prison for the third time after breaching his sexual harm prevention order.
Joshua Harvey is a paedophile who was jailed in 2018 for five counts of attempting to incite a girl to engage in sexual activity. In 2020, only weeks after his release from prison on licence, he was found approaching young children and ‘bragging about being a paedophile’. He also approached two teenage girls in a shop with sexually suggestive comments, making them feel intimidated and uncomfortable. On that occasion, he admitted two breaches of his sexual harm prevention order and was jailed for two years.
This week Harvey was again in court, having been found in possession of an illicit electronic device. He admitted breaching his sexual harm prevention order and was sentenced to 24 weeks imprisonment.
This report of the case in the South Wales Argus never mentions Harvey’s real name or sex and readers are left with the impression that this recidivist sex offender is a woman called Leah.
Wednesday 6th July - Leave Them Kids Alone
THE TELEGRAPH: Allison Pearson writes about the ‘trans hype’ that is pervading schools, harming pupils and keeping parents in the dark about their own children.
“At a London girls’ secondary school, a new teacher was given a printed form to help him navigate parents’ evening. The form had three columns. In the first was the student’s name. In the second was the pupil’s preferred non-binary (invariably male) name, if she (they/them) had one, which a lot did. The third column was the one that made the teacher sweat. It indicated whether the parents of the girl knew she had adopted a new name and gender at school which, it turned out, many mums and dads did not. Under no circumstances was he to tell them.”
Pearson describes how the pernicious ‘cult’ of gender ideology is spreading through classrooms, persuading alarming numbers of children that they can choose to be a different sex or none at all. Of course, those worst affected are girls, especially girls with autism, who are vulnerable or have suffered past trauma and rocketing numbers of adolescent females are seeking treatment at gender clinics. It is, says Pearson, a sad fact that girls suffering from anorexia are separated in hospitals because they encourage each other’s condition. The same is happening with gender in schools.
She also discusses the teachers who are ‘useful idiots’ for the ‘increasingly militant trans cause’ and happily cheer on the pupils changing their names and pronouns. Other teachers look on in horror as impressionable teenagers are pushed down a pathway to synthetic hormones and life-altering surgery but they are often too frightened to speak up for fear of being branded a bigot, so are intimidated into silence or feel compelled to leave the profession altogether.
Parents are frequently kept in the dark about their children’s new ‘identity’ in case they are ‘transphobic’ or ‘unsupportive’ ie have misgivings about their child being turned into a life-long medical patient.
“The Government needs to conduct a full review into what schools are teaching children on sex and gender and compel them to show the material to parents. Oh, and schools must disclose if Sophie is called Sam at school. This is urgent. Our daughters’ lives depend on it.”
Thursday 7th July - The Clocks Were Striking Thirteen In Berlin
REDUXX: A German university cancelled a lecture on human biology after complaints from trans activists.

Biologist Marie-Luise Vollbrecht is a former teacher and research assistant and is currently a PhD candidate at Berlin’s Humboldt University. Last week she was scheduled to give a presentation on the evolution of biological sex at a multidisciplinary event, The Long Night of the Sciences, which is held annually at scientific institutions across Germany. The purpose of this event is to ‘answer to fake news, conspiracy theories and fatal errors’ through science.
Vollbrecht’s lecture drew upon her research in neurobiology and animal physiology. It was intended to explain why there are only two sexes from a biological point of view and why they should be separated from debates about social gender roles.
Trans activists launched a vitriolic campaign against her, claiming that her scientific research is ‘hostile to queer and trans people’ and that she personally is ‘transphobic’. The General Students’ Committee emailed the organizers of the event demanding that Vollbrecht’s lecture be cancelled.
A group of university students who call themselves The Working Group of Critical Lawyers, the AKJ, called for a protest demonstration. They commandeered the university’s email server to message the student body in order to swell numbers.
Bowing to increasing pressure from students, the university decided to cancel Vollbrecht’s lecture.
Nevertheless, the trans activists still held their protest. They displayed a banner which read, “No platform for anti-feminism, transphobia, right-wing ideology, and unscientific views. Fuck off.”
8th July - “Administrative Error”
At 6pm on Friday, the LGB Alliance tweeted that they will be running a stand and attending a fringe event at the forthcoming Lib Dem conference in September.

Only an hour later the Liberal Democrat CEO, Mike Dixon, responded to the LGB Alliance to contradict their announcement.

He said that he had ‘checked with the team’ (between 6pm and 7pm on a Friday evening) and there had been an ‘administrative error’.
A UK charity dedicated solely to supporting the rights of lesbian, gay and bisexual people has been ‘disinvited’ from attending the Liberal Democrat conference.
According to the information contained on the Electoral Commission database, in the years 2013 - 2019 a company called Ferring Pharmaceuticals donated at total of £1,439,258.27 to the Liberal Democrats.
Ferring Pharmaceuticals manufactures and markets Triptorelin which, sold under the brand name Decapeptyl and others, is used in gender clinics as a puberty blocker.
Saturday 9th July - Born To Be Whores
REDUXX: A trans activist in Mexico flew into a rage and tried to derail a conference intended to address the sex trafficking of women and girls.
Last week the 7th Congreso Latinoamericano y Caribeño sobre Trata de Personas y Tráfico de Migrantes, a conference tackling human trafficking and migrant smuggling, was held in Mexico City.
The second day of the conference featured a lecture by sociologist and academic, Dr. Rosa María Cobo. She offered a radical feminist perspective on human trafficking, calling for the abolition of the sex trade which relies on the exploitation of women and girls who are without economic and social resources. “It is not acceptable for a woman to become an object”, she said.
At the end of her lecture, she was posing for photographs with other women on the panel when a male voice was heard yelling angrily from the audience. This was recorded by the event’s official livestream (from around 2:15). The male can be seen shouting and gesticulating aggressively from the front row. A woman, who appears of mature years and with poor mobility, was seated next to him but she immediately got up and walked away when he started shouting. He can then be seen on his feet, shouting at another woman who then walks swiftly away from him.
He became increasingly aggressive and then approached the stage and the panel, continuing to scream and gesticulate angrily. Footage of his outburst later circulated on social media. It makes clear that he continually shouted over the conference speaker who asked him to be respectful and allow all views to be expressed.

The individual concerned was Maria Clemente, a trans-identified male politician who was elected to Mexico’s Chamber of Deputies last year. He chanted “Sex work is work” and lashed out at one of the conference officials who attempted to calm him down.
A member of the audience asked Clemente, “Women were born to be whores?” He responded, “Well I am a woman and I am a whore… I love it!”
Sunday 9th July - The New Religion
THE TELEGRAPH: The Church of England’s Bishop in Europe has claimed that there is ‘no official definition’ of a woman.
Church of England officials are currently engaged in a project entitled Living in Love and Faith which is intended to explore issues of identity, sexuality and relationships within the Church. A lay member of the Synod submitted a written question to the General Synod, the Church of England’s legislative body, asking, “What is the Church of England’s definition of a woman?”
The Bishop in Europe, Dr Robert Innes, replied, “There is no official definition”.
He continued, “Until fairly recently definitions of this kind were thought to be self-evident, as reflected in the marriage liturgy. The LLF project however has begun to explore the marriage complexities associated with gender identity and points to the need for additional care and thought to be given in understanding our commonalities and differences as people made in the image of God.”
According to its own website, “Church of England ministers can not carry out or bless same-sex marriages”. If sex is so unclear and without official definition, how does the church ascertain which couples aren’t welcome to wed?
Furthermore, the Church of England’s General Synod barred females from being ordained until 1992 and from becoming bishops until as recently as 2014. It certainly seems able to recognise an ‘official definition’ of woman when knowing which sex to discriminate against.
See you next week.
Shock, horror, the CofE is a bunch of hypocrites. Who’d have guessed?!
Why when Govt agencies are pulling out of Stonewalls influence is the Ministry of Justice still forging ahead? someone has told them what to do and i bet its still Stonewall or an offshoot