Tbf to the CoE, they say there is no definition because until very recently this was ‘self evident’. So, like everyone else, they knew who was a man and who was a woman. The problem is that they have decided to follow the narrative that it is ‘complicated’. Again, definitions. Why they want to get caught up in feelings and imagination, c…
Tbf to the CoE, they say there is no definition because until very recently this was ‘self evident’. So, like everyone else, they knew who was a man and who was a woman. The problem is that they have decided to follow the narrative that it is ‘complicated’. Again, definitions. Why they want to get caught up in feelings and imagination, could be something to do with what religion is all about, and their ever diminishing congregations. I think we can safely ignore them.
I think the CoE should borrow a dictionary. It's right in there in black and white. As ever, isn't it funny that it's not complicated when it comes to what a man is. Just women. We all know why because ultimately it's because they are trying to include men in a subset of humans that men are not part of. It's simple unless you are pandering.
Tbf to the CoE, they say there is no definition because until very recently this was ‘self evident’. So, like everyone else, they knew who was a man and who was a woman. The problem is that they have decided to follow the narrative that it is ‘complicated’. Again, definitions. Why they want to get caught up in feelings and imagination, could be something to do with what religion is all about, and their ever diminishing congregations. I think we can safely ignore them.
I think the CoE should borrow a dictionary. It's right in there in black and white. As ever, isn't it funny that it's not complicated when it comes to what a man is. Just women. We all know why because ultimately it's because they are trying to include men in a subset of humans that men are not part of. It's simple unless you are pandering.
I guarantee you they’re coming for the dictionaries next.
I'm surprised they haven't already.
My understanding is that Merriam-Webster is already rewriting the definition of woman. (I might have the wrong company, forgive me.)