If we ever get to the other side of this with our sanity intact, at least we’ll be forewarned in case any other paedophilic, perverted, misogynistic, homophobic and just completely deranged movement tries to infiltrate society and brainwash our children. The monied people pushing this, the authoritarians using it to bring in laws to control speech and thought, the paedophiles and perverts jumping on the bandwagon….. all will need to be watched.

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Unfortunately, many people thought the same when PIE's malign influence on politics and policy was revealed. I hope people will learn this time, but I'm not confident.

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I'm not sure when but , as Kellie-Jay says, we will win. We have all the arguments. They have insults and false allegations. ...ok and lots of money, but we will get there :)

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I hope I live to see it 🤞🤞

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I think one of the key things is getting the word out to Joe and Josephine Public which people like Kellie-Jay ( and Billboard Chris!) do so effectively. Look what happened when the Scottish public were confronted with the delightful character who Dennis K and Clive S always refer to as 'Adam the Meaty Rapist'!!

Nil desperandum ( whoever he is :))


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"paedophilic, perverted, misogynistic, homophobic " it wasn't so hard to build on. The rock solid foundations were established long long ago.

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I will include the psychiatric hospital episode in my channel today. Too many of us, about 25%, from my sample of about 3 dozen, are physically attacked by our crossdressing husbands. What's astounding is that even if the police were called and there are records, when children are involved, the courts still want to give the dude extensive visitation time with the little ones. If you are in this situation, always, always, call the police after to document his violence. Always, always write down a detailed account with dates, times of day, places, his exact words as he lost it. This is because they often threaten to kill us. It is often not possible, but if you can somehow get the phone to record his words, or his talking about it afterwards, that is optimal for an outcome where he has to admit what he did. And tell significant friends or relatives afterward, for them to write down and date. The link is to a trans widow's tale of being choked and keeping the visitation of father now calling himself "Mama-Rosie" to a minimum. Two year old son involved.


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How horrific.

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In my opinion 'misgendering' is not a thing based in reality, and is not a crime, is it? If so, I'd tell the police to eff off with any misgendering nonsense and they can take me to court. I don't comply and I don't consent. None of us should. Hysterical, narcissistic bullies, both the TRAs and their handmaidens in the public services. Eff off, plain and simple.

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And NYC -- aka New Woke City -- has made "body-shaming" a crime! Just another example of rape culture since you're supposed to have sex with any MAN who demands it.

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Looking at Ed Davey photo - he knows he’s been caught doing something wrong

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What a slimy, smug creep he is.

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Just imagine being stuck in a lift for two hours with Ed Davey and Patrick Harvie.

Sleep well! 😉😁

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I would tell them all I know about trans ideology. It might be enlightening for them.

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I agree he cannot be a good person taking money from puberty blocking big pharma. Wondering if he has his own children

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Well if you weren't sure whether the Lib Dems were finished...I think they are now :)

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One can only hope.

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I'm both amazed and appalled by the continual unfair assault on women's sports. The saddest part of it all is that we know full well how to balance inclusion and fairness. A number of people have offered common sense solutions to this problem. For instance, "Steroids, ‘Gender,’ and Fair Play" https://everythingisbiology.substack.com/p/steroids-gender-and-fair-play . We can include and recognize all athletes within competitions without forcing them to compete directly against one another. For instance, in weightlifting (in which I competed for many years), all athletes competed together but trophies were awarded within subdivisions: men, women, novice, open, senior divisions, etc. Likewise, there is no reason that a track or swim meet cannot award trophies within a female division (natal females), and an open division (any athlete who identifies as a woman). That would allow natal women the *choice* of whom they wish to compete against. Forcing women into blatantly unfair competitions has nothing to do with athletics. It's simply pandering to narcissism and enabling bad (and misogynistic) behavior. "Inclusion" does not mean harming other people. Unfortunately, I don't see this changing until the athletes, themselves, simply refuse to participate in the events. (I can imagine protests in which natal women athletes simply remain at the starting line after the starting pistol is fired, letting the trans athletes run alone.)

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I find the term ‘natal’ women offensive. At the root of all of this is the lie that a man can call himself a woman. NO NO NO.

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Thank you for that comment. I understand your point of view, and I think it's both reasonable and justifiable. I apologize if I offended you by using the term. Sincerely, Frederick

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What’s the fuss about? All trans-id men are blokes in lipstick - and pink leggings and anoraks if you’re the convicted double rapist ‘Isla’ Bryson, or a nappy if you’re the inmate ‘Sophie’ Eastwood who tried to garrotte a fellow inmate!

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Thanks as ever, JL. Adeline in that photo looks like she is thinking of pushing 'Athena' off the podium and I wouldn't have blamed her!!

Surely the so called 'gold command' within EHRC who plotted against the Baroness, as Barry Wall says, should be booted out unceremoniously? You try and undermine the very organisation you work for!?

I hope Baroness Falkner can now concentrate on the important work at hand.

Will cross post this tonight.

Thanks again


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Helen Joyce ripped into the EHRC plot with gusto on Free Speech Nation with Andrew Doyle last night. It was shocking to hear unabashed, potent sense being talked on telly about this stuff. A tonic for weary terfies.

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Thanks I shall check that out :)

Weary Dusty

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Surely no sane person thinks all of this is ok. The more publicity they get the more people will get sickened by the whole cult.

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Those hard won female sporting records cannot be allowed to be permanently lost to women. Every stolen record must be wiped. Good on that young athlete for making her small but pointed protest by not applauding the cheat and turning away on the podium. The misogyny underpinning all of this is breathtaking, as is the extent and depth of male arrogance and depravity being revealed. SHAME on the Democrats! Nothing democratic about that lot anymore. And shame on the Republicans for delivering the Trump nightmare that is also behind this. Never mind climate change, this culture change will be the end of humanity if it can't be stopped soon, and when we're gone, the planet and surviving species will be just fine. Not feeling the feathers of hope today, sorry.

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"A year into the relationship, she discovered that he had a proclivity for wearing women’s clothing and he expressed his intention to fully transition."

My grandfather (God Rest His Soul) once imparted a piece of wisdom to me when he cautioned that one should never, ever under any circumstances stick your dick in crazy and what he meant by that was it’s never, ever under any circumstances a good idea to initiate a romantic or even sexual relationship with a person suffering from or dealing with a mental illness and for women this advice can be modified as never let crazy stick it’s dick in you.

It starts with him demanding validation by forcing her to play along with his delusion which, in and of itself, is an unreasonable demand - and that’s the best case scenario even though this is a violation of her sexual boundaries and an attempt to trap her in a “lesbian” relationship if you accept the premise that transwomen are women.

The worst is he forces her to act out degrading or violent porn inspired sex.

This is the part where it becomes clear to her that his ever escalating peccadilloes have now blossomed into a full blown mental illness that is putting her in danger, possibly even her being killed, and however slight that chance may be fragile, high-maintenance people are an irritant in life, especially being in a relationship with one.

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And so it continues ….

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Poor Toni. It's utterly sickening that TRA's are trying to use the law to police the thoughts of a woman in a mental hospital. She was in a mental hospital for pity's sake! I'm just going to have to take solace in the fact that her story means that at least one TRA is where they belong. Hopefully they remain there.

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Gosh ,these horror stories just keep getting worse. This ideology ,in all its forms ,has to be the most evil ,deranged ,and downright dangerous movement of all time. The compassion shown by its zealots is ZERO and their sadistic cruelty is on open display for all to see ,which makes it even harder to understand how any normal person can continue to support any of their beliefs or activities. This will go down in history as a new "dark ages" and I long for the day when it's destroyed and ,if there's any justice , its proponents suffer the punishment they deserve. Can't wait for the day when the world wakes up. Thanks ,JL x

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