Poor Toni. It's utterly sickening that TRA's are trying to use the law to police the thoughts of a woman in a mental hospital. She was in a mental hospital for pity's sake! I'm just going to have to take solace in the fact that her story means that at least one TRA is where they belong. Hopefully they remain there.
Poor Toni. It's utterly sickening that TRA's are trying to use the law to police the thoughts of a woman in a mental hospital. She was in a mental hospital for pity's sake! I'm just going to have to take solace in the fact that her story means that at least one TRA is where they belong. Hopefully they remain there.
Poor Toni. It's utterly sickening that TRA's are trying to use the law to police the thoughts of a woman in a mental hospital. She was in a mental hospital for pity's sake! I'm just going to have to take solace in the fact that her story means that at least one TRA is where they belong. Hopefully they remain there.