Inclusive changing room- do not remove this sign. Literally a safe place to bully, intimidate and perv over women. And in our state funded NHS. How can management be ok with this when obviously these women are going to wipe the floor with them in court. What a waste of funding as well as a huge safeguarding and moral failure. Thanks JL.

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is the ‘compromise’ that the women have to let a man watch them change? How is this dickhead compromising? by only walking around in his pants.

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Sep 30Author

Men get what they want, women have to like it or lump it... same as it ever was, CB.

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I think we’re expected to be grateful , after all how many of us ancient washed out terfs can see so many of these stunning examples in the wild ? Now they’re gifting it to us poor deprived females in the workplace

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you should do some of the PR for the stonewall champions of piss scheme Petal.

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Lol , can you imagine 😂 one of a lot of reasons I don’t do faceache twatter etc etc , keeping my gob shut is not on my cv

I try not to comment on the WOW as it’s serious but sometimes , well ……

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Sep 30·edited Sep 30

me too but when i call a trans identifying male a wanker it feels like heaven is reaching out and touching me- i’m trying to quote that italian man who was pretending to be a woman in the Paralympics but i can’t remembee what he said- but he’s a wanker

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99.9% of them are

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Could you resist ripping that sign off???

I don't think I could

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Oct 1Author

I know I couldn't. It'd be torn into shreds and scattered on the floor. But I imagine a lot of the women who use that changing room are in fear of losing their jobs and can't risk losing their income.

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Hi Jl

I reckon you could get a LWS sticker on it without anyone noticing 😊but obviously I appreciate that the staff need to be careful


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I can only sigh deeply and say thanks as ever JL.

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Me too. It’s all just horrible.

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Sep 30·edited Sep 30Liked by JL

Ugh! I wish the mainstream media would stop being so complicit and report some of this. It would soon shock some of the "be kind" useful idiots. I am so sick of reading "let them be, they're not hurting anyone. What difference does it make?" etc. THIS! ALL THESE THINGS! THIS IS WHAT THEY DO! I very much worry for women's rights under two-tier Kier. After all Saville and Al-Fayed were both permitted to slip through the fingers of the CPS under his watch. Then there is the treatement of Rosie Duffield. Talk about not giving an eff about women.

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Horrific as always

It’s a bit quiet up here on the surface in scottishland , are they all away licking their wounds (!) that the poster boy mridul has been outed from front and centre , I have no doubt he’s just been shunted sideways

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You can rest assured that he'll be back one way or another.

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Most definitely , allegedly , apparently and according to next doors budgie , he’s still lurking at ERCC despite stepping down (ha) as ceo

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That, I hate to say, would not surprise me at all. You have to remember that the fragrant Mridul is one of the most vulnerable, etc (rolling my eyes as I write this).

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😂😂😂 "according to next door's budgie 🤣🤣🤣 Love it 🦜

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Even Police Scotland decided that rapists are men ...gosh, well done them!

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Vaishnavi Sundar has started interviewing on the years long process of making her documentary, Behind the Looking Glass (Lime Soda Films on YouTube) on the experiences of trans widows. We are often privately assaulted by the crossdresser husband before getting out. Here's a great one:


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Sep 30·edited Sep 30

It's such a great documentary. I've sent it on to others. The common theme in any of these stories is the double standard that prioritises men and how women's voices are dismissed and silenced.

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Thanks Ute. Will watch that.

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'... discussing women’s rights is almost impossible within the Labour Party... "The vast majority of my colleagues are afraid to even raise it as a subject that we should be talking about… I feel like my female mouth is being well and truly closed without ever actually having been opened.”' WOW! Women MPs in a left-wing party and democracy being *afraid* to discuss women's rights, and this dark reality was revealed back in 2020. Rosie's courage to continue to expose and challenge this silencing is truly phenomenal. In NZ, under our much lauded female Labour leader (Jacinda Ardern), who I voted for twice 😶, every single female MP, left and right, was forced, or went willingly, to support the passing of sex self ID in 2022, despite strenuous opposition beyond parliament, in the country that first granted women the vote. We have just about come full circle it seems back to the days when the patriarchy was open and proud about believing in male superiority and the view that women have no business in politics. Although this view was first challenged in the UK parliament in the 1860s by liberal philosopher and MP John Stuart Mill, who was heavily influenced by his much adored and respected wife Harriet Taylor, when he passionately advocated for women's suffrage, the first MP in the world ever to do so. What a long battle it has been indeed. But, it would seem, that Western democracy is now dead on this subject, and so on just about all others that depend centrally on women having rights, and worse, that the vast majority of women who finally made it into parliament, have helped to kill it. It's dark and desperate, but this light right here that records how we have lost our way and that provides a glimmer of hope and guidance for a true awakening to the much resisted truth about the importance of women's rights advocacy and the true democracy that depends upon it, is life-saving. Thank you, JL and GL; you are quite the dream team.

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Oct 1Author

Thank you, TV.

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Problem is, Rayner, that Rosie is exhibiting something you haven't a shred of: integrity. I was going to make a pithy comment about Ibiza, but frankly can't be bothered. I'm too depressed.

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Whooa, what a catalogue, JL!! Thanks as ever.

Re your German report, at LWS yesterday which I was at we were reminded that protests will take place outside German embassies and consulates on November 1st when the self ID law comes into force including the German Embassy in Belgrave Square, the consulate in Manchester and also in Scotland https://lasst-frauen-sprechen.de/selfidharms/

Very telling that the Daily Mail uses correct pronouns for a TIF but not for TIMs!!

I'm afraid Rosie should have resigned prior to the General Election because we could already see the further gender madness that Labour wanted to being in. The quelling of free speech, sleaze and corruption is just icing on the cake! But I could be wrong so I am going to spend a few weeks in a luxury penthouse ( rent free, of course) so that I can get my thoughts together


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And the loathsome Guardian, almost as loathsome as Starmer and his horrible party, will be busy in the next few weeks smearing Rosie Duffield.

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I am utterly lost for words. How is it that anyone thinks this nonsense is ok. This is Twilight Zone material. When I try and counter this stuff with basic sense and logic I am so baffled internally because I'm wondering why I'm actually having to counter it. Surely any sane person can see how idiotic if all is. It makes no sense. How is this happening. Are there really that many men who hate women? People in charge of the FA... do they really hate women that much? Or is it just bad management and someone mentally ill is in charge. Otherwise surely this couldn't happen??

Moreover, how on earth can someone found guilty of producing indecent images of children be walking the streets. Yet someone walking past a riot who has insulted a religion or someone who stopped traffic to protest climate change are thrown in prison for a number of years. How? Why?

None of it makes any sense. The things I wish upon the people enabling this insanity would probably have me thrown in jail. Sadly I don't believe in hell nor karma so I will have to remain in turmoil. Please let the good news supplement be a long and positive one....

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The photos of the so-called trans women in this week's update reminded me that certain high-minded sex realists have recently criticized other sex realists for mocking the appearance of men who claim to "identify as" women. That criticism is misplaced and uncalled-for. There are valid political reasons for making disparaging comments about the aesthetics of male transitioners.

Ad hominem insults, that is, attacks on a rhetorical adversary's person, circumstances, personal beliefs and other matters unrelated to their arguments, are frowned upon because they fail to engage intellectually with the other person's position. Also, it is considered impolite to make light of characteristics, traits or factors over which the other person may have little or no control.

I submit that saying the trans women featured this week ("Vicky," aka Joshua Freyermuth; "Francesca" Needham and "Chloee-Mae" Danvers, also known as "Chloee" Foreman) or any week make extremely unconvincing and unattractive women does not amount to leveling an ad hominem insult at them. Those men have taken a political stand by claiming to be women. In furtherance of their political argument, they have adopted hairstyles typically associated with women. They may also apply women's makeup. It is not outlandish to suggest their intent in doing so is to better pass as women in society or to communicate in no uncertain terms to anyone who sees them that they expect others to see and treat them as women. Yet for all that, none of them has bothered to undergo the facial feminization surgery that would prevent their conspicuously male features from contradicting their feminine hair and makeup.

When it comes to undermining genderists' impossible political claim that trans women are women, there is no better argument that to point out that those blokes don't look anything like women. They're a fright. Ugly. Masculine. Not believable. On another level, Vicky's hair and makeup are so garish and cartoonish as to exude an air of vile contempt towards real women. Francesca and Chloee-May give women everywhere the finger by the minimal effort they've put into attempting to be seen as female. Saying so is not an unfair blow below the belt, so to speak. It is a rebuttal that engages squarely with the argument that trans women are women by denying they are because they look nothing like women and never will.

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I suspect that, thankfully, facial feminization surgery being not allowed in the NHS - mainly because it is so expensive - they won't ho private. Let's face it (no pun intended), these geezers don't really want to change sex. They want want want everything.

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It's very hard to keep hearing this bullshit

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Thanks so much ,JL for keeping us informed ,horrifying as it is. I don't know who disgusts me more ,the predatory MEN or ALL their enablers who are literally throwing WOMEN and CHILDREN to the WOLVES. They must hate us very much ,and I would LOVE to see them ALL publicly shamed and punished !! Faint hope ,I know ,but one can dream. THEY are despicable and their CULT will NEVER be on the"right side of history " no matter how loudly they scream and shout or how much hatred they throw at us !! Keep it up ,JL. Brilliant job x👋👍

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