I think we’re expected to be grateful , after all how many of us ancient washed out terfs can see so many of these stunning examples in the wild ? Now they’re gifting it to us poor deprived females in the workplace
me too but when i call a trans identifying male a wanker it feels like heaven is reaching out and touching me- i’m trying to quote that italian man who was pretending to be a woman in the Paralympics but i can’t remembee what he said- but he’s a wanker
don’t worry Petal, i don’t know what following entails but it can’t just be for these threads because peoples alerts or inboxes would be ridiculous. It must be if you start a substack maybe. I don’t think i follow anyone not even JL. Maybe i do i can’t remember. I’ve got a feeling i accidentally clicked to follow someone and thought it would be rude to unfollow them! i’m going to follow you Petal and see if anything happens
I’m talking shit Petal. I am following 9 people of which you are one of them! i just checked on my ‘profile’ which is just a default circle and my three word manifesto.
is the ‘compromise’ that the women have to let a man watch them change? How is this dickhead compromising? by only walking around in his pants.
Men get what they want, women have to like it or lump it... same as it ever was, CB.
I think we’re expected to be grateful , after all how many of us ancient washed out terfs can see so many of these stunning examples in the wild ? Now they’re gifting it to us poor deprived females in the workplace
you should do some of the PR for the stonewall champions of piss scheme Petal.
Lol , can you imagine 😂 one of a lot of reasons I don’t do faceache twatter etc etc , keeping my gob shut is not on my cv
I try not to comment on the WOW as it’s serious but sometimes , well ……
me too but when i call a trans identifying male a wanker it feels like heaven is reaching out and touching me- i’m trying to quote that italian man who was pretending to be a woman in the Paralympics but i can’t remembee what he said- but he’s a wanker
99.9% of them are
and the 0.1 percent are liars Petal! We’re like the naughty kids at the back of the class Petal. hee hee
I know 😂
We’ll get binned soon , I did start to worry when GL followed me 🙀
don’t worry Petal, i don’t know what following entails but it can’t just be for these threads because peoples alerts or inboxes would be ridiculous. It must be if you start a substack maybe. I don’t think i follow anyone not even JL. Maybe i do i can’t remember. I’ve got a feeling i accidentally clicked to follow someone and thought it would be rude to unfollow them! i’m going to follow you Petal and see if anything happens
I’m talking shit Petal. I am following 9 people of which you are one of them! i just checked on my ‘profile’ which is just a default circle and my three word manifesto.
O I’ve no idea !
Off to bed with the two little snore monsters ,I’ve more blood tests in the morning
I swear Cowdenbeath is a hive of vampires and I’m their supermarket !!!
I’ve no idea what following means , I just thought it was keeping an eye to bin me 😂
if they bin you Petal they’d have to bin me too. I can’t imagine thats going to provide you with much protection though