me too but when i call a trans identifying male a wanker it feels like heaven is reaching out and touching me- i’m trying to quote that italian man who was pretending to be a woman in the Paralympics but i can’t remembee what he said- but he’s a wanker
me too but when i call a trans identifying male a wanker it feels like heaven is reaching out and touching me- i’m trying to quote that italian man who was pretending to be a woman in the Paralympics but i can’t remembee what he said- but he’s a wanker
don’t worry Petal, i don’t know what following entails but it can’t just be for these threads because peoples alerts or inboxes would be ridiculous. It must be if you start a substack maybe. I don’t think i follow anyone not even JL. Maybe i do i can’t remember. I’ve got a feeling i accidentally clicked to follow someone and thought it would be rude to unfollow them! i’m going to follow you Petal and see if anything happens
I’m talking shit Petal. I am following 9 people of which you are one of them! i just checked on my ‘profile’ which is just a default circle and my three word manifesto.
me too but when i call a trans identifying male a wanker it feels like heaven is reaching out and touching me- i’m trying to quote that italian man who was pretending to be a woman in the Paralympics but i can’t remembee what he said- but he’s a wanker
99.9% of them are
and the 0.1 percent are liars Petal! We’re like the naughty kids at the back of the class Petal. hee hee
I know 😂
We’ll get binned soon , I did start to worry when GL followed me 🙀
don’t worry Petal, i don’t know what following entails but it can’t just be for these threads because peoples alerts or inboxes would be ridiculous. It must be if you start a substack maybe. I don’t think i follow anyone not even JL. Maybe i do i can’t remember. I’ve got a feeling i accidentally clicked to follow someone and thought it would be rude to unfollow them! i’m going to follow you Petal and see if anything happens
I’m talking shit Petal. I am following 9 people of which you are one of them! i just checked on my ‘profile’ which is just a default circle and my three word manifesto.
O I’ve no idea !
Off to bed with the two little snore monsters ,I’ve more blood tests in the morning
I swear Cowdenbeath is a hive of vampires and I’m their supermarket !!!
have a nice sleep Petal, i hope the tests show the doctors what path to take for you.
The yellow brick road I think lol
I’ve no idea what following means , I just thought it was keeping an eye to bin me 😂
if they bin you Petal they’d have to bin me too. I can’t imagine thats going to provide you with much protection though