Monday 3rd June - This Never Happens #1
An obviously male suspect charged with the brutal murder of a man in Chicago is being reported in the press as a ‘woman’.
Over the weekend, a number of news outlets reported that a ‘woman’ had been arrested for the battering to death of a man in Chicago.
The beaten body of a 40-year-old man had been found at a residential address in South Shore. News articles stated that a 22-year-old woman, Victoria Greyson, was subsequently arrested and charged with one felony count of first-degree murder and one felony count of concealing a homicidal death.
However, the ‘woman’ in question is quite obviously a man.
It is clear from the innumerable explicit photographs and videos he posts to his X (formerly Twitter) account, that Victoria Greyson is a fully intact male.
This murder suspect, who regularly boasts of and displays his ‘big dick’ on social media, is being described in the press as a ‘woman’.
Also Today - This Never Happens #2
POWYS COUNTY TIMES: A trans-identified male sex offender has been jailed for the brutal and unprovoked attack of a woman in Wales.
On 9th April, a 24 year old trans-identified male known as Louise Thomas was sitting on a bench near a canal path in Newtown, Powys. A woman called Tilly Lloyd-Jones, completely unknown to Thomas, happened to pass by. A short time later, Thomas walked along the path, overtook Ms Lloyd-Jones and disappeared from view.
He then doubled back towards her and, without saying a word, twice punched Ms Lloyd-Jones in the face, knocking her to the ground. He proceeded to kick and punch her and stamp on her head multiple times, leaving her with ‘nasty facial injuries’ and breaking four of her teeth. Thomas was identified by CCTV and later arrested.
At his trial, the court heard that Thomas had nine previous convictions for 21 offences, including assault, battery, sexual assault, and indecent images of children. He admitted one offence of assault occasioning actual bodily harm.
Thomas was referred to in court with female pronouns and even described by the defence as a ‘young woman’.
At Caernarfon Crown Court this week, Thomas was sentenced to two years imprisonment. He will serve his sentence in a male prison. Thank goodness.
Tuesday 4th June - This Never Happens #3
REDUXX: A convicted murderer who beat and strangled a female neighbour has been moved to a women’s prison wing because of his newly emerged trans identity.
Miquel Toni Riera Prats, a Spanish citizen originally from Colombia, was a DJ in his mid-20s when he murdered 45-year-old bank teller, Esperanza Ferrutxe.
Riera Prats had been visiting his grandmother on Mallorca in December 2015. While on the island he had a night out in Porta. He drank excessively and he took cocaine before finally returning to his grandmother’s apartment.
He knocked on the door of a ground floor flat, the home of his neighbour, Esperanza Ferrutxe, whom he’d known since he was a little boy. Esperanza told Riera Prats that he reeked of alcohol and advised him to return to his grandmother’s residence. He claims that she shouted at him and that there was a struggle. He punched her in the face and knocked her to the ground.
Riera Prats claims that he did not mean to kill Esperanza but that he panicked when he realised she was bleeding heavily and appeared to have stopped breathing. He dragged her back into her own apartment where he strangled her and then set fire to her flat in an effort to destroy the evidence of his crime. It was later established that he had attempted to steal money and jewellery from Esperanza Ferrutxe’s home.
At his trial, he pleaded guilty to the crimes of murder, robbery with violence and arson. He was sentenced to 30.5 years in prison.
We have written previously about Spain’s ‘la ley trans’ (trans law), which allows anyone aged sixteen and over to legally change their sex with a simple bit of paperwork. The legislation does not require any medical diagnosis or treatment nor any alteration in physicality, appearance or lifestyle. Since this law was passed in February 2023, over 5000 Spanish people have requested a change of legal registered sex, a four-fold increase from the 2022 figures. 61.49% of the applicants are male. Just as Spanish feminists prophesied, ‘la ley trans’ is now being used by men, predators, chancers and grifters, for their own nefarious purposes.
One such man is Miquel Toni Riera Prats. He began ‘identifying as a woman’ while in prison following the enactment of ‘la ley trans’ last year. He has grown his hair, describes himself as a ‘female lesbian’ and is reportedly taking cross-sex hormones.
Of course, he had been serving his sentence in the male wing of Zuera prison in Zaragoza. Thanks to this sudden change in his ‘gender identity’, however, his request for a move to a women’s facility has been granted and, according to Última Hora, he has been transferred to the prison’s female wing.
Also Today - What Fresh Hell Is This?
THE TELEGRAPH: Trans activists who lobby to medicalise gender non-conforming children are advising the Scottish government on a new NHS child gender service.
In 2022 the Scottish government set up an advisory body, the National Gender Identity Healthcare Reference Group, which is tasked with overseeing the creation of a new NHS child gender service. Outrageously, some of the people in this group are among the most rabidly vociferous and agenda-driven trans activists in Scotland.
The Telegraph has seen evidence that one member of the group, a representative of the organisation, TransparenTsees, tried to undermine The Cass Review by spreading disinformation to other members. (TransparentTsee still recommends Mermaids as a resource for parents of ‘trans children’, which tells you everything you need to know about that particular organisation.) This person sent an email ahead of a group meeting, urging members to read an online blog which claims The Cass Review is “Biased and prejudice-driven”, that its findings will “Cause significant harms to trans children” and that Dr Cass promotes “A form of conversion therapy”.
Another member of this advisory group is a trans-identified male academic, Dr Ruth Pearce. He described as ‘disgusting’ the Scottish government’s decision to implement The Cass Review and made a speech at a protest demonstration, claiming that trans-identified minors should be entitled to choose what they do with their own body.
We have written previously about Ruth Pearce and his involvement in a horrifying article which advocates the taking of testosterone by trans-identified females during pregnancy, despite the proven and potential risks to the unborn child.
A lecturer at the University of Glasgow, Pearce describes himself as “A healthcare activist, punk musician, and feminist researcher, specialising in transgender studies and community development”. He says his specialist areas of research are trans health, ethnography and autoethnography, internet studies, women and gender studies, feminist and queer theory, and trans cultural studies.
His version of feminism seems to involve denigrating actual feminists who defend women’s sex-based rights by accusing them of ‘transphobic bigotry’.
He also peddles the myth that gender criticism is somehow aligned with fascism.
He says he wants to ‘root out’ gender critical voices from education and trade unions.
In August 2022, Pearce appeared in a video called ‘Reproductive Justice for Trans People’. In this video he tried to claim that children subjected to medical transition are not robbed of their future fertility. He also said that he wants to help trans people to not only reproduce sexually but also to ‘reproduce socially’. This would be achieved, he said, by altering medical language and policy to promote transition to both children and adults, thereby increasing the numbers of transgender people in society.
Other members of the reference group are representatives of lobby group, LGBT Youth Scotland (LGBTYS), about whom we have written frequently in the past. This organisation teaches gender identity ideology as fact in schools, colleges, and even nurseries and it promotes social and medical transition for gender confused kids. Furthermore, it has serious question marks over its safeguarding. In December 2022 two young men came forward to allege that they were groomed and sexually exploited by its staff when they were children then a former volunteer made shocking allegations about the lack of child protection measures within the charity.
These are the people the Scottish government deem an appropriate influence over the future of its NHS child gender services. Heaven help the children of Scotland.
Wednesday 5th June - This Never Happens #4
NBC MONTANA: A trans-identified male has been arrested after a man was shot dead in Montana this week.
In the early evening of Monday 3rd June, police officers were called to a home in Missoula, Montana, following reports of a shooting. A 56-year-old man had been shot and, although officers attempted life-saving procedures, the victim was pronounced dead at the scene.
Witnesses reported that the suspect, 35-year-old John Henry ‘Joan’ Eikens, returned to his home with a gun and barricaded himself in. A siege situation then ensued during which Eikens refused to leave the building
The Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) team and the Crisis Negotiation Team (CNT) were activated. Numerous unsuccessful attempts were made to contact the suspect over the next few hours. Eventually, the SWAT team took the necessary ‘less-than-lethal’ action and Eikens was taken into custody shortly after 11.00pm. He was arrested and is facing a charge of deliberate homicide.
In issuing its press release, the Missoula Police Department referred to Eikens with she/her pronouns and some news outlets even reported that the suspected murderer under arrest is a female.
Thursday 6th June - Language Matters
THE TELEGRAPH: A leading UK cancer charity has claimed that men can suffer from ovarian cancer.
Ovarian Cancer Action describes itself as “The UK's leading ovarian cancer charity, improving ovarian cancer survival rates through knowledge, breakthroughs and fairness”.
On its website, the charity speaks of women being affected by ovarian cancer.
However, this week, using the hashtag, #PrideMonth, the charity tweeted that “Anyone with ovaries, regardless of gender identity, can be at risk for ovarian cancer” and it suggested that awareness could be raised by asking “Can men get ovarian cancer?”.
Ovarian cancer is the 6th most common cancer in women, with around 7,500 diagnoses each year. It is estimated that over 4,000 women die from ovarian cancer in the UK in every year. The earlier it is diagnosed, the easier it is to treat and the better the survival rates. But because the symptoms are common and often misdiagnosed, ovarian cancer is too frequently diagnosed late. It is, therefore, vital that awareness is raised and that clear, comprehensive advice and information is provided.
Pretending that men can contract ovarian cancer and using language which confuses and obfuscates the facts is dangerous and irresponsible.
Fiona McAnena, director of campaigns at Sex Matters, described the post as an insult to the women who have suffered from this disease. “Men cannot get ovarian cancer”, she said. “To suggest otherwise is misleading and dangerous, particularly when it comes to the health of women with learning difficulties or those who speak English as a second language. Public-health charities should use clear, sex-based language to communicate.”
Kate Barker, CEO of the LGB Alliance, also responded to the post, commenting, “Activists want to see the reality of biological sex replaced with a magical fantasy world of 100 genders and they are prepared to sacrifice the health of women to achieve it”.
Friday 7th June - Faster, Higher, Wronger
THE DAILY MAIL: The International Olympic Committee is barring journalists from using honest language in reference to trans-identified competitors.
The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has published a new 33-page document dictating to journalists what language they can and cannot use when reporting on trans-identified athletes at the forthcoming Olympic Games in Paris.
The IOC has warned journalists not to use a list of so-called ‘harmful’ terms such as ‘born male’, ‘born female’, ‘biologically male’ and ‘biologically female’. The press is also urged to avoid using phrases such as ‘sex change’, ‘post-operative surgery’ and ‘transsexual’. Apparently, the IOC deems any honest reporting of trans-identified sportspeople to be ‘problematic’.
The document reads, “It is always preferable to emphasise a person's actual gender rather than potentially calling their identity into question by referring to the sex category that was registered on their original birth certificate”. So telling the truth about an athlete’s sex is verboten, meaning that if a male steals a medal in a women’s category, the press can’t report it accurately?
Sharron Davies told The Mail, “The IOC never fails to disappoint me with their utter hypocrisy. Here they are trying to curtail journalists from telling the public the truth when males are in races for females with an unfair advantage at the same time as boasting all over social media of the first games with gender equality - you couldn’t make this stuff up”.
Saturday 8th June - Witch Burning On Insta
Gender critical, feminist and sex realist Instagram accounts are being shut down.
Sex Matters, as I’m sure you are aware, is a registered charity set up by Helen Joyce and Maya Forstater “To promote clarity about sex in law, policy and language in order to protect everybody’s rights.” This week Sex Matters reported that Instagram has permanently deleted its account.
On 3rd June, Sex Matters discovered that its Instagram account had been suspended for supposedly breaking the forum’s ‘community guidelines’. Sex Matters immediately appealed this decision but less than ten minutes later, the appeal was rejected. Instagram responded that the account had been reviewed and was still found in breach of ‘community guidelines’. As a result the account was permanently disabled.
It seems that many other gender critical Instagram accounts have also been deleted in recent days, including those of prominent pregnancy and birth expert, Milli Hill, artist and activist, Birdy Rose, gender critical campaigner and writer, Meghan Murphy, radical feminist designer, Wild Womyn Workshop and even our very own Graham Linehan.
Sunday 9th June - First Do No Harm
THE DAILY MAIL: The clinician who revealed that minors were being secretly medicalised at the Texas Children’s Hospital has been indicted on felony charges.
The Texas Children’s Hospital (TCH) is the biggest children’s hospital in the US. In March 2022, TCH announced that it was to cease prescribing puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to minors. This decision was taken after Texas Attorney General, Ken Paxton, stated that administering such treatments could constitute a form of child abuse and Governor, Greg Abbott, instructed the Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) Commissioner “To conduct a prompt and thorough investigation of any reported instances of these abusive procedures in the State of Texas.”
TCH subsequently issued a statement that the hospital would treat dysphoric minors ‘within the bounds of the law’. It said, “After assessing the Attorney General’s and Governor’s actions, Texas Children’s Hospital paused hormone-related prescription therapies for gender-affirming services. This step was taken to safeguard our healthcare professionals and impacted families from potential criminal legal ramifications”.
However, just over a year later, in May 2023, Christopher F Rufo reported that TCH had been lying; it was still treating gender-confused minors with medical interventions and was still operating its ‘transgender programme’.
The anonymous whistle-blower who featured in Rufo’s article was Eithan Haim, a 33-year-old surgeon who completed his surgical residency at TCH. He released documents which appear to show that TCH staff had continued to provide puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to children even after hospital chiefs had vowed to desist. According to The New York Post, one of the patients treated secretly was an 11-year-old girl who had been supplied with a hormone implant.
The day after Rufo’s article was published, the Texas Legislature voted to ban medical interventions for gender confused minors. The very TCH ‘transgender’ treatments exposed by Eithan Haim were made illegal within 24 hours of the story breaking.
On 23rd June 2023, the day he was due to graduate as a surgeon, two federal agents arrived at Eithan Haim’s home to interview him. He was handed a letter signed by a federal prosecutor stating that he was being investigated for a criminal case regarding ‘medical records’. However, Dr Haim has continually maintained that the documents he leaked did not contain any patient details and that no laws were broken. In January this year, Dr Haim decided to waive his anonymity and began to speak out publicly.
This week, at 7am on Tuesday 4th June, Dr Haim and his pregnant wife found three heavily armed US Marshalls on their doorstep. The United States Department of Justice is indicting Dr Haim for four federal felonies. He says, “For telling the truth, I am the one being charged. For believing that doctors should never lie to their patients and hospitals - especially children's hospitals - have a responsibility for maintaining the trust necessary in the doctor-patient relationship, I will be the defendant in the federal court room.”
Dr Haim will not be intimidated into silence and he is fighting this case. In January he set up a funding page to help finance his legal defence.
“I believe the reason they are doing this is clear”, he says. “They want to send a message to any potential whistleblower - the punishment for telling the truth, for challenging the dominant political ideology, will be the heavy hand of the most powerful federal leviathan in human history”.
See you next week.
The trans mob are despicable in their use of gender non conforming kids in their desperation to justify their fetishes. I was a gender non conforming kid in the 70's. I played with girls toys, had female friends, dressed up in girls stuff. I hated anything masculine. I was bullied, told by my peers that I should've been a girl, called queer, poof, all the usual stuff. I would've been the perfect target had this dangerous ideology been around then. I can even remember saying to my parents it would've been better if I'd been a girl because that's really what I thought age 10. Thankfully they ignored me and just let me get on with it. I went through puberty, grew out of all that and simply turned out to be gay. Who knows why so many LGB don't conform to gender stereotypes when they're young? We're unlikely to ever know. But I wasn't bloody trans. I'm a happily married 56 year old gay man now and I'll fight this for as long as it takes until everyone can see it for the utter bollocks that it is.
Wow, they're fighting back now. Cass finished the beginning, we're now entering the real war.
They have the big guns - the media, the judiciary, the governments, the education system, the willingness to intimidate and to use violence, and centuries of patriarchy behind them; we have the truth and a responsibility to our children to allow them to grow unmutilated and free to genuinely be themselves. This is the patriarchy on steriods, lets hope it finishes it off once and for all.