Monday 31st May - Cheating, Not Sporting
THE EVENING STANDARD: An Olympic weightlifter says that allowing Laurel Hubbard to compete in Tokyo is ‘like a bad joke’.

43-year-old trans-identified male weightlifter, Laurel Hubbard, seems certain to be given a place on New Zealand’s Olympic team. He began his sporting career competing as Gavin Hubbard in the men’s division. But he didn't have much success. Since he began ‘identifying as a woman’ and competing against females, he’s won medals at the World Championships and the Commonwealth Games.
A couple of weeks ago we reported that the female athletes protesting his inclusion in Tokyo are being silenced. But Belgian weightlifter, Anna Vanbellinghen, who competes in the same +87kg division as Hubbard, is speaking out.
She told website, InsideTheGames, that she supports trans people but that the principle of inclusion should not be at the expense of others. “This particular situation is unfair to the sport and to the athletes… Life-changing opportunities are missed for some athletes - medals and Olympic qualifications - and we are powerless."
This is how Pink News reacted to an elite-level female athlete protesting the ruination of her sport by the inclusion of males.
Tuesday 1st June - The Foxes In The Hen House
WALL STREET JOURNAL: Abigail Shrier spoke to women currently or formally incarcerated in the Central California Correctional Facility, the state’s highest security women’s prison, about their fears and anxieties regarding the influx of male offenders.

Californian law allows trans-identified male state prison inmates to transfer into women’s prisons based purely on self-declared ‘gender identity’. They do not require any medical treatment or physical alteration. Since the law came into effect in January, 264 male prisoners have claimed a non-male identity and requested a transfer to women’s facilities.
Shrier discusses the urgency of this matter on her Substack site. For now, male prisoners are being transferred into the female estate from male prisons. But soon male felons will be able to identify as women at the time of conviction and be recorded as female inmates.
“In other words, they may soon be untraceable by journalists or feminist groups who would want to know how the women trapped in this experiment are faring.
“…It may be impossible to know which of the prisoners at women’s facilities are biologically male. The violence they perpetrate against the female prisoners will simply be recorded as ‘women on women’ violence. Only those at the prison will be the wiser; the rest of us will live behind an epistemological blockade. And an experiment of ghastly indifference to the lives and safety of these women, will be deemed a progressive victory.”
Worse still, if Congress passes the Equality Act, as it looks set to do, then California’s policy of housing dangerous males in women’s prisons will be rolled out nationwide.
Wednesday 2nd June - Mermaids & Good Law Project Take Aim At LGB Charity
Mermaids are taking legal action to challenge the LGB Alliance’s charitable status.

The LGB Alliance was set up in 2019 and awarded charitable status in April this year amid ferocious attempts to defame and sabotage it. From transphobia to funding from right-wing US fundamentalist Christians, the Charity Commission investigated all of the accusations levelled against the LGB Alliance… and dismissed them. It concluded that “The purposes of LGB Alliance, as properly construed in accordance with the legal framework, are charitable and beneficial”.
On Tuesday, Mermaids launched a legal appeal against the Charity Commission’s decision and is supported by LGBT+ Consortium, Gendered Intelligence, LGBT Foundation, TransActual and the Good Law Project.

The Good Law Project was founded by fervent puberty blockers advocate, Jolyon Maugham QC. It crowd-funds specifically for its ‘Legal Defence Fund for Transgender Lives’ which has its own advisory board. Look at some of the board members:
CN “They/Them” Lester, a trans activist, writer and performer, co-founder of the “UK's first national queer youth organisation” and author of Trans Like Me.
Sabah “They/Them” Choudrey who works for Gendered Intelligence.
Alex Sharpe, a trans-identified male and vociferous trans activist who wrote an article defending the housing of a rapist in the female estate.
Mridrul Madhwa, a trans-identified male who concealed his true sex to obtain employment at a rape crisis centre and took up a place on an all-women shortlist.

Interestingly, the original CrowdJustice page listed Stonewall as one of the litigants.
But then later it didn’t.

Transwoman, Debbie Hayton, attended the launch of the LGB Alliance in October 2019. Writing in The Spectator about Mermaid’s legal action Hayton said, “If it wasn’t such a serious attack on a legitimate charity, the appeal would be laughable. It’s clear from their submission that Mermaids doesn’t much like the LGB Alliance, but hubris eclipses accuracy in their grounds of appeal… We can only hope that it will be laughed out of court”.
Thursday 3rd June - Women Won’t Wheesht
THE HERALD: A feminist campaigner from Airdrie has been charged with a ‘hate crime’ over her Twitter posts.
Marion Millar is a mother, an accountant and a feminist who campaigns to protect women’s sex based rights. She has been charged with a hate crime under the Malicious Communications Act for tweets posted in 2019 and 2020. She is alleged to have posted ‘homophobic and transphobic’ material on social media and could face two years imprisonment if she is convicted.
It seems that one of the offending tweets Marion posted involved a photograph of a loop of ribbon in suffragette colours.
Marion set up a crowd-funder in order to raise money for her legal fees. Within a couple of hours she’d raised over £13K. But then GoFundMe removed the page.

Friday 4th June - Are They Or Aren’t They?
The University of Bedfordshire responded to a Freedom of Information request about their relationship with Stonewall. They replied to say “We do not have dealings with Stonewall”. But their reply was written on letterhead bearing Stonewall’s logo and proudly announcing the university’s Diversity Champions membership.
And only a fortnight ago, the university’s LGBTQ society posted this on Twitter which the main account then retweeted.
So, when this was pointedout, the University of Bedfordshire denied having Stonewall notepaper, but said they really, really wanted some.
So much for having ‘no dealings’ with Stonewall.
Saturday 5th June - Big Stonewall Is Watching You
THE TELEGRAPH: Stonewall tried to interfere with Ofsted guidelines and to demand the teaching of gender transition to children as young as five in primary schools.

A freedom of information request revealed an email from Stonewall to Ofsted which questions an exemption in their guidance meaning inspectors do not have to question young children about gender transition. It said, “We are concerned that exempting inspectors from speaking to pupils about certain protected characteristics could undermine their ability to effectively assess a primary school’s compliance with the Equality Act 2010.”

Earlier this week, another Telegraph article highlighted the influence Stonewall has over government departments, councils, police forces, NHS trusts and a number of private companies.
Membership of Stonewall’s Diversity Champions scheme involves free ‘advice’ for HR departments etc but Stonewall is ‘misrepresenting’ equality legislation, meaning members of the programme could be falling foul of the law. For example, correspondence released via an FOI request shows Stonewall wrongly informed Historic England that individuals have a legal right to use the bathroom facility ‘that corresponds with their gender identity’.
Other Stonewall advice to members involves the use of ‘gender neutral’ language, such as replacing the word ‘mother’ with ‘parent who has given birth’, putting pronouns in email signatures, offering staff the opportunity to use ‘Mx’, and even allowing ‘gender fluid’ employees to choose a different gender every day. Furthermore, Stonewall are insisting members commit to the provision of ‘gender neutral’ bathrooms and changing rooms etc over single sex facilities.
The Telegraph reports that Stonewall has resisted attempts to shine a light on its advice to members, apparently telling one organisation they should refuse FOI requests as ‘disclosure would represent a breach of confidence’. “But the documents which have been released reveal the extent of its influence with thousands of communications with public bodies in 2019 and 2020.”
Sunday 6th June - Schoolgirls Groomed By Gender Ideologues
THE TIMES: A private girls’ school invited speakers to talk with pupils about changing sex but their parents were not informed beforehand.
St Paul’s Girls’ School in west London invited two psychology graduate students from Princeton University to talk to pupils about changing sex.
The students, Stats Atwood and Ashley Jordan, work with Professor Kristina Olson on the ‘trans youth project’, a study of 300 ‘transgender children’ aged 3 to 12. They told pupils that their research shows relatively positive outcomes for young children living as the opposite sex.
However, the results of Olson’s research are at odds with other studies which frequently find very high rates of anxiety, depression and suicidality amongst children and teenagers with issues around gender.
Kristina Olson is a vociferous advocate of ‘gender-affirming’ care for dysphoric children. Only a few months ago she wrote on this subject in The Scientific American claiming that “The impact of blockers is reversible” and that “Most who choose to use them show no regrets”.
According to the NHS, “Little is known about the long-term side effects of hormone or puberty blockers in children.” A number of psychiatry papers have been published recently which discredit affirmation treatments. (For example, Griffin et al, published in the BJPsych Bulletin.) Last month Sweden’s Karolinska Hospital stopped prescribing puberty blockers to children stating, “These treatments are potentially fraught with extensive and irreversible adverse consequences”.
In recent years there has been a huge rise in the number of children seeking help for gender related issues, especially amongst adolescent girls. So why is St Paul’s Girls School inviting speakers to talk so encouragingly to pupils about changing sex?
Four years ago, the same school introduced a ‘gender identity protocol’ which allows pupils to use male names and wear traditionally male clothing (presumably a privilege denied other pupils) should they wish to do so. At the time, The Independent reported that as many as 10 girls in St Paul’s sixth form identified either as boys or as ‘gender neutral’ while younger pupils were encouraged to ‘have discussions at any time’ to explore their gender identity.
A Stonewall spokesperson praised the school’s policy, stating, "This move signifies St Paul's Girls’ support for a world where all people are accepted without exception”.
See you next week.
Here's how you know this is really a men's movement:
1. It's all about the penis and where they can put it.
2. If you reject the penis, you're a bigoted TERF.
3. Rejection of the penis is met with rapey/murdery responses.
Males who feel entitled to enter female-only spaces, especially when they are fully aware that there are so many women who don't consent to their presence, have no business calling other people "creepy".