Here's how you know this is really a men's movement:

1. It's all about the penis and where they can put it.

2. If you reject the penis, you're a bigoted TERF.

3. Rejection of the penis is met with rapey/murdery responses.

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Males who feel entitled to enter female-only spaces, especially when they are fully aware that there are so many women who don't consent to their presence, have no business calling other people "creepy".

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Of all the things that won't happen, this won't happen the most:

A woman raping and murdering a man, then ‘transitioning’ during the trial and asking to be sent to a man’s prison.

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How I so despise Stonewall! 🤬🤬

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Denying that males have a strength advantage over females (to justify their participation in sport categories they don't qualify for) is an insult to every woman who has ever been overpowered and assaulted; to every woman and girl who was unable to fight a predatory male off.

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If i was sending my daughter to St. Pauls I would be incensed - plus if i was the Head I would be telling the girls who think theyre 'boys' that they no longer have a place - that will soon wake them up

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I'm going to be generous and say Bedford Uni was more cock-up than conspiracy. In fact, I wonder how many institutions have actually done their due diligence on Stonewall 🤔

As I said, I'm being generous giving any of the Diversity Champions the benefit of any doubt but my instinct tells me that most - but not all - they haven't got the first ruddy clue that they've left the goat to look after the garden.

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Speaking of California, the guards at the women's prisons are warning the inmates the men are coming.

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Why is it such a difficult concept to grasp? Hardened criminals/repeat offenders aren't the most moralistic of chaps; they won't think twice about "transitioning" to game the system.

I'd be interested to know how many of these toe-rags are first time offenders. Not many I'd wager.

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A fine piece, thanks.

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Jun 7, 2021Liked by JL

JL, thanks for a great job covering a helluva week.

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Strange how no trans men are dominating male sports, surely according to TRA's they should be on an equal footing with men and all those news stories showing 'equality' in sport. The Olympics is going to be very confusing, assuming that all the men who don't qualify are going to put on some tights and declare themselves women and then qualify for all the woman's events.

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God will these types of men EVER stop cheating at EVERYTHING and disregarding women? They’re just shameless. As long as women are erased as a class with legal and human rights there is no accountability for the abusers, creeps, users and tightwads amongst them. How did these selfish little/big shits come about and feel so entitled to “take the piss”like this other than failing to recognise women are not small men there for men’s use and convenience institutionally and structurally. They will literally hand over their kids to Governments and along with women and girls to be neglected and abused rather than grow up and be reasonable and responsible. What a “cock up” they are indeed ...literally ...and wherever you look at what they do and have done. How they manage to get out of it all I have no idea but we can count on them to have all the cunning moves imaginable including blubbering self pity. Dumbarse narcisstic nutcases and cowards. We see all of them and all their enablers.

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