If trans identifying males don’t want us to regard them as aggressive, narcissistic, perverted, lying, predatory, repulsive, selfish, misogynistic scum who want the entire world to bow and scrape before their arrogant delusions, then perhaps they should stop giving us that impression.

Thanks as ever JL.

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Jun 3Author


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Well said!

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I just emailed leader@labour.org.uk this

Hi there,

I've been weighing up who to vote for and this story has helped me make up my mind. There is no way that I will be voting Labour when they are still disrespectful of women's voices. In fact I hope you do not win Broxtowe as the thought of having someone like this representing me in parliament turns my stomach.


Women have been silenced throughout history and despite the left claiming to champion women's rights it is notable that you have never had a female leader let alone a female Prime Minister. This silencing of women for the sake of a few delusional, entitled men has to stop. This fantasy that human beings can change sex is dangerous and this Orwellian attempt to reconfigure society so that stating a simple biological fact is hateful and intimidating is frankly insulting. 

I'm sorry I cannot vote for you in this election but I believe that women have serious concerns about the dismantling of their rights and this sort of behaviour from Labour councillors confirms that you are not listening to them, if anything it shows that your party is actively silencing them.


Matthew Gibson

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I repeat well said and thank you for sticking up for women. As an ex Labour member, I am truly terrified of what the future holds under Labour, not just for women,but for children and society. This is the biggest threat to the decent norms of society that I’ve seen in recent history. I wish people would wake up to it.

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Well said

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You're too kind.

I finished reading The Women Who Wouldn't Wheest last night and I think I'm all fired up about how women have once again been silenced.

I'm genuinely worried about what Labour will do once they have the reins of power and so if I can add my voice to the dissent then that is what I have to do.

See you in the gulags 😉

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well said Matthew

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As I live in Scotland I am well aware that there are serious issues in schools and no end in sight. It is so necessary to highlight these and hopefully save children from this ideological nightmare. I am about to write to my MSP again but best not to hold my breath as I already know she is an acolyte. I despair but nothing will shut me up!

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I had a visit from an snp canvaser and their note taker a few days back. I was asked which party I was voting for and I stated ‘whichever party knows what a woman is and will protect their sex based rights‘. The two looked at each other and rolled their eyes!

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I was canvassed during the local election and all of the candidates could not get away fast enough when I tried to discuss what a woman is!

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Reading another site there are still loons that are supporting and donating to snp candidates , I swear to which ever god you hold dear , some scottishland folk are completely separated from reality

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I know! That is why we have to keep talking about reality at every opportunity.

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Unfortunately there are different variations of reality ( the truth and the tras madness )

And most seem to have been captured , myself as a grown human female just can’t get my head round it

But I’m old so I don’t count anyway !

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I am a transwidow and have been since 1986 and I am absolutely sure I count and reality is reality, there are no variations, it is what it is and either we capitulate to the madness or we stand up and are counted. I would rather be left in peace but morally I need to be counted.

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I apologise , I tend to be very flippant and I mean no offence , sorry

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I'm more than a little concerned that only the soon-to-be Opposition Conservatives are even remotely trying to address this craziness.

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Jun 3Author

Same! (And I'm a former Labour Party member!)

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A vote for Labour is a vote for the trans taliban.

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I know it is but the other choice I have is SNP or no vote!

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You can vote by spoiling your paper. I know how mad that sounds but I don't see much other choice for me to make. It's a conscious choice. You did make the effort, you have considered your options and researched your choices, so no one can accuse you of apathy. You made the effort to attend the polling station. You are engaging in the democratic process. And then write whatever message you wish to state across the ballot paper with the nice little pencil. Don't feel forced into voting for the only one left that seems marginally less nuts than any of the others and who doesn't represent you - that's not a real choice.

Oh, and those like Labour councillor, Helen Faccio, featured above, the Beeston council's portfolio holder for community insanity and zealotry can Faccio right off. Wittering on social media wasting time on this. When you look at the slice of hell JL has served up to us yet again today and that incompetent thinks some knitting on a post box is 'intimidation'. Yes, alright love, keep saying it to your Orwellian self and you might start to believe that. People are living in actual fear. Not confected distraction. Women as totally consumed and as clueless as her are a legitimate danger to us all, and women and girls most of all. She seems to have swallowed identity propaganda, with no evidence base and her actions and statements totally obscures actual risk and harm. Which makes me livid.

Adult Human Female - three words actual politicians are actively trying to convince us are intimidation and harassment akin to terrorism. And knitting. Don't anyone tell her what 'yarn bombing' is, let's see how outraged and demanding 'action' she is over that.

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I have been an official at an election count and spoiled papers are just dismissed and discarded. I want this insanity to stop but no idea how to effectively do so. As a transwidow I know what intimidation is and how it can impact one's life. I continue to speak out but still have no idea how to vote or not vote!

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We're dismissed and discarded daily. And I worked in Parliament.

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I know we are! I continue to speak out but is seemingly an uphill battle.

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Jun 4·edited Jun 4

Can't you do a write-in?

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Actually, it looks like crochet, not knitting. Let's be accurate and truthful in all things !

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My apologies. Both my grandmothers taught me knitting, crochet and lacework, as well as sewing, embroidery and how to make yummy rock cakes (no, that was my great grandmother). But I thought I could get away with a generic 'knitting' dammit. At least there were no ribbons :-)

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I do see your point, "knitting" being the better known term and having a ring to it.

But as you say, none of those dreaded ribbons ... !

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Are there not other parties who don’t embrace this madness in your electorate? In my country we have at least three minor parties that we can vote for. I know what our Labor member thinks so never vote further him. He is always last. The other major party is the one I am not sure of. I hope you can work out your dilemma.

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Not here in the UK. Despite Labour now adopting all the Conservative values they still don't want to admit what a woman is, or decide if men can breastfeed, or whether children can be born in the wrong body like some kind of reincarnation cockup.

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"...like some kind of reincarnation cockup". Perfectly put! It's exactly what 'seems' to be 'inferred' by those who refuse to discuss this and demand all self-declaration is 'just' accepted by everyone else. Even when that is changed later, or repeatedly, and can be a 'flexi' or 'semi' or 'demi' or 'fluid' 'identity' and for some days and not others. Someone really should get to grips with what these bureaucratic gender assigners at birth are doing, what with their 'assignments' and 'judgments' and 'guesses' based on supposed 'external presentation'.

Does the 'gender identity' fairy appear if you are really good, or when your gender identity gets a bit wobbly and falls out? Do you get a pound under your pillow? Oh. No. You get a 'certificate' don't you? And apparently we must make that much easier to relieve the suffering, or else.

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What about Reform or Reclaim. We have proportional representation so minor parties get a look in.

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We have First Past the Post and very many 'safe seats'. What's interesting is the amount of MPs (many Tory) who've decided not to stand again or who are switching parties.

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Apparently Nigel Farage is going to run for Clacton on Sea. That will set the cat amongst the pigeons.

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"Addressing" yes but actually implementing any change whatsoever? No! They say all the right things but then just produce guidelines which are not legally binding. It's infuriating. Just pass some laws before it's too late and Labour get their dirty little woman hating hands on the law books. Reform have said nothing so far and I don't expect them to, but I'd love a third party to kick these two lackadaisical parties in the backside, no, balls.

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Many thanks JL.

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Jun 3Author


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The duplicity is amazing. On the one hand, if a trans woman suffers the slight of being referred to as a male, it's a hate crime, almost a genocide really. On the other, if a trans woman stabs a bunch of children at a movie theater, the paper doesn't even mention he identifies as a woman.

The Boston Globe (the main paper of the urban area where the stabbings occurred) printed a story entitled "What to know about Jared Ravizza, the Martha’s Vineyard man charged in multiple stabbings," and it's clear the paper thinks there's one thing you shouldn't know.


A 26-year-old Martha’s Vineyard man who has claimed to be an entrepreneur, philanthropist, and professional skier has been charged with stabbing four girls at a Braintree movie theater and two workers at a McDonald’s restaurant in Plymouth, and he is suspected in a fatal Connecticut attack.


Its' right there in the first sentence: "...man who has claimed to be..." The article shows he's not really an entrepreneur, not really a philanthropist, not really a professional skier, but there's something missing. What else has he falsely claimed to be? A woman.

I wonder if his gender identity will resurface in time for sentencing.

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The violence detailed in this update is shocking but no surprise. In my data of 60 trans widows' experiences, 21 were assaulted by crossdressing husband. Law enforcement made aware in a few cases, no prosecution of this domestic violence. In the most egregious case, a young mother of an infant was strangled and raped and the Met police later told her, despite witnesses, immediate statements and blood evidence, "not enough evidence to prosecute." I'm just uncovering another disturbing trend: suddenly crossdressing husbands often menace and harass their wives (prior to her departure) by throwing objects in her vicinity, punching the wall near her and threatening her by looming over her while screaming. If any trans widows who answered my survey experienced this but did not detail it in 20 Questions to Ask a Trans Widow, please do follow up with me with information on this behavior, which appears to be a frequent pattern.


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Great work as ever Ute and beautiful flowers 😁

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Jun 3Liked by JL

Thank you for keeping on with this.

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Who knew beanies for post boxes were so threatening?

Thanks GL. So much madness in one place.

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Jun 3Liked by JL

Sigh , that is all

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I’m just a bit stoopit replying to folk , I’ll learn

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Jun 3Liked by JL

Thank you, JL. I don’t know how you maintain the stamina for this. That was so exhausting to even read that I don’t have the energy left to type out my Seinfeld reference that George Costanza now appears to have, not only, successfully claimed for damages because he wasn’t allowed to ogle women in a gym, but is now registered to play for a female football team, under the pseudonym of Laura Holstein

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Jun 4Author

Thank you for kind words, Ian. Yes, it is exhausting. Hooray for coffee and sugar and carbs! (George Costanza... heehee!)

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To be fair I've met several trans people in person and there's not one I disliked. Most are struggling through like the rest of us. The nonsensical, destructive ideology I hate, and the straight people who push it or pretend to are the problem. I do believe Labour might just catch up with the rest of us in insisting on a sense of reality but it will take alienating significant proportion of their party. There's a saying in the bible, if your eye causes you to sin, get rid of it. Get rid of the destructive ideology, the reason it's harmful is its nonsense. If someone feels they are trans that's no problem, they have all the same rights as all of us, they deserve the same kindness.

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Jun 4Author

I totally agree, Andrew. I have a couple of lovely 'trans' friends who are just trying to get through life as best they can dealing with a serious mental health condition. I do not believe there is any sense in which people are 'trans' ie human beings cannot change sex, even when taking hormones or after undergoing surgery etc. I DO think that a (thankfully) rare number of people suffer with a genuine dysphoria which needs careful and expert treatment. There are some brilliant trans identified males on Twitter who understand and speak out about the truth of their situation, one of whom is the excellent Dr María Inés de la Cruz (ie @Strobe_Lightly) and another is my good friend, Miranda Yardley (@EmmJayYardley) - both excellent follows!

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I somewhat disagree.

I've also met a number of people who call themselves 'trans', and it seems clear to me that they differ so much in their needs, interests and social positions that it makes no sense to consider or talk about a singular group called 'trans people', or to have the same attitude to all of them.

I also think there is a contradiction between saying the ideology is destructive and harmful, and saying that "if someone feels they are trans that's no problem", because -

(i) people who 'say they are trans' are manifesting the ideology through their identification with it (this doesn't mean they are 'bad people' at all, but the problem remains);

(ii) they are also, whether they want or intend to or not, modelling a harmful ideology to children and future generations;

(iii) calling oneself 'trans' may be indicative of a problem, as per the point to follow below.

I have met some people who suffer from body dysphoria ('gender dysphoria' is surely an inaccurate and misleading term - they are uncomfortable with their sexed bodies, not their 'gender'). These people do have a problem, because being significantly uncomfortable with one's body is a healthcare issue, one which deserves meeting with the best kind of support and care. I would rather they refer to themselves as "people with body dysphoria" than call themselves 'trans', because that best describes the reality, and does not (wittingly or otherwise) service the ideology.

I have also met some people who call themselves 'trans' who are simply existentially lost, and need an identity to escape into whereby they feel a sense of belonging, garner some social and cultural capital, and receive some attention and sympathy. I feel sad for them; any of us could easily be in their position. They have my regard and respect, at least up to the point whereby they are still duly listening to and regarding others. However, this does not mean that we should have to endorse the fiction by which they are living, because that involves us promoting an ideology which hurts women and children in particular.

Then there are the people who call themselves 'trans' who have no apparent difficulty navigating society; tend to pass themselves as what they are not whilst remaining physically unaltered and intact; tend to be middle class (or above), and really quite entitled. Seeing some attention going to people with a 'trans' identity, they adopt it, as they are they type who can't see anyone else having anything at all without co-opting it for themselves. They are also aware that, in a culture wherein privilege is now frowned upon in certain quarters, it suits them strategically to pretend to be members of a 'marginalised' group. Silently, and without hurting anyone, I have no regard or respect for what these people are up to. I think they're just poseurs and bullshitters.

Then there are the sexual predators and the narcissists who think the only thing that matters in a spatial, interpersonal or sporting context is how THEY feel about it. Enough said.

We also have to quite clearly define 'kindness', as this means different things to different people, sometimes strategically so; to some it means 'being told I can have what I want when I want it, and no one ever disagreeing with me'. "Kind" is unfortunately now one of those largely redundant words which has been 'sloganised' beyond any substantial meaning.

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Thanks as ever for your hard work in bringing us the horror stories, JL!

I can derive two hopeful things from it all:

1. If actual voters get hold of the awful Pop'n'Olly books I think that might make them more likely to vote for Gillian Keegan than not to! ( an adaptation of Red Riding Hood!!?? What big teeth/hands/feet/shoulders/head you have Grandma 😂)

2. The excellent postbox toppers would be a great way of publicising the Party of Women campaign 😊

Great work For Women Scotland.

Is that the first time you have reported on a violent TIF!!??

Thanks again


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JL can you remind me where I can find your previous work on Mr Wadhwa in his previous roles?



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Jun 3Author

Hi Dusty. I've written about Mridul Wadhwa Esquire quite a few times over the last four years! Here are the links to (I think!) all the articles...

As part of a War on Women in October 2020:


In May 2021 (when he was appointed CEO at ERCC):


In May 2021 (about his support of 'Jessica' Yaniv):


In August 2021 (breaking the story of the SACRO contract etc):


In January 204:


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That's really brilliant, thanks, JL

Have you seen the excellent piece by Julie Bindel about Mr Wadhwa?


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😊 thank you

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Jun 4·edited Jun 4

I was just reading about the book "Grandad's Pride" by Harry Woodgate. It's for 3 to 5 year olds. It depicts grandad in BDSM leather fetish gear and a woman demonstrator with scars from a double mastectomy. For preschoolers. Won't that give them nightmares?

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Why is it that the inept Tories keep bleating on about what can and can't be taught in school and that men "shouldn't" play in women's sports etc etc and NEVER implement anything as law nor act when these "shoulds" are blatantly ignored?? Pass some actual laws and prosecute when these are broken. They talk the talk but do NOTHING to implement any change. Meanwhile the utter spineless buffoons in the Labour Party have said nothing on the entire topic with slippery spineless Starmer quivering too scared to say a word whilst the gender loving blue haired MPs in his party are chomping at the bit to start their stealth attack on women's rights. I'll may have to draw a big cock and balls on my ballot paper unless Reform have the guts to bring up this topic. Bunch of inept idiots.

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