Monday 13th May - Listen to Detransitioners
THE TIMES: An unhappy young man who suffered abuse as child was very close to medical transition when, forced to address his motives, his trans identity ‘unravelled’.
29-year-old Sascha Bailey, a catwalk model turned art curator, is the son of renown photographer, David Bailey. Only a few years ago he believed himself to be ‘transgender’ and to have been ‘born in the wrong body’. He fantasised about transforming himself into what he describes as ‘the full Barbie cliché’.
In childhood Bailey was sexually abused by an older male. This trauma meant he found it very difficult to identify with other males when he was growing up. At 19 he embarked on a turbulent relationship with a much older woman whom he later married. The pair moved to Japan shortly before the Covid lock-down when Bailey was in his early 20s. His marriage having become ‘toxic’, desperately unhappy and feeling increasingly isolated, he considered taking his own life.
It was at this time his trans identity emerged, encouraged by his discovery of internet forums on ‘transmaxxing’, a sub culture of men who ‘transition’ for reasons of expediency or greed. “When I decided I was trans, I felt great”, he said. “I felt I was moving towards a goal, towards something achievable. If I followed this path — took the hormones, did the surgery — then I would end up in the place I needed to be. When you are so lost, this is game-changing.”
Following a ten-minute appointment at a gender clinic in Nagoya, Bailey was prescribed cross-sex hormones. When his marriage finally broke down, he returned to the UK, bringing this medication with him but unable to begin taking taking it until he had secured a second dose via the NHS. His delay in taking the hormones gave him an opportunity to reconsider his decision and meeting his now girlfriend, Lucy Brown, gave him cause to question his motives. “She repeated back my reasoning to me”, he said. “And I just started laughing. It all unravelled from that point.”
Bailey says he came to understand two things: “One, there was no actual way I can know what it feels like to be a woman because I'd never been one, so the idea of me saying 'Oh, I feel like a woman' was absurd. And the second thing I came to realise was that I didn't actually need to change my outside because of how I felt on the inside. I just needed to come to terms with it.”
Tuesday 14th May - This Never Happens #1
KENT LIVE: A trans-identified male convicted paedophile is back in court after yet another breach of his Sexual Harm Prevention Order.
We have written previously about Janiel Verainer. In November 2016, then calling himself Jorven Seren, Verainer appeared at Canterbury Crown Court and pleaded guilty to indecent assault and downloading illegal images of children.
In April 2016, Verainer had been seen in public behaving suspiciously around children. He kissed a little girl - a stranger to him - on the lips. Witnesses contacted the police and officers subsequently visited his home. They discovered almost 500 indecent images of children on Verainer’s mobile phone.
During his 2016 court appearance, Verainer - then aged 55 - claimed to identify as a five-year-old girl and he demanded to be referred to as female. Judge Adele Williams would not allow Seren to keep a 3ft doll in the dock with him so he sucked his thumb throughout the entire proceedings.
In December 2021 Janiel Verainer was back in court. He admitted breaching his Sexual Harm Prevention Order (SHPO) by approaching and kissing children.
Verainer appeared in court dressed in a green and red elf outfit with a short skirt and jangling bells. He was referred to with female pronouns throughout the hearing. He admitted approaching two little girls and kissing them on the lips, breaching the SHPO imposed at Canterbury Crown Court five years previously.
This week it was reported that Verainer has appeared in court having yet again breached his SHPO. Police officers carried out a routine and unannounced ‘offender management’ check at Verainer’s Kent home in November last year. They discovered two secret mobile phones hidden in what was described as a ‘Hello Kitty’ bedroom.
Internet enabled devices, limited to legal adult content, are not prohibited under an SHPO but they have to be registered with the police. Verainer’s phones were not.
During the two-day hearing at Maidstone Crown Court, Verainer asked to be referred to as ‘Ms’ and with female pronouns. His long hair was tied in childish bunches and the sweatshirt he wore depicted children’s ABC building blocks and bore the words ‘I am mentally 3-7 years’. However, the court heard that 63 year old Verainer has no underlying mental health issues, learning difficulties or brain injuries. Furthermore, a psychiatric report concluded that, despite Vernainer expressing his desire to be diagnosed as an ‘adult-child’ or with ‘adult-child syndrome’, no such condition exists.
Recorder James Lofthouse gave Verainer a 16 month prison sentence, telling him that breaching court orders ‘came with consequences’.
Wednesday 14th May - This Unsporting Life #1
REDUXX: A trans-identified male has stolen a first place medal at a major women’s cycle competition for the second year running.
47-year-old Lesley Mumford is a former law enforcement officer and trans-identified male who began ‘transitioning’ in his late 30s when he was working as a SWAT team leader in Colorado.
Mumford refers to himself as ‘a single mom’. Not content with stealing women’s language, he also invades women’s sports.
In December 2023 Mumford took part in the prestigious Desert Gravel Co2uT 100-mile event, a cycle race from Fruita in Colorado to Moab in Utah and back. He competed in the women’s category, of course.
Mumford came sixth in the overall women’s event and easily ‘won’ his own 40-49 age group. He beat second-placed Lindsey Kriete by 17 minutes and third-placed Michelle Van Sickle by over half an hour. At the time he was pictured standing alone on the winners’ podium when receiving his prize. He later wrote on social media, “I have no idea why so many people bailed before the podiums, but they did. I swear I wasn’t the only one in my age group”.
This experience did not prevent Mumford from entering Desert Gravel Co2uT 100-mile race again this year. In the women’s category, of course. He placed fourth in the overall women’s event, beaten by only three female riders who are all decades younger than him. He was placed first in the women’s 40 - 49 age category, beating the silver medallist by almost 13 minutes.
Ironically, organisers of the Co2uT competition boast that they strive for “The highest percentage of female participants” and are aiming towards a 50/50 field. Barring men from taking up women’s places would go a long way to achieving that goal.
Thursday 16th May - What Fresh Hell Is This?
THE TELEGRAPH: Scottish nursery staff are being told that babies and toddlers can be ‘trans’ and ‘come out’ at any age.
Scottish pre-schools adopted SNP school guidelines on gender identity meaning that nurseries caring for babies and toddlers are receiving official instruction that kids can be trans at ‘any age’. These government guidelines, drawn up in 2021, recommend an approach of affirmation and endorse social transition, in direct contravention of the Cass Review. The 71-page document states, “Transgender young people may recognise and discuss their gender identity at any age. Before puberty, any transition or change is limited to socially changing their name, pronoun and gender expression.”
Many Glasgow nurseries follow a separate ‘gender friendly nursery’ initiative which, by 2019, involved 35 nurseries in the city and last year was being considered for a national roll-out. This initiative claims that people can have “Difficulty in accepting the range of gender identities that exist” and that nurseries should be a ‘safe space’ in which very young children can “Explore their identity”.
You will not be surprised the hear that LGBT Youth Scotland (LGBTYS) was involved in the development of the ‘gender friendly nursery’ initiative. Even though its own website clearly states that LGBTYS’s remit is ‘young people aged 13-25’, not pre-school toddlers.
We have written frequently in the past about lobby group, LGBTYS, which teaches gender identity ideology as fact in schools, colleges, charities and private and public sector organisations. Furthermore, it has serious question marks over its safeguarding. In December 2022 two young men came forward to allege that they were groomed and sexually exploited by its staff when they were children then a former volunteer made shocking allegations about the lack of child protection measures within the charity.
Demonstrated by its accounts, LGBTYS has received hundreds of thousands of pounds in funding from the Scottish government in recent years. A few weeks ago The Telegraph reported that this year alone it was granted nearly £1 million of taxpayer’s money, receiving £447,000 from the Scottish government, £345,000 from local councils and £154,000 from the NHS. And the group’s dirty fingerprints can be found everywhere gender woo is being pushed on Scottish children.
Also Today - This Never Happens #2
A trans identified male - referred to as a ‘woman’ in local media - has admitted to making indecent images of children.
59-year-old ‘Emma’ Davies from Frizington in Cumbria appeared in Workington Magistrates Court this week and admitted to charges of making indecent images of children. He apologised for his failure to attend court the previous day, saying, “I was having to face who I used to be. I was terrified. I didn’t know how you were going to address me in court. That played with my anxiety.”
Referring to his change of name, Davies said, “It’s a legal status now and everything”. The chair of the magistrates panel, Keith Southward, assured Davies that the court will address him however he wishes. He told the him, “You will be addressed as you wish to be addressed, so don’t worry about it.”
After all, there’s absolutely nothing suspicious in a convicted sex offender wanting to conceal his previous name and identity.
Also Today - “Follow The Science”
HOLYROOD MAGAZINE: The Scottish Greens have expelled thirteen members from the party for upholding biological reality and defending women’s rights.
The Scottish Green Party’s Conduct and Complaints Committee (CCC) has expelled party members because they were signatories to the Scottish Green Declaration for Women's Sex-Based Rights. This statement, published in November 2023, asserts that sex is a biological reality, that women have a right to maintain the sex-based protections covered by the Equality Act 2010, that lesbians are same-sex attracted and that “Women and girls have the right to discuss policies which affect them without being abused, harassed or intimidated”. Apparently, members signing up to these tenets of women’s rights are breaching the Scottish Green Party Code of Conduct.
A total of thirteen Scottish Green Party members signed this declaration, some of them office bearers or ‘of seniority’ and several of them long-standing environmental campaigners who’ve been involved in Green politics for decades. For being signatories to a declaration upholding women’s rights, they were all reported to the CCC, triggering a disciplinary investigation. They were accused of breaking party rules which prohibit “Behaviours that constitute prejudice based on sexual orientation or gender identity” and “Behaviours that constitute a threat to others”.
Now these signatories have been expelled from The Scottish Green Party with immediate effect. For signing up to women’s rights.
Friday 17th May - An Unsuitable Poster Boy
REDUXX: A trans-identified male who repeatedly sexually abused a three-year-old girl is lauded by a women’s organisation which campaigns for prison reform.
In November 1994 Jeffrey Willsea pleaded guilty to first-degree sexual abuse and aggravated second-degree sexual abuse, eleven counts in total, of a 3-year-old girl. A local newspaper report from April 1994 suggests that he initially tried to deny the charges before eventually entering a guilty plea. He was sentenced to 19-59 years imprisonment and released in 2014.
He now identifies as a woman and has changed his name Xena Grandichelli.
Since his release, Willsea/Grandichelli has re-invented himself as a social justice campaigner, advocating for the rights of transgender prisoners. He has been given platforms at leading US universities and LGBT organisations and he volunteered for AVP, the ‘largest anti-LGBTQ violence organization in the country’ which presented him with a community hero award. Grandichelli works at the Sylvia Rivera Law Project, an organisation which “Works to guarantee that all people are free to self-determine gender identity and expression”.
Grandichelli, a registered sex offender, is categorised as a risk level 3, which indicates a major risk of re-offending and an ongoing threat to public safety. As with all level 3 sex offenders, he is legally prohibited from being within 1,000 feet of a school. Nevertheless, he didn’t seem to have any qualms about posting photographs and videos of young children to his social media.
Grandichelli is featured on an infographic page on the website of an organisation called the Women and Justice Project (WJP). According to the website, WJP works “To advance the leadership and build the power of cis and trans women who are currently and formerly incarcerated”.
The same infographic on which Grandichelli is quoted also bemoans that “Trans and gender expansive people are often forced into prisons and jails inconsistent with their gender”. But wholly consistent with their biological sex. When serving his sentence, would WJP really have had Grandichelli accommodated with vulnerable women prisoners?
One wonders if WJP might consider featuring a quote on its infographic from the female prisoner at the heart of this story?
Saturday 18th May - The Clocks Were Striking 13 In Wellington
RNZ: Trans activists tried to shut down and cancel a New Zealand conference focusing on gender identity ideology.
On Saturday, a group of ‘concerned parents’ calling themselves Inflection Point NZ held a conference entitled ‘Unsilenced’ at the Tākina Convention Centre in Wellington. It was aimed at challenging and discussing the tenets of gender ideology, particularly the ‘indoctrination and medicalisation’ of children. Some of those involved may espouse extreme and/or right-wing views of which we disapprove, but the event speakers also included Mia Hughes, one of the journalists who first broke the WPATH files scandal, lesbian feminist, Jan Rivers, Ro Edge of Save Women’s Sports Australasia, and Terf Island’s own ‘Posie Parker’. Obviously, from the outset, NZ trans activists were determined to prevent the event from going ahead.
Even Wellington City Councillor, the Green Party’s Nīkau Wi Neera, tried to get the event cancelled with seemingly no regard for his fellow citizens’ right to free speech. According to the NZ Free Speech Union, the councillor was blatant enough to state publicly that he was trying to shut down the conference using health and safety grounds as an excuse. Wellington Mayor, Tory Whanau, commented that she was ‘deeply concerned’ that the subject being discussed at the event - women’s rights and the medicalisation of children - would be ‘harmful to the trans and queer community’.
On the day of the conference the café at the venue closed in ‘solidarity with the trans community’.
Of course, the venue was besieged by trans activist protestors, many of them from the Pōneke Anti-Fascist Coalition and Queer Endurance in Defiance. The demonstrators seemed a bit camera shy, though.
There were reports that one of the protestors threw faeces at attendees.
“Both sides, eh?”
Also Today - This Unsporting Life #2
THE PUBLICA: A trans-identified male student athlete has stolen awards in female events at a state championship.
We have written previously about trans-identified male, Aayden Gallagher. A few weeks ago, he competed in female categories at the semi-finals of the Portland Interscholastic League Championships. He took second place in the 200 metres and romped easily to ‘victory’ in the 400 metre race. He then went on to compete in the final where he stole two gold medals and qualified to compete in the Oregon state championships, in the female categories, of course.
This week, competing at the 2024 Oregon School Activities Association Track & Field State Championships, he robbed female athletes of a gold medal in the 6A Girls Varsity 200 metre race and a silver medal in the 6A Girls Varsity 400 metre race.
A mother of one of the girls forced to compete against Aayden Gallagher spoke to The Publica on condition of anonymity. She said that Gallagher is stealing competition spots from female athletes, stating “Their emotions matter too”. She said that a lot of parents are scared of speaking out because the Oregon School Activities Association (OSAA), issued a diktat threatening to disqualify girls from competing if their parents dared to challenge the inclusion of a trans-identified male in female sports.
Sunday 19th May - This Never Happens #3
THE DAILY RECORD: A convicted Scottish sex offender developed a trans identity shortly before his trial and was treated at the Sandyford gender clinic.
In 2018 Ian White was convicted of three charges of sexual assault, one charge of voyeurism, one charge of using lewd, indecent and libidinous practices and two charges of taking and possessing indecent images of children. He had repeatedly sexually abused a two-year-old girl and an 11-year-old girl, shared images of child sexual abuse with other paedophiles online and had utilised a covert camera to record female victims using a public bathroom.
Only weeks before his trial began, White began to ‘identify as a woman’ and was referred to the Sandyford Clinic in Glasgow. He was diagnosed with gender dysphoria and prescribed cross-sex hormones. He now calls himself ‘Jo’.
In the past White has requested a transfer to Corton Vale women’s prison. He is now complaining of being unable to access hormone treatment and ‘gender affirming’ products while incarcerated and is seeking a transfer from HMP Barlinnie to HMP Glenochil which he deems a more ‘trans-friendly prison.
A former friend said of him, “White was not feminine at all and had never expressed any interest in becoming a woman or being trans before being caught. Which is convenient to say the least.”
Also Today - The Uncivil Service
THE TELEGRAPH: A ‘whistleblower’ is taking legal action against the Civil Service, claiming she was forced out of her job due to her gender critical beliefs.
Eleanor Frances joined the civil service in 2019. She initially managed a team of policy officials at the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) and later moved to the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT).
While working at Whitehall, Ms Frances formally raised concerns over a series of issues relating to sex and gender. She was ignored and side-lined. She told The Telegraph, “Whilst investigations into my concerns were ongoing, I was stripped of my team and responsibilities by individuals who are named in my complaint. I was given unsubstantiated and derogatory feedback including in relation to my approach to EDI. Every time I raised a concern, I was told to follow a process, but the process took months and did nothing. I sought help from senior civil servant leadership but they didn’t protect me.”
Having failed to resolve these issues internally, Ms Frances wrote to Cabinet Secretary, Simon Case, on behalf of 42 staff from 16 departments. She explained that gender ideology is being embedded within the Civil Service by trans activists and that the concept of everyone having a gender identity which supersedes sex is enforced as an undisputable fact. This, she said, represents a ‘significant breach of impartiality’.
Two and a half months later, Ms Frances received a response from the Cabinet Secretary, instructing her to make her complaints via the very departmental processes which had already failed, ignored and side-lined her. She felt left with no option but to leave the Civil Service and make public her fears about its ‘politicised climate of fear’.
Her allegations include:
An internal ‘Gender Identity and Intersex’ policy was adopted without proper consultation but following a ‘workplaces assessment’ by Stonewall.
The use of politicised language and concepts – eg defining ‘transphobia’ as including the refusal to accept someone’s ‘gender identity’ – means that civil servants are compelled to recognise males as female.
The policy of gender self-identification on government premises means that males have access to female single-sex facilities.
Female staff objecting to males in their spaces can face disciplinary action.
Ms Frances is now taking legal action against both the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport and the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology. She is taking the DCMS and DSIT to an employment tribunal on several grounds, including unfair constructive dismissal and victimisation and direct and indirect discrimination based on her philosophical beliefs. For more information and to make a donation to her legal costs, please see this link.
Earlier this week, The Daily Mail reported that the Civil Service union is considering strike action over so-called ‘transphobic’ government policies which defend women’s spaces and protect vulnerable school children.
The Public and Commercial Services (PCS) union, which represents Civil Service staff, is considering calls for ‘industrial and legal action’ over government policies which reject gender identity ideology. Two branches of the PSC have tabled a motion to be heard at the union conference later this month.
In addition to criticising Westminster for blocking Scotland’s failed Gender Recognition Reform Bill, the motion cites several examples of what are deemed ‘transphobic’ government policies. Firstly, it references the Department for Education’s draft guidance that will prevent teachers from allowing a pupil to socially transition without their parents’ consent.
Can a union which represents Whitehall members really be unaware of The Cass Review? The Interim Report, published two years ago, warns against allowing children to identify as the opposite sex, stating that it is, “Not a neutral act, and better information is needed about outcomes”.
The motion also cites Cabinet Office guidance which bars trans-identified males from using female toilets if they do not have a Gender Recognition Certificate. It claims that would lead “To the harassment of trans and non-binary people”. No consideration given, however, to the safety, privacy and dignity of women.
A union is threatening strike action because child safeguarding is undertaken in accordance with expert research and because fully intact males cannot use women’s toilets… We are truly through the looking glass.
See you next week.
An interesting part from Bailey's interview:
"He says that most of his contemporaries from Devon who have moved to London now identify as “gender-queer or gender-fluid” and speculates that the special status this used to confer must be in danger of going into reverse. In fact he hopes his own generation will be the one to step back from the brink of culture war, in which mutual misery is assured."
I keep hoping that the younger generation will realize that trans ideology is harmful garbage. Look at the parade of trans heroes on the page above, the creepiest, saddest, nastiest bunch of losers you could imagine. What kid could want to be in that company?
Congratulations on the 5th Anniversary Edition JL and many thanks. You deserve a medal 🥇👏 The content never gets any less insane does it? FFS to all of it.