Monday 20th December - This Never Happens
4W: A trans-identified child rapist has instigated legal proceedings because he is not being ‘treated like a woman’ to his satisfaction in prison.
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Jason Lane Hansen is currently serving a 70 year prison sentence for the abduction of an 8-year-old girl and the abduction and rape of a 5-year-old girl.
Hansen now ‘identifies as a woman’ and calls himself Jenna.
He has filed a federal lawsuit against employees of the South Dakota Department of Corrections, claiming that he is not being satisfactorily ‘treated as a woman’.
Hansen is now demanding hormones, female underwear, depilatory products, a private shower, a legal name change, sex reassignment surgery, counselling and $700,000 in damages.
Tuesday 21st December - This Is Grooming
THE TODAY SHOW: A California couple have convinced their little girl that, because she prefers shorts to dresses, she must be non-binary.
Married couple, Brendan Hay and Jennifer Chen, have twin girls who are in preschool. In this article Chen claims that one of the twins is non-binary and has chosen they/him pronouns.
It began when, there being no clean shorts in her wardrobe, Claire said she did not want to wear a skirt. That evening Chen read to Claire from a book called It Feels Good to be Yourself: A Book About Gender Identity, soon after introducing her to Born Ready: The True Story of a Boy Named Penelope. When Claire asked for a short hair style, her father found a ‘non-binary’ stylist to cut her hair.
Staff at Claire’s kindergarten were ‘super supportive’ and more than happy to alter records and badges etc to reflect her new name, Clark, and her ‘new gender’. When Chen announced Claire’s change of name and pronouns on Facebook, gushing friends were queuing up to express their delight. “In my DMs, friends reached out to connect me to other families with transgender or nonbinary kids. Other parents sent me emails applauding our support of Clark and how their authenticity inspired them.”
Chen talks of Claire being ‘one of several non-binary children’ in the family’s ‘liberal Los Angeles neighbourhood’ and describes her future as possibly involving hormones and surgery. She adds, “I reached out to transgender friends and asked them about their journey... I was thankful they shared what choices they made. A few offered to talk to Clark.”
Poor Claire doesn’t stand a chance, does she?
Also Today - WESC Is Not Fit For Purpose
The Women And Equalities Committee has published its long-awaited report on revising the Gender Recognition Act.
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Unsurprisingly, it is a recapitulation of the committee’s entrenched position; upholding and prioritising gender identity ideology.
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The report is riddled with flaws and contradictions and is brilliantly dissected by Peter Daly in this thread.
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It promotes the immediate introduction of self-ID legislation to ‘de-medicalise’ the process by which people can legally change sex. It recommends dispensing with the requirement for a medical diagnosis of gender dysphoria and removing the need for the person to ‘live in the required gender’ for two years. Instead, the committee favours granting a GRC based purely on self-declaration.
You may be forgiven for believing the report was a foregone conclusion. At this meeting of the committee in December 2020, the members seem to demonstrate an obvious bias towards the trans lobby panellists with their rather leading questions. And over a year ago, the committee’s chair, Caroline Nokes MP, wrote an article for The Times making her intentions pretty clear.
Wednesday 22nd December - This Never Happens #2
THE DAILY MAIL: A trans-identified male paedophile has been imprisoned after sexually abusing an Alsatian dog.
John Goodier has a swathe of previous convictions. In 2005 he pleaded guilty to seven charges of taking indecent photographs of a child, nine charges of making indecent or pseudo photographs of a child, possessing 187 indecent photographs of a child, two counts of causing or indicting a child aged 13 to 17 to prostitution or pornography and of distributing eight indecent photos of a child.
This week he was sentenced to 20 months in prison for raping a dog.
Of course, following his arrest for this crime, Goodier began ‘identifying as female’ and now calls himself ‘Claire’. It is not yet known whether or not he’ll be incarcerated in a women’s prison.
When The Northwich Guardian reported this story, It described Goodier as a woman and referred to him with female pronouns throughout the article. It detailed his previous convictions and his depraved actions, but nowhere did it mention his sex or ‘transgender identity’. (Same goes for articles in The Chester Standard, The Scottish Sun, The Mirror…)
Interestingly, when The Northwich Guardian reported on Goodier’s guilty plea less than two months ago, the article described him as a man.
Also Today - This Ideology Is Homophobic
STAR OBSERVER: A heterosexual woman has won the Mr Gay Germany title.
35-year-old Max Appenroth, a trans-identified female, won the title Mr Gay Germany in Cologne this week.
In June, the Mr Gay World competition announced a change in policy to “Encompass the male identifying spectrum within the LGBTQ+ community”. The competition is now open to anyone “Using him and his pronouns and who collectively identifies as male”.
Speaking in, Appenroth commented, “With my participation I would like to show that the gay community does not only consist of cis men... Whether the people like it or not: ‘your’ gay community is also ‘my’ gay community”.
Thursday 23rd December - This Never Happens #3
KENT ONLINE: A trans-identified male sex offender has admitted breaching his Sexual Harm Prevention Order by approaching and kissing children.
60-year-old Janiel Verainer appeared in court dressed in an elf outfit with a short skirt. He was referred to with female pronouns throughout the hearing. He admitted approaching two little girls and kissing them on the lips, breaching the SHPO imposed at Canterbury Crown Court five years ago.
In November 2016 Verainer appeared in court, pleading guilty to indecent assault and downloading illegal child sex images. On that occasion, he called himself Jorven Seren and claimed to identify as a 5-year-old girl.
Friday 24th December - Through The Looking Glass
THE DAILY MAIL: A trans-identified woman insists she is her child’s father and makes him call her ‘dada’.
![Twitter avatar for @millihill](
‘Transmen’ rarely get a mention in the media except when they are pregnant or give birth and Bennett Kaspar-Williams, who lives in LA, is no exception. She is a trans-identified female who has had a double mastectomy but no further surgery - “I have no dysphoria with that part of my body” - and suspended her testosterone therapy in order to become pregnant. Her son, Hudson, was born in October 2020.
This article refers to her as a ‘dad’ and a ‘father’ throughout and even contains the line, “Nurses insisted on calling him 'mom' during his pregnancy despite being a man”. Kaspar-Williams complains about being ‘mis-gendered’ while in hospital. She wants to ‘separate motherhood from womanhood’ and insists it is ‘false’ that ‘people who carry children are mothers’.
“Nothing about being pregnant felt ‘feminine’ to me - in fact, I think carrying a child, isolated due to the pandemic, and facing all the hospitals and appointments alone was the absolute toughest, bravest thing I've ever done. Nothing feels stronger than being able to say I'm a dad who created my own child.”
It’s not about stereotypes, though.
Saturday 25th December - They’s Behind You!
For panto season this Christmas, Norwich Playhouse staged a production called Robin Good: The Politico Panto.
“Robin Good is a potently political and wilfully woke Pantomime full of satire and local humour celebrating diversity, community and the enduring triumph of right over wrong... Barry, The Sheriff of Norwich will turn Norfolk into a holiday resort for the mega rich, deporting everyone who lives in Norfolk to Suffolk. With the help of Maid Marion, Drag Queen Dame Stratton Strawless and the Merry Non-Binaries, the only person who can stop him is Robin Good – a vegan, queer, socialist, social media influencer.”
Marion is non-binary and uses they/them pronouns, the hero of the piece is ‘queer’ (whatever that means) and the dame is a drag queen father called Keith.
Suitable for children aged 14 and upwards. Apparently.
What could be more festive than indoctrinating teenagers into an anti-science, homophobic and misogynistic ideology?
Sunday 26th December - Under His Aye
THE SUNDAY TIMES: Scottish plans to allow rapists and rape suspects to self-identify as female have led to an outcry from survivors.
The Scottish SNP/Green coalition government aims to reform the Gender Recognition Act next year, allowing people to change their legal sex based solely on self-declaration. And that includes rapists and rape suspects.
Several senior police officers have spoken to The Sunday Times on condition of anonymity. “Everybody knows this is nonsense, though no one can say it without being cancelled”, one officer warned. “We’re all too busy wrapping ourselves in rainbows while policy like this is made that prioritises, apparently, the feelings of alleged perpetrators of rape rather than the feelings of the victims.”
A petition lodged with the Scottish parliament demands that the sex of people charged with or convicted of rape be recorded accurately. It contains a submission from a woman who has twice been the victim of rape.
“I would be devastated if court documents and police records documented my rapists as female. Anyone with a shred of empathy and common-sense can see how damaging this would be to a rape survivor. Prioritising a rapist’s feelings over their victim’s catastrophic reality is a new low within a judicial system that does not, in my experience, serve women.”
See you next year.
The competition is now open to anyone “Using him and his pronouns and who collectively identifies as male”.
Can anyone translate this w*k* gender-speak drivel for me? What does 'collectively identifies as male' mean?
Is a 'they/them' (Singular) identifying as more than one person? (Definitely not non-binary then if so)
Or is it it perhaps a 'he/him/his' which is more than one person amalgamated into a single binary being who all now collectively identify as male - or males.
Or - and this is just a guess here - is it just a useless fuckwit being encouraged and 'validated' by other useless fuckwits?
The dog fucker nonce was sent to a men’s prison where he belongs.