Nov 20, 2020Liked by JL, mole at the counter

Self Identifying non male. Self identifying non female. What next? Self identifying non fish? How about a non bird. Or a non insect.

Oh wow, I just made up three more gender identities. What do I win? <------- sarcasm.

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Nov 20, 2020Liked by JL, mole at the counter

I'll hold my hand up to leaving the Green Party because of this. I'm sure other GP members have left due to this 'centre the political universe on me' group, when there are much more important issues in the world.

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Nov 21, 2020Liked by JL, mole at the counter

Women don't have dicks , so it's not a women's party. Even if they have neo vaginas a.ka. penises inverted outside in, that don't make them Women and I don't care if they call themselves Women , because no one is falling for that BS, but occupying the opportunities which many of worthy Feminists can have , is unacceptable. It's like Women will have no employment if trans women decide upon it.

"Whip with a dick"😂 - you are awesome JL, no wonder you are my Favourite.

Let's all identify as men and get the men's positions for Green party. Nothing more to lose anyways 🤪

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I couldn't get through that You Tube 'What is a woman?'

'As a proud feminist, my feminism has always been intersectional...'

Oh fuck off. No really...fuck right off.

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Nov 21, 2020Liked by JL

Thanks for posting this Graham. The green party has a worse dose of the woke than other parties, because we attract a lot of delicate flowers of the Violet Elizabeth Bott variety.

There are a few of us older gender critics hanging on , but there has been a real take over by the pastel thugs and damsels looking for something to save.

Us crusties are clinging on in there because the climate is so important, but goddam, if there was another party to go to that gave a rats arse about the environment , I would be jumping ship.

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Nov 21, 2020Liked by JL

The Green Party...more like The Peen Party.

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So, a *MAN* who is a self-identified "fae" is running as a "non woman" for the UK Greens now?! Seriously - they don't seem to be worth voting for at all from where I'm sitting. I second Kel's analysis.

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I wrote to the Leader of the Green party, with e-mail title: "?"Non-Male" - what?"

Dear Leader,

From your website (https://www.greenparty.org.uk/people/regional-council.html):

"GPRC Co-Chairs:

Self identifying Non-Male Co-Chair: Kat Driscoll (Wales)

Self identifying Non-Female Co-Chair: Rob Grant (West Midlands Region)"

You are taking the piss, aren't you? What is a "self-identifying Non-Male"? Never heard of one and nor has anyone else.

Be careful, or the Greens will be in the same category of irrelevancy as the Lib Dems with their now notorious "statement about transphobia": https://www.libdemvoice.org/liberal-democrats-adopt-definition-of-transphobia-65868.html

You are in politics, not in virtue-signalling. If you want the 99% of the population to consider voting for you - including the sex category of "women" (52%) - you had better stop this "woke" nonsense.

Yours sincerely

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deletedNov 20, 2020Liked by JL
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deletedNov 20, 2020Liked by JL, mole at the counter
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