Helen’s determination was exactly what we need right now !

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Gender Identity ideology is just another cult within the religion of applied postmodernism.

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I have just learned that 436 rapes were recorded between 2012 to 2018 having been committed by women. That's very strange because in English law women cannot commit rape.

The police are recording false statistics, as these are trans women/biological men that have committed these crimes

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These are convictions, too - meaning they have the perp. Plus 11 rapists were recorded as “gender unknown”.

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Until today I had no idea this was going on, I am really shocked, it's just appalling.

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Some could be female accomplices to a rape committed by a male. That happens - there was something in the news the other day about a female teacher being charged with a few counts as part of the several rape charges against a male.

But as far as I know, no-one has managed to get a breakdown of the numbers. Those 436 could be mainly males-labelled-as-women or mainly female accomplices. We just don't know.

But I believe there has been a significant uptick in female violent crime numbers, corresponding to the police's adoption of self ID for stats? (2011 onwards, ish). Not sure we have the comparative pre-2012 numbers for this one.

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The fact that nobody knows what the numbers represent should be a headline in a broadsheet. Holy smoke.

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A few may be “female accomplices” but they are much more likely to be charged with conspiracy, accessory etc. I did a quick search a couple of weeks ago & came up with 2 cases of female (genuinely female, not f-with-a-p) accomplices found guilty of rape since 2000: in both cases the judge made a point of justifying why they merited that charge rather than accessory.

Not exhaustive, but it suggests few of these are actual women.

But of course the stats are being juked so we can’t tell!

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The really bizarre thing is the 11 convicted rapists of “unknown gender”. The prison service still does full body searches, right?

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Apparently tracking convicted criminals’ sex is “intrusive”.

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True but you can be sure that the stats won't be manipulated in FAVOUR of women ,especially in the present climate

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I only believe it if I see their picture. However ,rape can only be committed using a penis ,so ,although women can be accomplices ( Myra Hindley for example ) they can't actually rape so the charges should be different

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Yes and EVERYBODY knows it ,so NO-ONE will believe their " crime stats " in the future including the police themselves ( the ones who are still sane anyway ) !

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Hurrah! Another adult in the room is Baroness Emma Nicholson. She has written to Sajid Javid asking him to remove Stonewall as the arbiters of diversity in the NHS in England and Wales because they are undermining lawful single sex provision on wards and personal care. You can add your signature by emailing womensrn.EW@gmail.com

with the subject line Baroness. The letter is at


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Go Helen. May your pedestal stay strong.

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Helennis wonderful, so concise and unflappable. Trans ideology and activism *is* a great place to be if you're a misogynist. As she points put, it allows them to say virtually whatever they want. It allows misogynistic, homophobic men the freedom to freely express hatred, and be commended not condemned for it.

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Oops, Helen is...

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“Ignore the ideologues and strengthen the law”. I am going to repeat that ad nauseum. Thank you Helen Joyce.

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Fanbloodytastic 💪

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As I just said on Twitter, we don't negotiate with terrorists and that's what they are: 'gender terrorists'. Thank you Helen Joyce! So chuffed I met you in the loos at LGB Alliance Conference! :D

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I love Helen Joyce. She takes absolutely no prisoners. "Do you think we will reach a point where we can have these conversations"? "No, I think we just have to win...we have to talk around these people".

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Anyone want the good news? I went back onto twitter, got addicted for a week and now have added a timer on chrome for 15 minutes a day. phew. I think on balance I have a non-addictive personality but this stuff really sucks you in. I was only chatting to the converted, no run ins with activists. I think I prefer my Glinner, boring my friends approach and sending Baroness Nicolson's letter to my friends and family. Social media is toxic in so many different ways - porn, sissy porn, sexualising children, pro-trans, pro-ana, addictive, enraging, bullying, time could be spend doing something else, making the lonely more lonely and I am sure I could go on.

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My friends who I have bored to death on this topic (I genuinley think they have had enough of me) had an argument about free speech with their children and about Kathleen Stock's right to freedom of speech. Great. But. You know, I would rather they were debating why anyone would think what she said was controversial. Long way to go.

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Sorry Graham, for hogging so much space here, but - re the BBC story - write to Planned Parenthood Toronto

To ppt@ppt.on.ca

Planned Parenthood, Toronto, Sarah Hobbs, executive director

Hi, I wanted to make sure to be on mailing list, so I don't miss your workshop, "Overcoming the Cotton Ceiling II - Breaking Down Sexual Barriers for any Male who Wants to Get Into a Woman's Panties and Not be Charged With Rape. How participants can work together to identify barriers, strategize ways to overcome them, and build community with sex criminals."

Thank you for pointing out the importance of exploring the ways in which the dickphobias of lesbian vaginahavers interfere with the sex lives of real women with penises.

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Did you see the debate on ‘non-crime hate incidents’ in the House of Lords this(1/11/21) afternoon?From about 15:30?

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Write to the BBC: yourquestions@bbc.co.uk - use copy/paste if you wish

It is horrific that the BBC finds it necessary to pretzelize itself onto bended knee before a violent and dangerous neo-religious cult (you've sunk low enough already) in excuses and apologies for this story. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-57853385.amp

"We believe it deals with a matter worthy of investigation."

Yes, I would hope that forced sexual activity (aka rape) would be something deemed "worthy of investigation" by the BBC.

"The article was carefully considered before publication, went through a rigorous editorial review process and fully complies with the BBC’s editorial guidelines and standards."

You may want to do some work in your "standards" department, because what passes for news on this issue (the vile gender ideology issue) at the BBC, as well as in most other mainstream media, is propaganda and revisionist history that would make Goebbels and Stalin green with envy. Never in my life would I have believed that the BBC would actually condone and promote deliberately false anti-scientific, anti-reality, anti-free speech, misogynistic, and pro-child abuse cult propaganda.

The transgender emperor has no clothes on. Really. We can all see his penis.

PS The comment form asked about age - It's none of your business, but I am old enough to be the MOTHER of most of the over-entitled, over-privileged twits working in journalism today and who wouldn't know reality if it bit off their ass.

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Andrew looks a bit peaky hope he’s doing ok

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He was blinking a lot, wasn't he. Helen's glorious truthbombs shone a bit brightly for his comfort, perhaps? I wonder if he's received flak from the powers at GBNews for hosting forthright gender critical discussion, and maybe told to water it down, given his intro here?

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The boys mostly have limits which are more easily triggered than the girls. Have noticed it before. But hopefully you're right this time.

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Well GB news discusses this matter fairly regularly and even allows opposing views ,usually in the form of Peter Tatchell ,but it's more GC than tr a !!

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Yes I know. Andrew's Free Speech Nation is an oasis, the GC views and others freely explored there would never be allowed on the present BBC.

Did you watch this clip? His intro and subsequent response seemed like he perhaps didn't expect Helen to be as exhilaratingly uncompromising as she was. Which is why I wondered if he might have been angling to soft-pedal a little, perhaps due to pressure of some sort?

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Haven't seen it but I've watched Andrew Doyle a lot on YouTube and I bought his book "Free Speech ". He definitely supports womens' rights and not gender ideology.,usually quite firmly. Maybe he's been told to tone it down and Helen is VERY forthright and uncompromising on this issue ,thank God !!

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He’s had covid quite recently I think.

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