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OMG, not again. Wasn't the scandal of Aimee Challenor enough? With father David acting as "her" political agent -- despite charges for abducting, imprisoning (in the loft) and torturing an 11 year-old girl: for which he is now serving a long prison sentence.

I cannot remember whether Aimee was expelled from the Green party or left voluntarily, next found touting for the LibDems. (And most lately recorded from Twitter exchanges as being in an unsavoury threesome of "diaper lovers".) But the Greens appear to have learnt nothing from the Challenor mistake.

And being a GC Green party member (since 1985) is getting too damned expensive: with, on top of national & local party subscriptions, CrowdJustice donations to Shahrar Ali (as former deputy Leader) and Emma (not "Helen") Bateman (former chair of Green party Women) -- both suspended and silenced for expressing GC views, & now both sueing GPEW for discrimination against protected characteristics in terms of the Equality Act.

It feels like I'm paying lawyers on both sides...

But they both implored GC members to stay and fight -- instead of leaving, as we felt inclined to. They begged us NOT to let the Greens be taken over by the gender cult.

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Same here. Local party asked me to help campaign; told them I couldn't, with the party in its present state. What am I supposed to say if I knock on a door wearing a green rosette and get asked why Emma Bateman was pushed out, or what a woman is?

Think I'll stay home and ask those questions instead.

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It's very difficult, isn't it. Staying at home is the only uncomplicated option in this situation. However, the chances are probably quite slim that the average householder has a clue who Emma Bateman is. And anyone who asked you "why was she pushed out?" might appreciate an honest answer: though it might not incite them to vote Green or, even less, join the party in its current state of gender cult capture.

I am being bombarded by emails from Green candidates (some already Brighton & Hove City Councillors) to donate or help canvass or deliver leaflets for the May local election. I replied to the first few saying sorry, I'm 81 with mobility problems -- which saved me from needing to explain how I felt about the gender issue. That would likely be particularly contentious here, as the gay capital of the UK with an aggressively LGBTQIA+ Labour MP Lloyd Russell-Moyle for Brighton Kemptown where I live: as a marginal which the Brighton Pavilion Greens appear to have finally woken up to as an electoral prospect.

But the Green candidate's leaflet for my ward in the last local election was so complacent, generalised and could-be-anywhere, that I voted for an Independent: concerned with traffic jams on the coastal road, persistently missed waste & recycling collections, and buying some open space for community use as orchards and allotments. As a much better bet.

And this time one of the Independent candidates is an energy specialist and active member of Saltdean Climate Action Network (with a Facebook page). So no question who I'll be voting for.

But it's still very sad what's happened to Green politics.

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