Words fail me in describing the absolute disgust I feel at the attitude and " beliefs" of these transactivists and their facilitators !! This whole " ideology " is a Utopia for paedophiles ,predators ,misogynistic and entitled HETEROSEXUAL Men !! I am 74 ,a mother ,grandmother ,and great grand mother and this is the absolute WORST MISOGYNY I have ever seen in my life !! Women comprise 50% of the global population ,and are THE most essential component for human reproduction ,without whom none of us would exist ,including all of these violent and even sociopathic individuals who attack women so blatantly and get protected and even applauded by the world's WOKE Media while the Government turns a blind eye !! What would their MOTHERS say ?

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It's so disheartening, isn't it? I've been a feminist over 30 years & have never known misogyny like this.

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I don't remember any time when it was OK among progressive people to tell a woman who had just been grossly harassed that it's all her fault and she better shut up. Until trans ideology kicked in.

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Absolutely, Chris. I prefer the old style misogynist who read The Sun and talked loudly about tits and "Make me a sandwich, love". At least they were open about it.

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Exactly and one could use a knee forcefully if required. This modern version is nasty.

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That's nothing! It has turned a one-time hardened cynic* of feminism into a full-blown ally.

May or may not be referring to myself 😜

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😁 Come to the dark side, Tony... you're one of us, now...

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It's weird. I regret how I grew up thinking feminism was unnecessary and possibly misandric. Really, I took no interest until 2017-2018 when suddenly feminism was saying #AllMen (are rapists). I spent my whole life not really too phased, but that got my attention. That was my first time ever learning of the term "Social Justice Warrior" which intrigued me enough to explore that rabbit hole, and what I found was not feminism at all.

Now, only a few years later, I am only more convinced that it wasn't. It calls itself that. If I didn't think feminism was important before, I definitely do now. This is kicking women closer to the edge of a cliff. Fauxfeminism has made a feminist of me.

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Real feminism- which fought the deep discrimination against and sexual objectification of and violence against women- go coopted by corporate branding and consumerism beginning in the 80's and 90's. So-called "liberal? or "3rd wave" feminism is actually an anti-feminist movement that claims rape is enjoyable if women find it "empowering" (a word that in the context in which they use it means its opposite), and which has groomed generations of young women into accepting and celebrating their own oppression. This is also, of course, why it's popular with men.

Considering the misogyny and male-centering of the liberal feminist movement, it's no surprise the same women have jumped enthusiastically on board the trans train.

Feminism, however, is neither unnecessary nor misandric. Our society is deeply, deeply misogynistic, and the vast majority of all people- men and women- harbor quite a lot of sexism, both overt and covert, conscious and unconscious. The world is a really dangerous place for women, and any women who haven't had those experiences are usually women who lucked out in finding a nice guy when they were young, and didn't have to spend much time single or independent, having to deal with men in positions of power over them, or having to deal with the majority of men in social life and the dating scene, as a single woman.

Apart from that highly specific scenario, in which a woman partners with a man, thereby receiving his social protection- one which entirely suits patriarchy, and in fact is what its misogyny is designed to encourage (the patriarchal "protection racket")- I cannot imagine how any woman would not realize how misogynistic this society is. It's incredibly dangerous, demoralizing and demeaning just to exist as a woman in this world.

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Exactly that.

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Yes this attitude is what put me off feminism. Though I will say I kept looking further back at the Suffragists and Suffragettes and thinking...why aren't the modern feminists sensible like those?

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Same here....or at least, am wanting to take back the true meaning of feminism not the one that advocates for centering the small but very vocal group of narcissistic toxic males.

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Me neither. I feel so sad for young women and girls having to cope with this toxic environment. At least I remember better times (the 80s).

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it's internet porn. We could literally fight the porn side and end up in the same place. Follow Laila Mickelwait on twitter. When i was webcam spied there were NO lawsuits against these sites. Now there are seven or eight multimillion dollar lawsuits going on, a couple are class actions and one is RICO, which is fantastic. When I was first victimized I wrote Laila several times and said "this is RICO this is RICO this is RICO!!!" I thought I was the only one that saw it but they filed the RICO suit about a month ago, one of the RICO categories is sex trafficking. They have taken down mafia with RICO. It's been so exciting to watch this process and participate in it to a small degree.

India is about to kick twitter completely out of the country for the child porn on there. Duterte blocked Pornhub from the Philippines. If I had not been webcam spied I would not have got to watch this tidal wave of legal action happen. I had a psychotic break on March 10th of last year when I found out. Just in this short time, a little over a year, all this has happened.

And I strongly believe there is porn and sex work money behind this TRA movement. Who are their greatest enablers online? Sex workers, over and over. There are two 'anti-trafficking' activists that won't even speak to me online because I refuse to advocate for sex workers or support them. They HATE that I am a 'terf' initially and then a 'swerf'. Whatever, I don't give a rat's behind. I am a PROUD second wave feminist...I was very late in the game but I grew up in fundie HELL and those women saved my life. I HATE this corporat bullsh*t libfem psuedo-feminism, I call it fellationism and them fellationists. They are cocks*ckers. Sorry for my language.

oh and by the way X Tube, a huge porn tube site, shut down for good this week.

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same here. worst ever misogyny. it's the internet and porn tubes specifically that has enabled this. They are drug pushers pushing porn on kids when they are 8 and 9 yrs old and then it messes with their minds, they become incel then AGP then trans. ANTIFA harbored one serious sex offender Micah Rh

odes https://www.lawenforcementtoday.com/report-convicted-serial-child-sex-offender-was-leader-in-black-lives-matter-antifa-autonomous-zone-in-portland/

and at least one murderer


the rumors I have heard about ANTIFA are awful. Multiple people online have said they are full of pedophiles and one person said they even forced street kids to do sexual favors in one city for aid during COVID which makes them sex traffickers and vulnerable to a RICO investigation.

The spin that is going on right now all over the internet is disconcerting. LA Blade is saying the documented interaction with Cubana Angel was staged, that there was no trans person there, etc though we all saw multiple staff confirm this in the video.

Even Sally Hines is whining about it on twitter. She is evil and I would stake my life on her getting Rothblatt/Pritzker money or something *allegedly* (bite me Sally) for what she does shilling for TRA.

This matters, on a note of encouragement, TX just ruled three claimants can sue facebook voiding section 230 for the first time ever. Twitter is going back to court for the second time trying to get a section 230 exemption which I think will not be granted to them as they refused to remove child porn repeatedly. Section 230 is literally on it's last dying gasps. What this means is that the major platforms are facing down paying HUGE judgements, in the millions. I do not believe that Jack Dorsey and Zuckerberg will keep letting the TRA mods f*ck them when it comes to finances. When it comes to money, if section 230 is in fact voided, which can happen literally any day in the twitter suit, Zuck and Jack will have to spend major money revamping their moderation systems and it won't be a joke anymore

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Jul 8, 2021Liked by JL, Genevieve Gluck

Devastating writeup you've put together here. Honestly, historians will be using your posts to recreate the insanity of this time period . . .

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Wow, what a wonderful compliment. Thank you so much. I just hope this insanity is history very soon!

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It's a brilliant take-down, JL. Thank you for being in the trenches - it's so horrible I almost can't stand to read it.

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Thank you, Shacklit. Much appreciated. Take care & stay strong x

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In a nutshell: Trans right activists (read sociopaths) are defending the 'right' for grown men to flash their dicks at minors.

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When someone shows you who they are etc...

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yes. I have been repeatedly asking people on twitter, why do you think it is that people who will rape and abuse women and children are too moral to lie about their gender status to gain access to them. Why do you think rapists/ child molesters are above lying. No responses to that one. It's so insane...'oh yes this person is an exhibitionist but they would NEVER lie to get into a facility to act out their fetish'. Like, oh that person is a junkie but the would never steal, etc.

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Jul 8, 2021Liked by JL, Genevieve Gluck

It just makes me despair sometimes. How has this damaging and dangerous ideology become so ingrained so quickly?

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It has considerable money & power behind it, I guess. But don't despair. We are winning. And it's precisely because of shit like this the other side will ultimately lose.

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I sure hope you're right. At any rate, I'll do what I can to do my bit. Neutrality in this cause is treason.

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It really is. To stay silent is to collaborate. Keep fighting, Chris. We are gaining ground every day. And we're fighting an ideology that is a house of cards destined to fall.

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It tapped into a deep well of simmering misogyny and gave it a socially acceptable outlet.

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I think you're right. Women have been struggling for two hundred years for the most basic rights and haven't progressed as far as trans people in a fraction of the time. People say it's the money, but I'm not sure it's just about well-placed individuals backed by generous funding. It is normally very very difficult and agonizingly slow to get laws changed, yet this is happening at lightning speed. It's like our entire society has got the green light to indulge all its pent-up misogyny.

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I think it was the perfect storm converging. It provides men with the perfect cover to play out their paraphilias & fetishes etc in public, protected by being The Most Oppressed. It allows so-called allies to express all the misogyny & seething resentment they've hitherto had to keep a lid on & they've given them the means to undermine feminism & roll back the gains made. There are huge amounts of money to be made, especially for big pharma corps, but also for lobby groups & charities etc & there is substantial funding to be had from the likes of Pritzker. Those involved in trans rights activism have been politically very clever, diving on the coattails of the LGB rights movement, & creating an atmosphere of fear & intimidation. I'm sure, when all this is over, it'll make an interesting PhD subject for someone.

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#Metoo was about not looking the other way. It has made it socially unacceptable to tell the victim of a sexual assault to never mind. Trans ideology is a very socially acceptably way to again blame the victim. Had only Harvey Weinstein possessed the sense to say that he identified as a woman.

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Jul 9, 2021Liked by JL

It always seemed like the women who support it were relieved. They could indulge their ingrained habit of putting men first and still call themselves progressive. That’s part of the storm too.

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ten years of MRA/incel/MGTOW crap pocasts and vlogs on youtube & etc set men up to be unsupportive and the bro code thing makes them support TRA because essentially they ARE trans MRA. But I'm seeing a bit of hedging now that these MRA have gotten older and reproduced and have kids in school that are vulnerable. There has been a subtle shift and I think the Wi Spa protests peaked some formerly MRA guys into seeing how they caused this thin pink line to just disintergrate...all the anti-feminism THEY have done with their stupid fake 'red pill' b.s. has hurt the women activists that silently safeguard THEIR children. And I felt it online after that protest that it came home to them somewhat, that they themselves had helped nuke feminism, that they are responsible. Not all of them of course but I felt the Urkeling all over the place, the "did I do that?" incredulousness of having the knowledge that some bearded dude can walk into any female space where their wife or daughter is, and they can't do a damn thing about it, and that THEY are the ones that created this. They made Jordan Peterson obsolete practically overnight.

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the methodology these men and their allies use to further their claims and careers has been to piggy back onto a vulnerable 'host' and squeeze out their lifeblood like some parasitic worm. i'm thinking in particular of the rise (2002/3 ish ) and v quick fall of the intersex movement in the usa, that after some interest in academia argued for the intersex individuals who had been adjusted surgically as infants to fit in with medical perceptions of the correct size/shape for female or male children (it might be useful to read about the notorious work of john money if you want to know more). hijacked and trodden on by trans arguments the questions this intersex movement raised about the rights and wrongs of medical intervention have virtually been squashed. i worry about the black feminists who the trans movement is now piggybacking on, using the 'intersectional' feminists differences of opinion in feminist thought, to demonise the groundbreaking findings of seventies feminists such as mary daly. daly (a mentor to janice raymond) is ignored by the *academic* transdocument- 'terf wars' -(2020) that sets out their attempt at an argument

TERF wars: An introduction

Ruth Pearce, Sonja Erikainen, Ben VincentFirst Published August 10, 2020 Research Article


text at


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in the US big pharma is the biggest political lobby and they donated something like 8 million to Biden. They just lost oxycontin and are going to have to pay a 4 billion dollar judgement. If they can pay a judgement that size imagine how much money they have to pay people to spread this around? https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/08/health/purdue-pharma-opioids-settlement.html

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And that judgment is peanuts compared to the money they made.

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Jul 8, 2021Liked by JL

Brilliant as ever. Thank you for everything you do. As you say this has got nothing to do with trans rights and everything to do with female subjugation. Just a shame so many women are brainwashed into going along with their own oppression.

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Thanks, lovely. And, yes, I think that's the saddest thing about this fight; all the women gladly handing over all the rights & opportunities our foremothers fought so hard for. It was ever thus, I'm afraid. There'll always be women happy to collaborate with the patriarchy.

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I feel politics are almost irrelevant at this point. As Glinner pointed out before, more than anything else this is about safeguarding. Legal and moral Safeguards against medical malpractice, domestic violence, sexual predators, child abuse and body dissociation are being dismantled one by one… nothing is standing in the way of those who wish to do harm.

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that's why they want so badly to portray us as right wing...cause they know now that EVERYONE opposes this. In the US the press is so captured they have been saying that 70% of the US support the EQ which is a lie...70% support people being free from discrimination. But 70 to 80 percent in polling also OPPOSE making bathrooms, etc unisex. The press has completely lied about that. They thought they could roll over the opposition, and they bought into their own hype. And in now the lion has awakened.

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How can Penny and Paisley be so naive about male violence? (note, I don't think they're *really* naive - they're just doubling down on the crazy) but those comments deny that statistically, male bodies are a threat. In UK law, only a man can rape. Nearly all domestic violence is male on female. Most paedophiles are male.

Men looking after ill mothers or mothers bathing with children is not the same as an invasion of a same-sex facility and shouldn't be in the argument at all. If it was naked fathers bathing alone with daughters, that would be creepy, but he'd probably support that in the name of trans too.

Safeguarding is not to do with superiority but to do with statistics. Penny is either insane or intellectually subnormal.

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They've both disappeared so far down the rabbit hole, they can't claw their way back. Penny is just a career feminist who'll say anything to sell more books. Paisley has just found a handy outlet for his misogyny. And they're both as thick as mince.

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Jul 8, 2021Liked by JL

That last bit made me proper guffaw!

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As my dad used to say, "They have all the charm and wit of a water closet with the lid raised".

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I like "as thick as two planks, and that's insulting the planks."

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To be honest, the first thing that came to mind when I read Paisley's comment was: OK, I was beaten around as a child, so why should anything be wrong with slapping you around? It is utterly disgusting how anyone can tell a victim of - in that case - sexual harassment to shut the f..k up, and it's made even worse by his what he thinks of as an appeal to common sense.

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I have said this and said this and said this till I feel blue in the face. I've watched politics closely for 20 yrs, with an interest in MENA as well as US politics, and the only machine I've ever seen that comes close to proliferating like this is the Republican party in the US. Those people are on a payroll / allegedly/ Sally Hines is on a payroll/ allegedly/ the weird ACLU lawyer is on a payroll / allegedly/ I mean seriously this immediate mass proliferation of talking points like this that happens across internet and media all at once where they are all duplicating each other word for word...??? That's no accident. The GOP think tanks proliferate these talking points to where we have videos on youtube of all these talking heads saying the same thing and the TRA movement is identical to this which takes millions of dollars to create. These people are hyper organized shills and they are being paid handsomely, they are NOT volunteers.

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The Wi Spa tweet has had its account suspended. Quelle fucking surprise!

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Jack hates women.

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blistering piece!

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Thank you!

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I think we of the Gender Critical Left who are utterly repulsed by Right Wing ideology should have a Tea Party movement of our own.

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I'm always up for a party.

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Especially a tea party! Are those in the U.K. aware of the hilariousness around the right-wing Tea Party? People called them teabaggers, which at first they accepted until they found out it referred to one gay man sucking on the testicles of another gay man.

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I am in my 60’s. Growing up it was common knowledge among children & adults that men exposing genitals to children was a crime, the police we’re called, & the perpetrator caught & punished. It’s the sexual abuse of children. This is basic & has always been this way. Now because of trans ideology we are all supposed to accept this & act like it is normal? How can a society, including media, institutions, & political legislators fall so far away from basic common sense & understanding when it comes to the safeguarding of children? It is sickening. A sickness, & quite frightening.

I just don’t understand. I am struggling just to trust in anything anymore.

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There was a public pool 3 blocks away from my house growing up. We’d go there all the time in the summer, without out parents. All the neighborhood kids. I am 100% sure my parents would never have let us go if men were allowed in the women’s locker room. Not a chance in the world.

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I am in my 60’s. Growing up it was common knowledge among children & adults that men exposing genitals to children was a crime, the police we’re called, & the perpetrator caught & punished. It’s the sexual abuse of children. This is basic & has always been this way. Now because of trans ideology we are all supposed to accept this & act like it is normal? How can a society, including media, institutions, & political legislators fall so far away from basic common sense & understanding when it comes to the safeguarding of children? It is sickening. A sickness, & quite frightening.

I just don’t understand. I am struggling just to trust in anything anymore.

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Yes, these are dark times. But trust in all the people who are resisting this nonsense. We're swelling in number every day & gaining ground. The vast majority of parents won't stand for this lunacy. This overreach is going to be their undoing.

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Jul 8, 2021Liked by JL

Thank you JL. I have to believe you are right. But it will be a fight won’t it, & how many girls & women will be traumatized & hurt in the process? Your words of encouragement made me smile for the 1st time today & I felt hope. 💖

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There is always hope. And whilst we may not win every battle, I believe we are winning the war.

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I really hope so. I think it might also need a few successful class action lawsuits brought by detransitioners who've been mutilated and sterilized by this horrible ideology.

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these idiots posting that children are perverts and children should not look at adults genitals are making complete idiots of themselves. And now ANTIFA had reworked their narrative to make themselves look like victims, which tells me they know they screwed up.

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Anti fascists behaving exactly like fascists

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It's a running theme.

Feminism that includes males.

Men with penises can be lesbians.

Sex is a social construct.

Lies are truth.

Be "kind" while I say I hope you get raped/killed etc.

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I've been reading about their misogynistic crap for quite a while, but during the Black Lives Matter protests I came to think of them as agents provocateurs. It is not in "the left" 's interest to harass Trump supporters or throw projectiles, but it is certainly in the interest of both government and the elite to smear anyone attempting social change and how better to do it than seeing supposed antifascists behaving as fascists? I don't think these dudes (and a few dudettes) have any political analysis or philosophy, they just want to beat other people up and preferably get paid for doing so.

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They should just call it for-men-ism and be done with it.

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Haha! Perfect!

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I call it masculinism.

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I've been a liberal New Zealander all my life (I thought)... and still am (I think)... except in opposite-world which seems to be where we are right now. I recently rewatched one of the debates between Trump and Biden and wasn't sure if or not I wanted to fellate a shotgun after having a moment of "oh fuck... a single thing Trump said now seems... correct to me????? WTF...". He was of course, condemning AntiFa.

What we see in videos from the Wi Spa protest is "protest being silenced" by "anti-fascists". Which is a massive oxymmoron.

I was glad the Wi Spa thing went viral, because now people could see what's wrong... instead the opposite happened... wtf... I'm so confused. What a hopeless, losing battle

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Opposite World is the perfect description! I've always been a leftie tree-hugging liberal and, though not LGB or T myself, have always been a vocal campaigner for LGBT rights etc. And now I get called a fascist because I know & understand the significance of biological sex??

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Ditto me, though radical not liberal. I've been an enthusiastic supporter of LGB since 1970. But with so many gay men exhibiting their intense misogyny, I've become more critical, but also delighted at the rise of LGB once again.

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this is the statute ANTIFA violated https://www.justice.gov/crt/conspiracy-against-rights people who feel they were injured should report it at FBI.gov . We are guaranteed freedom of speech and freedom of assembly under US law.

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Wonderful, I'm not American but I'll definitely be showing this to people who need to see it. Violence isn't violence apparently, pfft.

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Why do so many Brits think everything American is exciting and great. Can we think for outlr selves and throw out the crap? We would all be in a better place if we did. If this is racism, so be it.

We are a different country with very different laws and attitudes. Time to declare ourselves "non American" and get on with sorting out our youth and male supporters. If from the US, they will be ignored and sent away with a flea in their ear until they get us over here.

I have had enough!

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Me too, Mandy!

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Mandy, I could not figure out why western Europe has been so eager to ride America's coattails, possibly right into nuclear war. And then it became clear: We took over western Europe's colonial adventures (about the nicest word one can think of for domination and exploitation), and the U.K., etc, hitched a ride. And please understand, I am not referring to ordinary people but the upper crust which if the BBC is anything to judge by still fancy themselves grossly superior to Africans, Asians, eastern Europeans, indigenous people everywhere. When was the last time you saw a western European, an American, or a Canadian brought up before the ICC?

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