"American Medical Association, The Endocrine Society, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and thousands of doctors worldwide rely on WPATH..."

Just read that last phrase again... 'RELY on WPATH'.

Those of us more 'in the know' than the general populace, will have more than a vague inkling of these disgraceful horrors - as Graham says, thanks to the incredibly intense and undoubtedly disturbing research of Genevieve Gluck and REDUX.

One would hope that, despite the unpalatable and unbelievable truths contained therein that this will throw more sunlight on these ideological and medical scandals than perhaps anything before it.

That said, it is required of the major press outlets to report on this fairly and accurately. I expect the Telegraph to do so, and perhaps The Mail, but what price the formerly noble and so-called impartial BBC and the former newspaper, The Guardian even mentioning this in passing?

I think, deep down, we know the answer to this conundrum.

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The MSM, especially the BBC has a huge amount to answer for in failing dismally to investigate this issue and inform the public. They’ve enabled gender ideology to fester and spread in stealth to the point where it is now deeply embedded everywhere and people still don’t really understand the issues.

I must add GB News to the ‘good’ list though. Andrew Doyle has been brilliant but there are others who’ve tackled this…Nana Akua, Michelle Dewberry, Patrick Christys to name a few.

I’m still not holding my breath as to whether this will wake up the uninformed though. We’ve been here before.

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It was always puzzling for me how WPATH could yield such an influence on professional medical associations of any kind, given how obviously it is a misnomer.

It was always a US-American body, with very few members from other places, so it never represented anything close to an international body, let alone a worldwide one. (Even the Baseball World Series is more representative than WPATH.) So the W always was an outright lie.

Medical professionals were always a minority in this association, so the P was at least as misleading as the W.

No one really knows what the stands for anymore anyways, and every transactivist keeps telling us T isn't a medical condition anyways, which is why they always need access to insurance covered medical care, presumably, and no respectable body of medical professionals would include a vague term such as the T in its own name.

And everyone who knows anything about the history of medicine, or any details surrounding current (mal)practices performed on gender confused kids, always knew that WPATH never had anyone's H in mind to begin with.

So, really, the only true thing about WPATH always was the A. No one can deny it's an association. That alone shouldn't legitimize it to anyone, though. There are millions of associations of any kind on this planet, and very few of them have anyone's ears - most of the time for a reason.

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Indeed. One of the magical mysteries about this ideology is that ‘everyone has an innate gender identity’ regardless of their body and yet the sacred caste of men in dresses are so keen for their followers to swear allegiance by mutilating themselves.

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Thank God for whistleblowers!

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So many times we've thought this is the game changer but it all goes on - let's hope this is finally it for all the Dr Mengeles out there.

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It’s middle of night I can’t sleep been waiting fir this it’s huge we must get this out there Thankyou Dear Graham

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Why is there absolutely nothing on this in main stream UK media (BBC, Times, Telegraph - not expecting The guardian to step up of course) ?

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And there you have the problem in a nutshell - this will probably not have thr impact it should have because the majority get their information from the MSM . At this stage they cant pretend they dont understand what is going on they are clearly complicit in withholding the truth from the public. And the BBC are IMO the worst offender -as a publically funded broadcast they should have been warning us about this all along.

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Can we mass email every mainstream media outlet we can think of with links to this story? Most of them have a contactable address if you have a story to share, I think?

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Excellent! I am now talking about DR (male) "Martine" Rothblatt: "From transgenderism to tramshumanism" and his robot wife Bina. After initial shock the public understands.

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He's not a medical doctor. He's definitely a psychopath and needs to be exposed.

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This bombshell should make headlines across the world. Doctors, therapists, endocrinologists etc should cease any practises that follow WPATH guidelines, immediately. Surely they cannot ignore such disturbing detail? And yet we know they might. Good to have this report to put pressure on politicians and press. Also, something to show colleagues and friends who do not believe there is a problem (the Guardian-reading ones!).

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It's not only American medical organisatins that rely on WPATH. In the UK WPATH has been used as an "expert" resource to inform policy, practice, training and guidance of UK health care and professional organisations for example training and guidance for NHS staff, the Tavistock GIDS treatment protocols, the Scottish Government and Scottish NHS policies, the British Medical Association, the General Medical Council, the Royal College of Psychiatrists and private gender clinics in the UK.

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In the UK, scandals grab the public mind through TV drama, most recently Mr Bates and the Post Office., but there have been others. I would love a drama showing the lack of evidence behind ‘gender affirming care’.

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Gwynneth Hughes: another project, please?

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These are sorcerers, not scientists. They are doing magic, not medicine.

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This IS big news. Whilst the reading is grim and the word welcome is inappropriate, let’s say a massive thank everyone involved and (yet again) shout it loudly so it’s heard widely!

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You have my eternal gratitude. Like a kid on Christmas (waiting since I attended Genspect Golden) I have been waiting for this ! Today is the heavenly birthday of my maternal grandmother. I've been chatting with her all day in my head. She would have been 110 and would have called the insanity of WPATH if she was here. And she sent me a sign that today would have been a good day and BANG here it is! THANK YOU!

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wow !

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This is harrowing to read. We knew it was happening, but the cold blooded way these medics approach chemical and physical mutilation is horrifying. These leaked emails are a complete vindication of everything you and other brave people have been amplifying, Glinner. Damning Evidence that these monsters have known all along the harm they are doing to vulnerable children and adults but continued regardless… for money? Self aggrandisement? Surely this behaviour is enough to have these criminals struck off and brought to justice. We need to all send the files to the BBC, Channel 4 news, ITV and especially the Guardian!

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No, sending the files to the BBC, Guardian, etc. will do nothing as they'll go straight into the memory hole. We need to keep shouting, but the media in general are not only not listening but are actively suppressing anything which does not fit the approved narrative.

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Absolutely right. They MUST know what's going on there is already so much information out there so many books stories about detransitioners. For some reason they are choosing not to pursue this. Not for the first time either does anyone really think the BBC didn't know what Saville was up to in all those years he worked for them?

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Talk about those who 'darken knowledge using words without counsel'. WPATH guidance reiterates the grim achievement of António Egas Moniz (1874-1955) who thought that mental illness originated from abnormal neural connections in the frontal lobe. He observed "changes in character and personality" among soldiers with injuries to their frontal lobes, hypothesising that surgically removing white matter fibers from the frontal lobe would improve a patient's mental illness. Moniz's first psychosurgery, in 1935, was on a 63-year-old woman with depression, anxiety and paranoia. She experienced a rapid physical recovery, and two months later, a psychiatrist noted that she was calmer, less paranoid, and well oriented. In the first set of surgeries, Moniz reported a total of '7 cures, 7 improvements, and 6 unchanged cases'. Critics accused Moniz of 'understating complications, providing inadequate documentation, and not following up with patients'. After his initial procedures, other physicians, adopted a modified technique in the USA and renamed it 'lobotomy' where it became widespread under the charismatic guidance of Walter Jackson Freeman II (1895-1972) who toured the USA visiting mental institutions. After four decades Freeman had personally performed possibly as many as 4,000 lobotomies on patients as young as 4, despite the fact that he had no formal surgical training. As many as 100 of his patients died of cerebral haemorrhage. Freeman was finally banned from performing surgery in 1967. Freeman's procedures spread across the world. In Egas Moniz' native Portugal, Moniz remains highly esteemed, even featuring on banknotes and stamps; his statue standing before Lisbon University's Faculty of Medicine; his country house a museum. In 1949 Moniz was awarded the Nobel Prize "for his discovery of the therapeutic value of leucotomy”. Will we yet see similar honours bestowed on the leading members of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health as in the case of Egas Moniz or will we see at least some meeting the eventual fate of W J Freeman?

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