See also: If Sarah’s killer is trans, will Sisters Uncut support him? | Peak Trans


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I cant imagine they would like anything more

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Oh, my . . .

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as soon as i saw the woman from 'reclaim the(se) streets' saying that all genders were welcome it was obvious where it was heading - and the dumb woke press lap it up.

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And they can't say where the money raised is going! When the woman arrested by the police was interviewed on the news, practically the first thing out of her mouth was about transwomen. I despair.

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I think I read that some of the money raised was going to be used to pay the fines for breaking the lockdown rules. So they knew what would happen! They want to defund the police but then are affectively raising money to give to the police! 🤡 I feel most sorry for Sarah’s family on all this. They seem to have been forgotten. It’s all about politics. Any money raised in memory of someone should be donated to a cause they believed in. Did anyone consult the family over this?

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Yes, I feel very sorry for Sarah's friends and family. In the midst of the grief and aching pain, this bunch of thugs are hijacking her memory. I know the organisers of the vigil, RTS, have been a bit vague about their intentions re the money. They did make it clear that they're 'inclusive' so I doubt any single sex services / spaces will see a penny of it. I think SU were trying to bully RTS into using the donations to pay fines etc... have they said they will?

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Same here. I did this face - 🙄

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Nobody reading in the mainstream press will see the nuances in this, and I can’t blame them, it gets ridiculously complicated. This is why pronouns and names matter. We need to know who we’re talking to and who we’re talking about.

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That's the trouble, Greengate. When you say 'tranwoman' to most people they picture Hayley from Coronation Street, not Yaniv or McKinnon or Karen White. They need to know the 'poor transwomen in prison' are rapists and predators and paedophiles.

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That’s exactly it. I had just that conversation with a friend the other day. He said if “it’s just a fey lad in for shoplifting, what’s the harm in putting him in with women?” I showed him the photo gallery on These Are Not Our Crimes and he almost jumped out of his skin.

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Hope it gave him pause for thought! If a fey lad, however harmless he may be, is not safe in a men's prison, that's the MoJ's problem to deal with. Just shoving him in the female estate is not the answer. Women are not shields against male violence! It always kicks my arse that such arguments can be made. As if women should be cool with men in their spaces / orgs etc if the men are gay or feminine or wear knickers under their trousers...

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But even if it were 'just a fey lad in for shoplifting' (which it is very unlikely to be anyway) why should women's dignity & privacy be compromised? I know you think that too, Greengate, I'm not getting at you but why can't people learn to think and see problems before it's too late? I despair.

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My sister is part of sisters uncut! She is always sharing stuff from them on social media and going to their events. ☹️We disagree about a lot of things and try not to talk about this issue and it usually doesn’t go well and we don’t want properly fall out about it for the sake of our mum. But this is just too much! It’s so hard to stay silent with all this going on. She doesn’t know that I know about sisters uncut. I don’t think they have been mentioned by name between us. I just remember her referring to her feminist group and then seeing all the stuff she shares on social media. She is very much anti capitalist, communist/anarchist, BLM, defund police, prison abolitionist, de criminalise sex trade. So I think she came to them from that angle and just took the trans stuff along with it. She really doesn’t like to discuss the trans stuff when inbreing it up. Which had only been a couple of times. I watch the Netflix do Disclosure on her request to try and change my pony of view. Should I bring it up again. I think this group in so dangerous. I have a daughter and I really worry about her future if sex as a protected category is not prioritises over gender identity! That’s my main concern. Not hatred of trans people. I don’t know what to do! I want to turn as many people away from this organisation as I can and the only person in know that supports it is my own sister! She is also very in to new age spirituality, something which we also come to blows about!😂 I think that mind set makes people more susceptible to falling for this dangerous ideology. Thoughts?

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Oh my. What a position to be in. I don't envy you. It sounds like she's just looking for 'a cause' and maybe doesn't really understand what the group is about. Maybe a gentle chat about their defence of paedophiles and rapists? their attempt to intimidate feminists at their own meetings etc?? How old is she? Any chance she might 'grown out of it'?

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She’s 32 but still living with my mum and doesn’t have much responsibility. I’m not sure if it something she will grow out of. She takes her politics very seriously. I might try and do as you suggested. I can’t see it going down well. She will probably tell me that the rapiers and Pedos shouldn’t be in prison in the fiat place so it’s the systems fault. She is a fan of Angela Davis. A very big supporter of intersectionality so I think the focus I more on bringing down the whole system but whatever means and she doesn’t worry about the details of individual cases.

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Why not send her this post of Graham Linehan's? Ask her what she can tell you about it.

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I’m pretty sure she’s already got it set in her mind that anything from the Glinner Terf camp is transphobic propaganda.

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I guess you can lead a horse to water... she's made her mind up and that's that. Let's hope she sees sense in her own time and way.

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God, that sounds like a hell of situation to be in. Maybe try approaching things saying you've seen that list SU are circulating, looked into it and it looks like they're supporting pedophiles and rapists. She'll probably be defensive initially but it might just plant a seed.

If she acknowledges that and is OK with it... well I don't know what you can do from there. Lots of sympathy.

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I think I will try. I don’t want to fall out over it though or upset my mum. It’s so hard to stay quiet. She will probably ask why I am focusing on that when the bigger picture is more important. Which to her is defund the police and abolish prisons. She talks in terms of where she focused her energies. So I think she considers focusing on a small detail is taking the attention away from the main cause of her movement.

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One time I sent her a link to Magdeline Berns’s video on Alok hoping she would at least find the ridiculousness funny. But her response was ‘I don’t see why anyone should care how someone else identifies’. I tried to explain that Magdeline was a feminist like her and worth listening to. She just said ‘I know about this kind of “feminism” and I don’t agree’. I don’t know if she ever watched the video.

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I agree they are a menace. But I still think the police handled them appallingly.

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Yes, they did. But I think Sarah Ditum is right - SU were there as agent provocateurs, deliberately stirring up trouble to provoke a reaction. Many people there say the vigil was peaceful and peacefully policed until rentamob turned up to cause trouble. But I agree - the police behaved appallingly and gave SU exactly what they wanted; ammunition.

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(Sorry! That should say 'agents provocateurs'. Don't want to kept in after class!)

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Vichy feminists, indeed.

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Also sent complaint to just giving re: reclaim the streets (as prompted by war on women).. excuse grammar.. on my phone x

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