Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. A terribly necessary addition to the Glinner archive. Thank you JL. We've all seen these attacks, drip drip drip, but when they're compiled (and these are just the documented, well-known attacks), the sheer number and viciousness of them is powerful. Strange that the 'both sides now' spin has gained that same supernatural 'trans' power that makes people believe in the biologically impossible. That strange power that closes thought and blinds eyes. This archive will open eyes and minds. Thank you.

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Like lifting the lid on a cesspool.

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How much more proof do the fence-sitters need?

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I was at Bristol. I did leave me a bit shaken but very angry and determined never to back down. Thanks for compiling thisl. This is so powerful when put all together. It's unbelieavable and makes me SO angry.

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The bit that bothers me most about all of this is the police standing by and doing nothing while women are theatened, assaulted and intimidated and have their right to free speech curtailed. When the police do nothing the TRAs are given the message that what they do is acceptable because there are no consequences in real life or on social media for them.

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This is exactly the same tactic violent men use in court about rape or domestic abuse ... that women are equally violent or rapey. Cept theyre not ... no man I know walks home with his keys through his fingers fearing a lone or group attack by women ...

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Terrific piece of work JL!

It's a useful resource to employ for those 'both sides occasions'.

There are other resources, such as https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipN6bUPUugEzmNmC-nZTunsVPUtgAuMANMmoVSD1j5gmROqY5E53VSCukHKc8zSRHA?key=bTMzMDNKeC1vbkFkRjlqTHJKM284RU1IQ3JkSlF3 which highlight the incessant homophobia of TRA's, targeting not just lesbians but also gay males.

In recent years white middle-class privileged TRA's have targeted non-compliant Black females, the Wi Spa scandal in Los Angeles being the most notable instance. I suspect TRA's will represent the last redoubt for male white supremacism in the West, surviving only because the Left has such a blind spot for TRA racism.

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What a wonderful compilation of the misogynistic bullying of women by the Tras over such a long period of time and I'm sure that it's by no means complete. Must have taken a lot of your time getting this together. I thought I was never going to reach the end. So much evidence can't be ignored and there's never been a modicum of proof of the " both sides " mantra. The bullies would need to make that up.🤔😈 Thanks so much ,JL ,for this. It just strengthens our resolve. Imagine what the world will be like if these people ever get to be totally in CHARGE.😭😈💔

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Vancouver Rape Relief attack. This one peaked so many people

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The trans movement is a thoroughly synthetic construct whose purpose was to erect a theatre of victimhood to intimidate the general population – not only women but all of humanity that has a clear sexual identity, male or female, hetero or homo sexual. And the “trans activists” are the new brown shirts, masquerading under the banner of “progress” and “woke”.

Jennifer Bilek has written on how the trans fraud began:


And the influx of funds has never ceased. Nor has the abject media compliance which is no doubt under the same financial pressure. Indeed – it can be viewed as a “pincer movement” whereby the trans thugs terrorise the population whilst the media report with the spin that it is the trans movement which are the helpless victims.

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An amazing addition to the translunacy archive. Thank you so much for chronicling this so meticulously. I'm sure that the round-up of translunatic 'activism' presented here is not an exhaustive one. Thank you again.

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Ufff. Tough read. So brave, all these women. Where are the police?

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I can’t ( nor would I ever ) post or have a banner / sticker stating kill all gays but this is ok

O I forgot I’m neither stunning nor brave

Thanks JL as always

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You are brilliant JL, thank you. Just like everyone switching their kettles on at football half-time, I bet the national grid noticed a strange wave as you peak the nation again. It's been getting nasty for a longer time that I clocked, but then I guess time slows when you're in it. I love a nice briefing - this is perfect to give to 'key decision-makers'.

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Jeezums, JL, I hope you had a nice big G&T after putting all this horror together. I cannot agree enough with William Ferguson's comment.

That said, the "both sides" trope has been used for decades by the powerful. Take a complex issue and pare it down to "two sides" and then say what Trump said about the white supremacists in Charlottesville: "There's good people on BOTH SIDES." Even in Terfdom, there are multiple points of view; I am far more radical now than I was when I was reading gendertrender long ago, and I think that's due to women such as Diana Shaw (Women Are Human). When everything is reduced to two sides, liberals can then pretend that they are equal sides, with equal behavior problems, ignoring what's actually going on.

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So glad you are calling this out, the mainstream media is forever parroting that the violence and intimidation comes from both sides, which is why people then end up saying they don’t want to become involved. Total hogwash.

You have gathered an excellent file thanks.

The most violent thing I’ve seen us do is place posters, ribbons and wear T-shirts.

I think when one is confronted with an obvious untruth, the immediate reaction is stunned incomprehensible silence instead of immediate refutation. This is normal..

And journalism on the whole is lazy and repetitive and safe ‘if someone else has printed it it must be true’

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