
Anyone who uses ‘cis’ is just broadcasting the fact that they’re one of history’s punchlines. Imagine falling for this shit.

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It’s basically as if Goths or New Romantics came up with a lexicon and demanded we all started using it. It’s why I laugh every single time I read the word ‘cis’.

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How will Jon Ronson ever live it down?

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I'm getting so fed up with it now. It's tiring even skim reading absolute nonsense such as this!

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Deranged and dangerous, hate-filled claptrap. It is truly astonishing that any government apart from the most depraved and irresponsible could peddle this rubbish. It is very disturbing to read this, not least because our 23 year old daughter has been totally indoctrinated and is a fully paid up member of the trans cult. I can't bear to think of her once astute mind being full of this awful stuff. I mean, where do you start to even discuss this?

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Dear Lord, what fresh hell is this?

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As distraught as I am about what's happening in the world with the widespread cult takeover of otherwise (mostly) sane people and institutions, I thought this was hysterically funny and a good break from the distress over medicalizaiton of children and young adults and the loss of rights for women and girls. I mean, WTAF??!! Good reminder of how absolutely batshit this stuff is. Reality as satire. Trans vocab is comedy gold.

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I disagree with Stuart Campbell’s quest for Scottish independence, but he’s spot on when it comes to the whole gender woo thing. Sturgeon is a disgrace and no feminist.

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Still blaming colonialism for the gender binary 🤪

One cannot help but wonder how indigenous peoples managed to procreate 😏

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No convinced about 'gender talented', but they're definitely BS talented.

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Interesting that all the voices telling the truth and standing up for women like you, Kellie, Meghan, Stu and many others (including me) get banned from twitter after any TRA pile-on despite the fact that our tweets are factual.

It's almost like TRAs want to hide the truth. 🤔

But we still find ways to get the truth out there, as Stu does here. The national media is starting to report the truth. We must keep sharing stuff like this. The tide may turn.

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For feck’s sake. What did I just skim read? Utterly bizarre that anyone could come up with this crap, let alone get so many others to believe (claim to believe?) a word of it.

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What an enjoyable read, so thank you for that. All good, obviously, especially the example given of how the word 'Enbian' might be used. Someone clearly doesn't know their own bullshit, they need to go on another indoctrination course. And 'Birth Steath', an option for the more audacious or very lazy trans identified male - looks like a man, sounds like a man, behaves like a man, is a man, but can still gain access to women's spaces and services should he want to.

I hope the taxpayers of Scotland will feel they've got a good deal for their money, when or if they find out what some of it's being spent on.

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My favourite part is how all the context examples are utterly useless. "The woman who came to speak was a TERF", "Billy considers himself bisexual". Really drives home how lacking in substance the whole thing is.

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Wow. And not good wow.

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"mistakenly assigned male at birth"

No need for any medical intervention whatsoever in any circumstances then. It was all just midwife error.

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